5 signs of codependency!

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Here’s a 5-step method to fix codependency:

If you feel irritated, guilty or have negative thoughts, answer these questions:

1) What upset me?

Example: ”I’m upset that they don’t want to spend time with me.”

2) How did that make me feel?

Example: “It makes me feel like I’m unimportant, like they secretly hate being around me.”

3) What do THEY need to feel seen and safe? What do I need to feel seen and safe?

Example: “They need to be seen by their friends, and to feel that our relationship is safe” and “I need reassurance and quality time.”

4) Now share steps 1-3 with your partner.

Example: "I felt upset and was passive-aggressive the other night when you hung out with your friends. I was worried that you might not enjoy spending time with me, but I understand that you need time with your friends too. I just need some reassurance from you sometimes, and I'd like to spend some quality time with you as well. Can we work on this together?"

5) Collaborate on strategies to be able to come toward each other with this information!

#codependency #codependent #relationships #relationshipadvice #relationshiptips
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after being with a VERY self-centered partner, I don’t know if I was codependent or not. It was really hard to tell if I was being “needy” or if he was “unavailable” when the other person was always trying to distance himself, more often over time.


I wish I saw this a year ago that would greatly help me because I didn't know what's happening with me, all I know was I really wasn't okay and it deeply affected my relationship


Do be careful that you aren’t mistaking co-dependence for BPD, which can make it difficult to maintain relationships. (I have a diagnosis)


Sure sure sure . All good stuff
But what if that is a parent or family member....?


This guy always calls me out maybe I need therapy


My daughter is becoming codependent with her father who has created a emotional incestuous relationship with her


I really appreciate your content and have been listening for a while. However I much prefer when you don't have your earphones in when filming. They make you appear less present, like there was something else you're giving part of your attention to at the same time.
Thank you for the helpful observations and advice, though!


Well, couldn't find the captions!!


Buddy this doesn't sound like codependency This sounds like borderline personality disorder. Did you chat GPT this or something
