The Secret To Releasing Hurt From the Body - Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ | Marisa Peer

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Hurt from our past can manifest into many negative, physical symptoms.

We may believe that holding onto our hurt prevents it from causing us harm, but it only makes it worse.


A complete solution-based treatment, Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ combines the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and Neuroscience, to offer unparalleled fast, effective, and long-lasting results.

RTT®️ was created by Marisa Peer - Marisa is a world-renowned therapist, speaker, and bestselling author. With over three decades of experience, working with royalty, Olympic athletes, CEOs, celebrities, and Oscar-winning actors.

Named "Britain's Best Therapist" by Men’s Health magazine and, featured in Tatler’s guide to 'Britain’s 250 Best Doctors,' Marisa Peer has won numerous awards for the life-changing contributions made to the world of health and wellbeing.
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Marissa you know what I find funny, you are the only one I have scene online this far that actually provides a formula. We all know what trauma is, many of us know how it effects us, our health & our lives, and even more of us are told we need to heal the trauma. Accept 1 thing, no one specify's how. Glad you are one that does.


My parents would tell me "children are meant to be seen not heard". I have a thyroid nodule and have had stomach issues for as long as I can remember.





I always think what the mind represses the body expresses.


The only 'solutions' I have found are journaling, meditation and positive affirmations. Take responsibility for yourself, change yourself using neuroplasticity, get on with life.


I was mentally and physically abused by my father until 14 years of age. I have pushed the emotions back for years. It has affected my relationships..I drink more than I should. This was amazing 👏


Where have you been my whole life?! I can not express in words how much better that made me feel. I am so greatful for you Marisa


i was taught by life never to show or express hurt ... what a marvelous phrase "i was hurt ..." I feel something releasing in my gut every moment I say that or even think that. imagine that, years of dealing with IBS / crohn's all because i didn't express myself. thank you <3


Thank you! I am in an astounding amount of pain that I know is from my mind, my past, my early childhood. So I am going to do what you say. But I just remembered that my body, my unconscious speaks in metaphor. My right leg is what is in pain and I have been tryinq to step up, like from below deck to upper deck. I'm so excited about my plans and then I have become incapacitated. I can barely walk. It's called fibromyalgia. I couldn't even speak when spoken to as a little kid, all those horrible neglects you talk about.


Whilst our beliefs do shape our lives as we search for evidence to uphold them mostly unconsciously, merely talking about what has been identified as a feeling in the body is not enough for the body to release the tension and trauma brought about by suppressing emotions, we have to actually to the depths and feel what we feel especially those emotions we find uncomfortable. Thinking and talking can create a barrier between how feel as much as it can be a link to this. I've been able to talk about what happened to me and the trauma in my life fluently without feeling a damn thing, shedding a tear or shaking which I'd become very adept at hiding, it's not until I actually began to feel the pain, sadness, and most of all the terror which has been the most harrowing experience to feel in my entire life as the backlog of contained emotion felt overwhelming to begin with but now a fleeting sensation that I've come to cherish because I know what's on the other side, that I've begun to feel released, relaxed, secure and confident that I can deal with anything that comes my way and I've done all this without talking about it to anyone, understanding what emotions are and that they can't hurt me, only suppressing does that. I find all I need to do is tell people what works for me and what doesn't and accept how they respond to this, altering my relationship with them accordingly. They don't need to know how I feel about what they've done, they only need to know what I need..I only need them to know what I need from them. Many people hear us telling them how we feel about what they do threatening, a personal attack which then can lead to all kinds of friction and confusion in relationships..I've been there too. It doesn't have to be so complicated. Now I simply need to feel how I feel which is now so fleeting it's barely noticeable as it's also very comfortable, which leads to instinctively knowing what I need to do or not do and then do that. If we were all attuned emotionally the story would be very different, we wouldn't need to talk about how we feel or what we need because people would sense from our accepted expressions but we're not there as we would have been once upon a time so to expect anyone to know what we need without us saying anything is also an unrealistic expectation. I feel totally alright with however I feel now and have no issue shedding tears, shaking or dancing in the rain if that's what I need to do. What other people think of me is none of my business, only what they do to me is and how I feel about that is mine alone to bear. The world looks and feels like an entirely new place to me and my body is healing, perhaps it won't entirely as in my 60th year there's been a lot of damage but that's alright too, it's worked hard with the actions I've taken that have worked against myself to keep me alive and I honour myself for that as well as the child I was that had to keep all in because of the repercussions from parents who didn't know any different either. It's nobody's fault, it's a society's failure that we oppress ourselves and others, but it is all our responsibility to understand as best we can how to heal ourselves and by extension, the world around us. We are society after all. It's also worth bearing in mind that we are deliberately not educated to heal ourselves, we are taught instead how to profit others or ourselves financially as a means to uphold capitalism. There is much research into healing but this is largely ignored by the educational systems. The same goes for how the economy really works but that's another story!


So healing. Stop feeling sorry for yourself was the toxic code. To let the child express and then speak to the truth of the actual matter about the shoes instead of just squashing her perspective is so incredibly beautiful and love filled. Crying has helped keep Trauma out of my body, and when I didn't, came that angry rash or some other bodily phenomenon. Had hypochondriac symptoms from the high stress until I found Louise Hays book you can heal your life that had the disease grid with probable causes and affirmations like a prescription with no negative side effects. Thank you for being an effective healer with the sharing of your wisdom.


7:07 just confirmed that crying out sleep training can affect human beings negatively. This video should be a must to watch for everybody. Thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️


I have never in my life have related to a video as much as this one. Everything you said is my life.


Is it normal to instantly cry when saying "I was hurt when...". Damn, I really need to heel, but I'm on my path. Thank you, Marisa.


I got hurt in my present life. Not that easy to leave that painful zone. Releasing hurt does mean to me. Thank you


Wow i stumbled onto this gem 44 minutes after its release. You are a truly amazing woman


I'm so glad she's talking about this. And also that it's a great thing to let a child to talk and explained. Children really need that.


Can't tell you how grateful I am for you and for God who sent you to me. Wishing you a blessed life. Pls continue, .❤️


My Mother left me at 5 years of age during WW2 when i found her i U.S.A in the 1960's she said i was not lost i was here how disgusting is that


Thank you madam Marisa peer I love you
