The Best Diet for Healthy Aging (Updated)

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Food for healthy aging: Swapping just 1 percent of plant protein in place of animal protein was associated with significantly less age-related deficit accumulation.

Aging is the topic of my forthcoming book, How Not to Age, out in 2023. I can’t wait to share all of what I found!

This update has changes to the reference of eggs around 0:43.

Some of my other popular videos on aging and longevity include:

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Рекомендации по теме

It’s unbelievable that we still have to pursued (many) people to eat healthy plant based Whole Foods when almost 1/3 of the world’s population are obese and the environment is literally breaking down in front of us


I've been plant based 4 years and LOVE it. No high cholesterol, no Thyroid issues, everything literally went away


My Guy Dr G!!....Got all The Books 📚 !!!

Going for 120!!


👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!


Dr Gregor, after your banana smoothie video, I did some research and due to some lingering confusion please enumerate. The antinutrients, which include lectins, oxalates, phytates, phytoestrogens and tannins, are thought to restrict bioavailability of key nutrients, while other studies conclude they may have health promoting effects. I know cooking foods inactivates most antinutrient effects. In addition should we avoid bananas, peal apples etc when cooking isn’t possible ?


My name is Greg this dude has taught me so much I'm a Greger jr


Wishing there is a Dr. Greger for dogs. Hate the dry dog foods.


HUGE difference in quality of life and longevity. Vegetarians eat artery-clogging, cardiovascular disease causing, high saturated fats such as eggs, butter, cream, whole cow’s milk, ghee, etc. Vegans on a whole foods, plant-based diet do not. There is a lengthy study available online that reports the big differences in health and lifespan between Loma Linda, California omnivores, vegetarians and vegans. The vegans outperform the other two groups by a significant margin in both health markers and longevity.


Dr. G. The case you and other with the same perspective have made is convincing. But tonight I wondered: If maybe 50 percent went plant-based, can the global ag system produce the plants? Oh, I'm sure Big Ag will go after some newly popular foods. But will it be enough? My own conventional doctor asked if I could afford to eat healthy. But my collected insurance for this doctor's services is a lot. So my thought was "either pay here or pay there."


Recommendation for future videos. Nutrition and testosterone levels. Nutrition and mental health - I’m aware there are some videos already. Great channel I find nutrition fascinating and practical because in the west we have a lot of control in our choice of what to eat and impact our life and others (cooking, grocery hauls) for the better.


Yeah, I'm trying to eat a diet that is majority plant based.


Previous wording:
[...]and egg protein was the worst, meaning egg whites. Swapping 3 percent of calories of egg whites for plant protein was associated with more than a 20 percent reduction in overall mortality[...]

New wording:
[...]and egg protein was the worst, found mostly in the egg whites. Swapping 3 percent of calories of egg protein for plant protein was associated with more than a 20 percent reduction in overall mortality[...]


Noch nicht auf deutsch. Aber hoffentlich bald


Aging is sexy. If we don't age we're like a plastic bag that won't decompose 😊


0:21 All of the blue zones eat modest amounts of meat. It is disingenuous to imply that any amount of meat is a net negative, which this channel constantly does.


Bill Pearl and Jack Lalanne were eating a lot of egg whites and they live till 96


Yeah says the man with the bad eyes and no muscles eat you re greens and you be just like me a tiny little man with no muscle at all.
You wanna be a tiny little man be like me and fade away in the wind😂😂😂😂


This is more propaganda than information. How were these studies done? What are the causal mechanisms responsible for the results of the studies? Do you just assume your audience is too stupid or too uninterested to understand these things?


Warren Buffet is Pushing Mid 90's and His business Partner Charlie Munger almost 99....Said if eating green vegetables extended his life 5 years He still wouldn't eat like to Enjoy what I eat"....


why do get the impression that this channel only promotes vegetarianism.
