Back Injuries & Your Personal Injury Lawsuit: Medical Care and Case $ Value

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The amount of back or neck settlement awarded for your injuries depends on several factors, let's discuss them in this new video!

Frekhtman & Associates specialize in serious and catastrophic injury litigation and are recognized as some of the best personal injury lawyers in the New York City area.

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0:00 Introduction
0:40 Medical Care
1:14 How do I Find My Injury ?
1:42 Herniated Disc
2:17 Epidural Steroid Injections
2:40 Soft Tissue Case Value
2:55 ESI case value
3:28 Discectomy
4:10 Perc Disc Value
4:45 Spinal Fusion
5:10 Fusion Value $
5:30 Elements of Damages
6:30 Three Categories
7:30 Conclusion


Frekhtman & Associates Injury Lawyers represent people who suffered a serious or life-changing injury and had their lives destroyed or disrupted because of the negligence of others.


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Toughest Injury Lawyers To Help You Get Justice With All Personal Injuries
If you have been injured in a car accident, construction accident, or slip & fall, contact the experienced New York personal injury attorneys at Frekhtman & Associates.

You may be eligible to receive compensation for your pain, suffering, and losses. We can help you recover. To achieve the best results, you need the expertise of a top-rated New York personal injury and car accident attorney.

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How Do I Know If I Have a Strong Personal Injury Case?

Do I Have to Pay $ to Hire a Lawyer After an Injury?

Injury Lawsuit Dos and Don'ts:



Toughest Injury Lawyers To Help You Get Justice With All Personal Injuries
If you have been injured in a car accident, construction accident, or slip & fall, contact the experienced New York personal injury attorneys at Frekhtman & Associates.

You may be eligible to receive compensation for your pain, suffering, and losses. We can help you recover. To achieve the best results, you need the expertise of a top-rated New York personal injury and car accident attorney.

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Disclaimer: F&A has been awarded the 10 Best Attorneys honor for exceptional and outstanding service by the American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys. Potential clients often search for the best personal injury lawyer in the New York City area. The F&A firm was recognized as the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers. If you are looking for top-rated personal injury lawyers near you in the NYC area, contact our firm for a confidential consultation. There is never a legal fee until we win money for our clients.

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Рекомендации по теме

I can’t thank you enough for the videos that you have put out! I’ve learned more from you than my own lawyer. I wish I would have know about you a lot sooner. I would have brought you out to LA to be my representative!⚖️


Always explains everything exactly what you go through in a spinal injury case. Been through it all and still am. Even after a full blown disk replacement, it's not over. Had to get a radio frequency ablation procedure done months after to deal with facet joint pain..never ends.. that's where future medical comes into play. Life care plan etc..awesome video !!


Hello Mr. Frekhtman, I'm in New Jersey I was hit by a driver that ran a red light and T-Boned me
on my passenger side and my car flipped over the car was totaled I had to break the window to crawl out. I suffered three herniated discs one cervical & two Lumbar, pain in right wrist, Anxiety/PTSD, Neck pain, and Occasional headaches. So far I had three MRI's one for
cervical and one lumbar and one for my right wrist which revealed I have a Interstitial tear and received a cortizone shot. I got a epidural Injection for my back for the herniated discs. I was being treated by a chiropractor three times a week, seeing a phycologist once every week, and doing acupuncture as well and I was doing all that for six months. I already finished all my treatments I already have a lawyer and we are about to finish the process of the lawsuit but he said the policy limit is 100k and said I can't go above that for my settlement unless I go to trial but he said my case isn't really suitable for it. My question is I truly feel like I deserve more for what I've been through and all the process I've done so I just want a second opinion I would truly appreciate it.

Thank you.


Hello Mr. Frekhtman,

I was a client of your law firm back in 2017, and I must say you guys did the impossible. Thank you for that.
I have a question regarding policies and settlement rewards. Can the value of a settlement ever exceed the amount of the insurance? For example, if a car hits someone and the policyholder's insurance coverage is only up to $600, 000, but the injury costs are far more than what the insurance covers, is it possible to only stay within the policyholder's insurance amount, or can you seek more money?


Thanks for the concise explanation 👍. As always!!


I had a severe back injury resulting in 4 fused vertebrae, L3 L4 L5 & S1 with
2 titanium rods with 2 bridges and six or eight screws. My back was cut and then I was cut on the front of my torso so they could work on my back from the inside too. My lawyer said he'd word harder for $37, 000. That's it!
Workman's compensation over paid me, through no fault of my own, and took that out of my settlement. I wish like hell I had known about you. I'm still in pain today and live on pain meds. I hate getting screwed like


Good morning, I am disabled and my husband who takes care of me was rear ended by another driver who was totally at fault. He's has gone through most of the things you described. The person that hit him did not have insurance. I am glad that we had a rider for uninsured/under insurance as well as income replacement. He was in his late 50's and I in my early 50's. He has been unable to work and care for me too. Do I have a remedy of pain and sufferings. He hired a lawyer but when I brought this up his attention and he was like you just would have to share in your husband's lawsuit. Thoughts?


