How to Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You Deeply (Christian/Bible/Forgiveness)

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How can you forgive someone who has hurt you deeply? How can you forgive someone as a Christian and according to the Bible? Here are three Christian ways to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply.

BOOKS and BIBLE STUDIES, by Mark Ballenger:

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It’s tough when the one who hurt you thinks they did nothing and they invalidate you while continuing to think they are perfect and may treat you however they want.🥺


Brothers, sisters, please pray for me. My dad has committed unimaginable abuse against me and i’m struggling so much to forgive him. Please pray for me to have the strength to do this.


“Forgiveness and reconciliation are not the same thing.” 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 powerful !!! I really needed to hear that.


People that have hurt me, I forgive them and I pray for them, Then I stay my distance, and I make sure I never get too close


Forgive them. Not for them but for yourself. I’ve held a grudge against a woman for 13 years. It nearly broke me. It’s not worth it. All the bitterness and hatred does is hinder your spirit. Not theirs. Don’t let them have that power over you.


Lord help me to forgive my family members and old friends and people who hurt me. Any unforgiveness and offense that is in my heart has to go and has to be released in Jesus name!


Forgiveness is a one way street. Reconciliation takes two.


I thought I had forgiven up until I seen the person I was so upset at.. I've stayed away from them for about 2 years but today I was forced to see this person and it all went out the window. God help me let this go!! Pls pray for me


Some of the most evil people I have met were from church. People pretend to be genuine, but behind backs they have knives. That makes me so sad. Many times I could only turn to prayer and the scriptures. I will always be willing to forgive someone, because God has always forgiven me. Praise the Lord! 🙌🏽


Dear God I sincerely forgive and forget all those that have used, humiliated, falsely accused, spread false rumours and hurt me deeply I forgive and forget them all. I want to be a Godly woman help me become one by manifesting forgiveness in me. I forgive Lord as you ordered me to, I will no longer be bitter, think of revenge or hold grudges towards them I forgive and let go completely. I will keep my distance and fixate my eyes on you Lord. Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen🙏


The media teaches us that we can move on in life without forgiveness but I beg to differ. I want to forgive. It’s not bOut being comfortable but being obedient to God. Tell God and pray about it.


Unforgivness is so hard for two reasons: 1.) When the other person doesn't apologize and acts like they did nothing wrong. They instead justify their wrong doings.

2. You might get depression from someone who hurt you and you end up making bad decisions that affect your life based on the pain that this person put you through, increasing the animosity and bitterness. Yes, you made those bad decisions but that person had a major influence that affected your thinking so you think that they should be held somewhat responsible.


To the person who changed my life, who hurt me a lot, who gives me lastly and remarkable pain in my mind and in my heart, who traumatized me. It's really hard, , but I will do all I can and all my best to forgive you. I swear, I'm doin my best 😭


The thing that helped me the most is a silent prayer that humbly asks God for help in forgiveness through his Holy spirit.❤❤❤


Pray for me that the Lord gives me the heart of forgiveness !!


Yes! We do owe it to God. We need to love Him more than anything else.


This is beautiful! I longed for reconciliation with my grandfather who I spoke out about as a child when he molested myself and younger cousins and siblings. I prayed for him as I was scared he would go to hell. As an adult, my husband encouraged me to go see him and talk as I so wanted to forgive and let go of the pain. He just said I'd made him a lonely old man and "the sun always shines on the righteous" in sarcasm. My husband quoted me the scripture about shaking the dust off your feet. It was painful. When my grandfather died he took it to the grave and all I could do was offer it all up to God and I got my peace from Holy Spirit and my saviour Jesus Christ. I realise I forgave and you are right Mark that reconciliation is not a command necessarily as I used to think.


I really want to forgive but it feels soo heavy
Jesus please help me

Edit: hallelujah... I have long forgiven... I thank God


and AMEN! I wanna be free from the bondage of my ex husband lying and manipulating our marriage and abandoning the marriage, while allowing me to take him back and pretending to be working on the marriage while creating an outlet to join someone else while we were still married and together. I divorced him claiming abandonment. And I just want to be free of this past and MEMORIES. LORD JESUS I need PEACE and prayer in my mind.


1:38 Difference between reconciliation and forgiveness
3:10 Don’t force reconciliation from the offender
5:37 Keep the commandments/character of God (this is a HARD one)
6:25 God forgives US when we don’t deserve.
