10 Min Yoga for Men Beginner Routine - Easy Men's Yoga Workout - Best Yoga Workout for Dudes

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10 Min Yoga for Men Beginner Routine - Easy Men's Yoga Workout - Best Yoga Workout for Dudes

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Sean Vigue is known for the best videos on core workouts, Pilates ab workouts, Yoga for beginners, Power Yoga and advanced yogis, sunrise yoga, morning yoga, yoga for men, Pilates for men, fitness for both men and women, yoga and Pilates core training for athletes and total full body workouts.

#yogaformen #mensyoga #yogaman #yogafordudes #yogaforguys
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It's a pleasure to train with you!


Finally, a yoga video without the energy crap talk. Sense of humour was an added bonus. Thanks man.


As a young man struggling with various forms of mental illness and physical injuries, I can't explain how much it helps to have something that, while challenging, feels completely in my control and leaves my body feeling looser and better.. Thanks man!


I have probably done this routine 100+ times. I will come back to this comment everytime i do it.


I know many people won't read this?
But, I hope you are having a better day than you did yesterday. You've made it this far. Don't quit now. God bless you!!


I started doing this every morning, 6 days ago. The first time I found it almost impossible to do. Now I'm doing it with ease and feel like progressing on to something more difficult. Thanks man.


1. Forward fold
2. Back bend
3. Downward facing dog 😭
4. Low lunge
5. Chair pose
6. Mudra (sp?) stretch
7. Full crescent lunge
8. Warrior one
Extra credit: child's pose


I found your sense of humor very refreshing especially since this subject is so traditionally looked at weirdly by many guys, helping break that stigma, I've decided to start trying it out, I hope it can provide the benefits I'm looking for! Thanks gonna check it out our others and your book!


I am a 46 year old man. My wife has been doing Yoga for years. I run and weight train and for the FIRST time today, I just did Yoga with this video. HOLY CRAP, not as easy as it looks. I feel great and excited about including your Yoga in my life and routine!!


I swear, every day this video gets a little bit shorter!
I’ve been following this video every morning for two weeks now (taking a break on the weekends) and wow! Thank you so much for this, it’s a highlight of my day. Who knew yoga could be so addictive?


The movie he's talking about is called "couples retreat". It was the yoga scene. lol. You have to watch the full scene. It's like 4 mintues. Worth it. lol


My kind of guy. Not too strict but informative and easy to follow. Second attempt this morning and realized this is going to be rewarding as hell! Can't wait to work up to intermediate.


So, I decided to try something new to help me deal with the stress of these uncertain times. While I know that I am totally out of shape and my body is as stiff as can be, I found your workout routine to be fun and challenging but not so challenging that I don't want to do it again. Thank you for this resource. I greatly appreciate it.


I’ve been doing this for quite a while now and it’s helped me deal with neck and back pain. Really recommend this to anyone that is feeling tight around the body.


I'm 32, I used to stay in great shape in my early twenties. Wasn't too smart with my joint protection on exercises and during football in high school, later on with boxing conditioning in college. Did suspended crunches holding a 45 lb plate frequently. Didn't start feeling much pain until I was about 28 while filling orders in a coke warehouse. Finally hit me that I wasn't invincible. This video changed everything. Thank you for putting it out there. Doctor was pushing pain pills on me so I knew I had to do something. I've seen what those do to a person's soul when my dad went through hospice. They drain you almost as much as the ailment in some cases.. Dreadful stuff. You saved me a lot of nonsense. I've already suggested you to my military buddies. You're a good man.


Not going to lie, your dog roaring like a lion scared the shit out of me!
Great video!


I’ve been telling myself I need to do yoga for a while and now I’m finally doing it


My god. Tried this in my bedroom. First time every doing yoga. Let's just say, i have a LONG way to go.


This video was a starting block years ago to help me get in shape. Here we are again lol


Been awhile since anyone one has commented on your routine so here I am, a 61 yr old retired man needing to loosen up before a hopefully activity filled day. As people have said prior, simple (yet for a guy that has never done yoga before) challenging for a true beginner. Done with a humorous tone, leaving the snow and dog interference in the video with the lion effects. I hope to advance to the next level in time. See You there. PS I agree with MRQuitoso Thank you, hope all is well
