How to do splits in the fall honey bee propagation

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We still have Queens for sale at Barnyard bees call Heather 706-508-8605

This is how we do a Fall Split at Barnyard bees we make them very strong with two frames of brood, and one frame of honey, two empty frames, and a mated Queen. these will go very strong into the winner and will come out of the winner very strong this works very well.
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Hi David, I found out one of my hives had gone queenless. After watching this video, I ordered a queen on the 19th of Sept. I got her in the hive on the 21st. Unfortunately my bees didn’t release her. I just popped the screen off and let her in the hive after 5 days. On my most recent inspection (Oct. 6) I found eggs, larvae and my newly installed queen...nuff said. I am so glad that you had queens available in September. No one in Memphis had any. Because of Barnyard Beed I was able to save a colony. Thanks again to you and Heather.


If you have too do a direct release if they haven't released her yet and Queen walks out and flys around your head.

What's the likelihood that she'll fly back to box? Happened to me the other day, left top off for a bit, hope she flew back in.


How late in the season do your hives turf out drones in Georgia?


Love your videos. Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to post them. Might you consider doing a video showing how you bank your mated queens? If I get a mated queen from somewhere, but find I do not need her right away, how can I keep her to ensure she will be a good layer once I do need her, which might be a few weeks down the road? How long can you keep a caged mated queen in good shape before she starts to deteriorate?


One of my hives swarmed recently...left queen cells...that hive should be ok this late...what do you think David? in Georgia


Good morning David I just wanted to let you know that my Queen's arrive today safe and sound. And I'm getting ready to put them in the hives. The gal I spoke with when I ordered them was so helpful. Thank you for all your videos and information it helps new beekeepers more than you will ever know. PS my husband wants to know since they are southern belles if we have to serve mint juleps?


Are you leaving them to just 5 frames to winter on? If so, you feed and they get a fall flow? Do they start winter with pretty much all the broodneat backfilled?


Hi David how you doing, I have a question people in my country say the fall split is not a good thing to do as the spring they say the queen won't be mated good or she will end up not laying good compared to a queen mated in spring so I was wondering if that's true or a false info.
