How Long Does It Take For Back Pain To Go Away? | Healing Time For Back Injury

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How Long Does It Take For Back Pain To Go Away? | Healing Time For Back Injury

So, how long does it take for back pain to go away? Michael Fatica from The Mayfair Clinic gives you all the information you need. You may be wondering 'how to get rid of my back pain', 'how do I fix my lower back pain?' or 'when should I see someone about my back pain'. In this video we discuss healing time for back injury. Make sure to click the link below if you're looking for a back pain specialist in London, to see how we can help:

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When it comes to the recovery time for back pain, there's two real sort of positions that you fall in. Number one, is that it resolves within a couple of days, and you're fine. Number two is that after 10 to 14 days, and it's still not recovering, there's something more complex going on. Now, a lot of patients will get back pain from time to time, bit of discomfort after the gym, something like that recovers in a day or so. Absolutely no problem, and you probably won't even be watching this video, if that was you. The other variation is that we've got repetitive back pain, it's taking longer than 10 to 14 days to actually get any relief, or it's getting worse and in this case, there's something more complex going on. And it's understanding what that is, that dictates the recovery time. Now here at the clinic will go into tonnes of detail on how we do that, and you can learn more about that on our 'New Patients' page in particular, but that allows the as the bottom of the problem quickly, but invariably, there's gonna be some sort of issue that's preventing that that pain from recovering you have to remember that in the case of back pain, it's a load bearing structure when you're walking around all day and if it is not able to heal because you're walking around all day on it, and you're re-aggravating something is probably a little bit more complex than just a minor injury. Now, please don't get confused by that and think 'oh I should just lie on the floor' or lying in bed all day, because that's going to create its own challenges, you're not going to have the muscle support if you're doing that as a coping strategy, because your muscles will start to waste away, and then they don't provide stability for your spine, and then you're more vulnerable for re-injury. So a lot of these things needs to be considered. But fundamentally, if it's going on for 10 to 14 days, or more and not getting better, then you need to see someone who's going to look at your back properly, not just press it in a few areas and go 'yep, take some painkillers' or whatever. You need a full consultation to actually understand your back, understand why it's not getting better. What are you doing on a daily basis? What aren't you doing on a daily basis, that you should be doing? Are you doing any sort of physical exercise to keep your back healthy. Is your diet good? Do you sleep appropriate? What is your posture like? Is that is that a limiting factor in your recovery? What's your spinal alignment like, are you walking around instead of having a nice smooth curve through the lower back, which has good suspension, have you been sat on a desk for the last three to five years or longer, slouched, causing that curve to slowly reduce and therefore, we've got constant day in, day out excess pressure going through those discs in the lumbar spine, which is why they've started to become problematic and non resolving. Understanding this allows you to be specific in terms of how long it's going to take your back to get better. But in short, once we've understood those factors and providing there's nothing too terrible going on. Generally speaking, in the course of two or three weeks, with treatment, and some simple stuff at home, we can get patients to be feeling a lot better. And returning back to those normal sorts of day in, day out activities. And then going through and getting things stronger through rehabilitation outside of the clinic, in conjunction with less frequent treatment, you can really get a lasting effect that deals with all the fundamental challenges that your spine faces that protects against those, and that actually gets the initial injury, healing nicely. So it can take a little bit longer than a day or two.

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My lower back healed in 3 weeks, I mean not fully 100 percent maybe 80 percent. But the pain went away, I can finally sleep on my back now, cause I used to wake up everytime from time sleeping cause of my back.


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I had spaces put and screws again .this 13 surgery .last one . I need really help


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What about pain that go away in two days, and it's again activate with another movement like running. This happens to me and it's really annoying.


I developed a lower back pain today after doing squats.. I plan to take break from working out for 4 days.. I don't think it's serious, as I am able to walk lie down on my back.. Only pain is while I climb stairs or lift some weight.. 😊 Hopefully it will go away in two days.


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I had sever back pain while i was trying fast to wake up from bed then slowly pain went less and less but not completely recover has i can run slowly but no any sensation around lower region only mild pain from 2 month as also i m doing cat and cow from 10-15 days but still not completely gone has i live in island and its lockdown to go anywhere, i have job that need to sit in chair for 5-6 hours but i m sitting proper position, no phyiso and no any ortho consultant here near me, please help me


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Hey! I had a work injury n so I have PT now but I have back pain on my lower left side. They just say it’s a back strain but it’s been almost 4 months now n it hasn’t got better. I feel discouraged n worried it’s not going to be 100% ever again. I’m 22 by the way. You think it will?

EDIT: By the way I can do all activities just that I start feeling it once I’m done w/ my shift, carry my baby even though if it’s for a little bit, or especially when I bend over.


My lower back is sore. Feels like muscle pain from lifting weights..3 weeks and still not recovered. Probably didn't help that I tweaked it twice. Should I just leave the weights for a few days to let it heal properly?


I’ve had back pain for 3 years and it’s getting worse
