5 Steps to Overcome Anxiety Setbacks FOR GOOD

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👉To accelerate your recovery journey, book a call to see if the mentorship with Shaan's team will help your specific situation:

In their anxiety recovery, many people feel like they take one step forward, two steps back. ⁤They're making progress, feeling better, and then suddenly, they're hit hard by a setback.

This was really frustrating for me. It felt like all my symptoms had come back, and it completely threw me off.

However, at one point, I realized (and accepted) that if I wanted to make progress, these setbacks weren't just normal but essential.

In fact, when some of your anxiety symptoms – like panic attacks, physical symptoms, intrusive thoughts, depersonalization, or derealization – return, it's actually a sign of progress. It shows that you've had periods of improvement.

Setbacks are the topic I'm unpacking in this episode – why they’re an important part of anxiety recovery and how to view them as opportunities instead of failures. ⁤⁤I'll share five steps to leverage these setbacks and turn them into stepping stones on your path to recovery. ⁤

If you tune in, you'll also learn how to avoid overanalyzing and seeking quick fixes, and how to stick with proven methods to overcome your anxiety symptoms. ⁤ ⁤

⁤Ready to join me? ⁤

⁤Let's dive in.

Key Takeaways:

Introduction (00:00)
What is a setback? (01:25)
Setbacks indicate progress (02:03)
Avoid 'figure it out' mode (03:47)
Resist shiny object syndrome (05:51)
Reframe setbacks positively (07:25)
Time heals all (09:17)

Additional Resources:

👉To accelerate your recovery journey, book a call to see if the mentorship with Shaan's team will help your specific situation:


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#anxiety #anxietyrecovery #overcomeanxiety
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Shaan’s method works! I am in for 2 months, went from being afraid to looking at the sky to fully functional. Some symptoms still linger a bit but they don’t cause distress. Also had a variety of obsessions and symptoms, somewhere 30-50😂. The blueprint is something that tremendously helped in the beginning, and I used it as a crutch, for a little while, but A.L.A.R.M method kinda fused into my consciousness already, so I don’t need it anymore. Live life even it feels shitty/empty, you’re gonna be back to baseline in no time. It’s crucial to enjoy the process, and not to rush it. You’re definitely come out stronger and better, and I’ve not even fully finished the journey yet, so I am excited for what it’s gonna mold me into further. Even picked up lifting. My mentality is “If I will be suffering anyways for awhile, might as well suffer more doing something I will be thankful for in the future”.


Okay, I have to admit something. I clicked on this video for reassurance because I’m currently going through a setback that’s been lasting for two weeks now. I was doing really well almost the entire year, with long phases where I was completely symptom-free, far removed from this whole issue. But now, I think this is my fourth relapse this year. And unfortunately, I’ve fallen into a kind of fight mode, even though I know that’s exactly the wrong approach. Still, I’m trying to get rid of it because I want to get back to those beautiful, symptom-free phases.
I know, deep down, that this desperate effort to make it go away is what keeps it from going away. But here I am, struggling with it. I just don’t know. What I do know is that I’m so grateful for all of your videos. I honestly owe so much of my progress to you. When I think back, just four years ago, I couldn’t even leave the house because things were so unbearable. But being in this setback now, it’s hard not to remember how bad things once were.
I’ve been considering joining your mentorship program, but I’m still not sure. Should I just keep going on my own without trying to fight against it? I really don’t know what the best move is.


I got my first setback after seven months when i was bedridden and it seems it is passing after week my confidence is starting i dont know how much setbacks i will have in the future but i am sure i will recover from this illness thank you for your inspiration Shaan.


Setback vdos are the most informative ones out there. Keep em coming. Also thanks for doing this.


I’ve had several setbacks but just push right through them. With each setback the symptoms are less than they were before


Wow, this video came at the right time for me. The set back train hit me yesterday. My very first thought was “oh no, I feel like I did in the beginning”! Then I tried figuring out what triggered this or what I did wrong. It felt really intense. Thanks for this video. Sometimes these videos are a really good refresher course. But do NOT use them as reassurance.


I now understand when you said in other videos that recovery takes time and you cannot put a timeline on it.. keep up the good work and know that these videos are a


Currently going to this setback❎️ opportunity ✅️


I love you bro❤. You are changing my life bit by bit. Forever grateful 🙏🏽


I just hit a set back after months of good recovery back working out working enjoying life with little symptoms my heart rate sky rocketed but I'm not going to let it take me back only forward


I’m in a setback of all setbacks! I was just posting on sites how I was agoraphobic and started pushing myself 100 plus miles away and doing day trips here and there with success lamusement parks with the 4 kids. One day at Disneyland I had the worst of all my symptoms and I ran! That obviously affirmed to my brain that it was right. After Disneyland, the kids got Covid which triggered my PTSD of it (friend died of it and I got heart problems from it which I suffered POTS and heart arrhythmia for 5 months then almost lost son as soon as I recovered) NOW, my brain since 2 weeks ago shut down. I’m having panic attacks down the street from my house again, going to church, I’m now trying to go back to the chalkboard as Tommorow is another vacation and I’m dreading it and the kids school starts in a few weeks which require me to drive all over!


In one right now, and I’ve let it cause me to spiral a bit. Getting back to responding, and getting out of fix-it mode.


Thank you making this video Shaan, when I feel setbacks, it ruins my day and it feels like it is hard to go back with better day I have experienced. 😭


This is great information. Thanks brother. (subscribed)


I had a setback yesterday that was so scary. I felt like all the neurons in my brain were firing all at once, felt like i was going crazy


This video was so great! Thanks for the info!


Shaan thank you for your honesty! It really helps. I was free for about 7 months then I moved house miles away & had to make new friends. Do I count this as just another setback ? I "feel " as if I'm back to learning it all again...


Currently going to setback. Before the setback ( only with Shaan’s videos) I went from not being able to stay alone at home and living it, to going for walks, the grocery store and public transportation. Unfortunately, I had a fight with my husband how was very drunk. He was constantly yelling to me that I’m a loser, an handicapped person, a complete mess and crazy. He didn’t stop repeating it for hours. So I exploded, I told him to get out of the house when he became physically agressive. I started screaming. He was so afraid that the neighbors will call the police and he started running down the stairs. I immediately went to my neighbor’s next door apparent. In same time we heard him screaming “ I broke my leg”. It was horrible. I was trembling, not felling my legs, had brain fog and hard palpitations. My neighbor call the ambulance. They immediately understood that I was physically abused and wanted to call the police. I didn’t allow them
, I just lost my super job because the company’s bankruptcy. So I have nowhere to go without the French unemployment benefits.
Now I’m so scared to go down the stairs.
Could you please 🙏 give me a tips to overcome this setback in a this kind of toxique environment? I really need to get better.


Please make a video about coping anxiety with alcohol I really need it


Wonderful video, I am just curious does praying to God and focusing on spiritual things are like shiny object syndrome or no? because it gets me confused which brings stress - the anxiety journey and walk with Christ, it is too much for my mind to digest. What do you think Shaan and just everyone who experience this?
