No Contact After A Breakup (Why It Works)

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Going no contact after a breakup is one of the best ways to get your ex back. Why did your ex pull away from you in the first place? Probably you were acting too needy, insecure and unattractive in the relationship. This kills attraction. The moment you go no contact after a breakup, you re-establish value and instantly make yourself appear more attractive to your ex. This video explains why no contact works in more detail.

If you want to maintain attraction with a woman, right from the moment you first meet her all the way through to a long-term relationship, then I highly recommend you get a copy of my book Atomic Attraction.

Check out the Get Her Back (Action Plan) for the best way to get your girlfriend back if she's pulled away from you or left you.

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Trust yourself and trust the process,

Chris Canwell
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7 months of NC, I’m doing better than ever. All I gotta say is if they don’t appreciate your presence, let them appreciate your absence. Thank you for this vid and advice


When you go no contact, be prepared to never hear from her again. The point is to walk away and never look back. What helped me was to immediately hit the dating scene again and see other women. The first day was the hardest, followed by the second, but by day 3 I was fine cause I was already seeing others. Last I heard from her was April 11th and it's now May 9th. If she hits me back, great! But personally I don't give a shit if she does. I haven't had this much fun since 2015. Invest in yourself and make yourself happy. You'll forget her quick, and remember!!!! If you find someone, keep a few options open. Women do it, and so should we


Damn the stories about my Grandpa not giving up on the love his life (my grandma), is literally non existent in this generation...sad lmaoo


Go NC and start seeing other women. Gotta have a abundance mindset. No fear of loss. Women come and go. Love yourself enough to walk away. Women in our lives is just complimentary. We can live without them.


when you leave you never go back and ask for another chance.. been there done that.. it will be bad again and its not possible to rebuild broken relationship. No contact is hard in first 10-20 days... you will feel better sooner then you expect.. your ex will probably try to get you back but you won't care. Don't stay friends with them.. Cry, miss them and be weak for few days and then go out with your friends and start doing things you like.. You will forget about them and even when you remember them, it won't hurt ❤


Especially effective with high-value women, who’ve probably never experienced this treatment, for which they have no script.


Put on some black sabbath, hang out with your boys, do some praying, and if you just can’t stand it then do some drinking. Just remember that your life matters, and in this scenario, it’s not about her it’s about you and your well-being.


Im now 9 weeks of NC. The first 4-6 weeks were so tough and honestly, i thought about her non-stop, hoped she might reach out but nothing then last week on a night out I met a stunning, funny girl, been out twice with her. Now at the start of the break-up nothing like this entered my mind, I was struggling to let her go, mentally that is, and no other 'new' girl was any of interest to me, and now I have met someone. Just goes to show, life does move on and NC helped me get back to the man I was, and I'm looking forward to getting to know this new girl.

I never broke NC in that time frame, I went with dignity and distance.

Morale of my story and something I realised as time in NC went on. As dark and low as I got in those initial phases of NC they were not for her, they were for me. I thought vanishing would make her miss me, when in-fact it helped me to move on.

She lost me, I didn't lose her.

Stay strong people, trust your journey.


I'm looking forward to hitting my day 2899 no contact. thats gonna be sweet


Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to move on, I really loved her so much i can’t stop thinking about her and the memories we shared. I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail. I’m frustrated, and i don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts, but i can’t.


So I found these videos mid relationship. I only dated this chick for a month in a half. I'm going to say my mistakes were minor. I jumped into a relationship tooo quick with her and I made it seem like she was safe and there were no other girls floating around because I figured the right thing to do was prove to her I was faithful.
I never clinged to her nor was I very needy. I respected her space and gave her some when she was acting cold and distant the last week of our relationship. She told me about this dude that started hitting her up. When we started dating.. Then all of a sudden she went cold the last week and was being Rudy and flakey. So I went no contact and wasn't cold when she hit me up. I answered back kindly. She dumped me yesterday, come to find out she was insecure and needy and pretty much fucked me over just cuz I didn't text her everytime I got home or on our "routine" But Chris is absolutely right in all his videos. Some woman are just bitches.


How long? Should'nt you just walk away and never look back? I still love her too tho


One of the best advice of the life # Thank you # I was in No contact 1st it was very painful but after few months It make me realise that I was running for Wrong. The correct person will never make me to do such thing and now I am full of confidence and working on Myself and within last 2 years I haven't tried to connect to my Ex


Great video Chris! Really loved this one. Would really great to do a video on what to do while in no contact. Tips, tricks, dealing with anxiety, fears and pretty much any recommendation you have that have helped you personally. It can be like a sequel to these "Go no contact videos". Some that can help us get a peace of mind.

Personally, the focus is back on myself and I am finally accomplishing goals that I have had for years and improving my job prospects in IT, doing software projects, improving my skills on instruments and singing (on my way to releasing my first album!) but sometimes that's all not enough (on some occations).


Awesome Chris! I love the techniques you talked about in previous videos


I found no contact is mental abuse and makes the break up even hard, but I understand the method.


My girlfriend she asked for break, week later she said she don’t want to be with me any more . That happened a month ago, she blocked me in Facebook messenger for couple days, I can’t believe how she can change so quick how she can forget, I still feel hurt I lost my smile I can’t do my job properly, what’s hurt me more it’s how easy for her to move


My ex has watched every damn story I’ve posted since we broke up 5 months ago. Yet not a fucking peep from her. I’ve been no contact since day one. It’s been hard af


You got a new subscriber... Perfect timing but im a little bit late.. already spend a couple of night thinking about her..


Man, I think once their gone, there gone...been 3months...shes just cold hearted snake, n moved on quickly to someone else..