I just received an epidural injection (lumbar - L5) that had anthesia involved ….. aside from that I been going to psychial therapy , seeing a chiropractor, recieved MRI showing a “bulged disc”, recieving multiple lidocaine injections and been recieving medication since 09-25-2023

& most importantly the person that T boned me coming out of her driveway head first due to being on the phone is labeled at fault …. Just curious to know what the settlement may look like ?

**** the accident occurred in Queens County NYC***


I'm a truck that was involved in a fatal accident. I was sitting in traffic on I-65 when I was struck from behind by a guy driving a super duty truck hauling an excavator. The driver that struck me from behind died on the scene I was not at fault because I wasn't moving due to road construction. It was later determined that his breaks failed. My question is I have had 2 spinal steroid injections and I'm having surgery next month the fusion surgery that you mentioned in the video, what is my case worth?


Thanks for this video very useful information. Keep them coming.


Awsome explanation as always. I always wondered on something. Lets say in NYC, a cyclist suffers injuries to the eyes, meniscus tears on both knees, herniated disc and bulges, Anxiety and Emotional distress. The cyclist received 2 epidural injections to the back. Would this be considered into going for higher amounts without surgery? Even if the doctor recommended a surgical procedure as a last option.


I received the empudural injection and after 4 days the pain happened again and after 2 weeks i got a Interlaminar decompression and disectomy surgery and the insurance were trying to offer 75000$ and my lawyer ended up sueing them for 1.5 million but im waiting for deposition and mediation dates and im only 22 dealing with this permanent injury


How about the medical facility? I have a herniated disc ( got injection in may) been out of work since October 22. I was sent to a medical facility my work uses, where they did no X-ray, no mri, nothing but feel me for about ten minutes and sent me to Pt three times. They then cleared me to go back to work. I started having even more pain and I went to a doctor myself, where they did the X-ray and mri and stated I have a moderate herniation in my disc causing the pain and numbness. I’m in workers comp now, but can I go after the medical facility for what I feel is clearly malpractice? Especially with someone coming in with reporting a neck injury? I’m located in new York!


Thanks for this video. I have a question is a failed Laminectomy worth anything? Another Dr told me I might need more surgery.


I hurt my back at work and went to the hospital and within two hours I was in emergency surgery. I now have caudal equine syndrome. I had a laminectomy with a L4-L5 fusion surgery. What would my case be worth, oh yeah I can’t walk unless with the assistance of a walker now too due to weakness in rat leg. Thanks


California.... premises liabilty case, $446K in meds of which 130k paid by insurance . Spinal fusion w/hardware... four dedendants pointing fingers at each other over liabilty ... ballpark settlement ?


What's the difference from New York and Texas from getting an injection


I got orif nailling down humerus. Neuro surgery disection/exploratory, two slipped disks in llwer back l2 l3, and hit my head piece extremely hard. What kind of figures would you even be asking for, for this kind of damage in grocery store patking lot due to older pot hole? It is a big chain supermarket tia! Oh yeah i also have radial nerve palsey and may require more nerve surgery. The radial nerve was crushed. Oh yeah Im doing a ton of diff pt and seeing the best doctors in my state. Also now I have to see a psychiatrist sad😢


Was in a serious Uber accident while on vacation in Chicago. I now have 2 herniated discs, At L4-5, there is loss of disc signal and disc height. There is diffuse broad based disc protrusion eccentric to the left with a focal 4.5 mm left paramedian nuclear component impinging upon the dural sac with some caudal subligamentous extension but no sequestered component.
At L5-S1, there is loss of dise signal and disc height with diffuse left paramedian disc herniation in the 5.5 mm range crowding the left neural foramen and displacing the left 1 nerve root significantly. Uber has $1 million policy. How much is my case worth?


I had surgery Dr. didn't realize from mri that I had sever osteoporosis. When he put in screws it crumbled my vertebraes( he was doing laminectomy ) I had 2 more vertebraes break due to weight. So graft medium & bone fragments are laying in base of the spine. My 1 day surgery turned into 3mn & 8 mn of physical therapy. I now have cauda equina syndrome. I can not drive or every live normally again we have installed chair lifts to get to other floors of house. I was septic, had a microvascilar bleed. As I traveled to hospital, to rehabilitation hospital for spinal cord injury, to nursing home the surgeon never returned 1 call to facility that had question about care nor did he ever come see me or call! He abandoned me. The new neurosurgeon said I will never walk again. I am a 66 year old single women. What am I going to do? Your information was very helpful. What should I do? I'm in Ohio. Thank you
