12 Healthy Habits for Your Body, Mind, Soul 🌱

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Self care for your body, mind & soul. These are positive habits I've been doing to stay healthy & sane during quarantine. Oftentimes we forget about some of these. If you're feeling off, go through this checklist to see if you've been giving yourself what you need in the areas of body, mind and soul. Check below for the free downloads!

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I’m Aileen, a lifestyle creator sharing knowledge and inspiration on creating your dream life.

Lavendaire is a resource for personal growth & lifestyle design. Follow along and learn how you can create a beautiful and meaningful life.


Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video.
Рекомендации по теме

1. Take care of your body (quality sleep)
2. Drink a lot of water (2-3 bottles) 3. Eat whole fruits and grains 4. Move your body everyday (at least 15 minutes. Don’t be a couch potato) 5. Journal your emotions and thoughts. Face your emotions. 6. Positive affirmations and self talk. Thoughts become things. 7. Practice daily gratitude. Focus on what do you have. 8. Take care of your soul. Meditation or mindful practice. 9. Consistent human connection. 10. Express yourself through a creation outlet. (Music, art, cooking, etc.). 11. Be kind and gentle with yourself (treat yourself with love and compassion). YOU ARE WELCOME 💖✨


Creating habits and a routine is one of the best things to avoid anxiety


*1. Take care of your body (Get enough sleep)*
- Getting good sleep is sometimes neglected.
- Poor sleep is linked to mental health issues
- Good sleep puts you in a better mood
- Good sleep reduces your stress levels, improves brain function (concentration and memory), lowers blood pressure, and improves your immune system.

*2. Drink enough water*
- Water is essential for our body
- Water improves brain function, bodily functions, energy levels, and mood.
- Make it a habit to have a water bottle next to you at all times.
- Add some fruits so you're more likely to drink it!
- Go grab a cup of water right now!

*3. Eat whole foods every day*
- Whole foods = food in its original form straight from nature. (Whole fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.)
- These foods are healthier and packed with nutrients and fiber that your body needs to function well.
- When you eat processed foods, you're not giving your body what it needs.
- Make it a habit to include whole foods into your daily routine.

*4. Move your body every day.*
- Move for at least 15 minutes every day.
- We are energetic beings and sometimes we hold emotions in our body.
- Moving your body allows you to use your energy and release anything that's been pent up within.
- You sleep better if your move.
- Take a walk with a friend! It'll motivate you to move.
- While you watch TV, stretch or move your body.

*5. Take care of your mind*
- Journaling your emotions and thoughts is a great way to do self-care with your mind.
- Jot down all your emotions and anxieties.
- Don't judge or filter yourself, just let it all flow out authentically and write until you have nothing left to say.
- It's always better to face your fears and emotions than to avoid them.
- Face them so that you know what they are.
- From there, you can decide whether this is something you have control over or something you can change. If so, what do you need to do?
- If it isn't, how can you accept this, surrender, and let it go?

*6. Limit mental clutter from media and technology*
- Whatever you consume leaves an impact on your mood and emotions.
- There's a balance between staying informed and not overdoing your media consumption, not letting those external stories affect your inner mental world.
- Don't take on more mental or emotional baggage than you need to.
- Stay informed do what you can, and then let the rest go.
- Put a time limit on your social media apps.
- On iPhone, you can find these settings under screen time.
- Batch your technology time by checking your email at a certain time, instead of sporadically throughout the day.
- Set a phone curfew for yourself, 2-3 hours before your bedtime.
- This disables all your apps and reminds you to get off of your phone.
- Spend the next couple hours unwinding, relaxing, and getting ready for bed. This also helps your sleep.

*7. Nurture your mind with positive affirmations and self talk*
- Sometimes we forget this, but we get to choose our own thoughts.
- Our thoughts are so powerful because they influence our words and actions, and thus our life.
- Thoughts become things.
- That doesn't mean that you shouldn't have negative thoughts at all, but instead that you acknowledge all the thoughts that you have and choose to feed your mind with positivity and love.
- What you feed grows, so feed your mind with positive affirmations and reminders like "I am safe" "I am worthy" "I am enough" "I am going to be okay".
- Keep a note on your phone with positive affirmations and mindsets and read them every single day.
- The more you repeat these affirmations to yourself, the more you will grow to believe them.
- Listen to the "Positive Affirmations" audio. (Link in the description box.)

*8. Practice daily gratitude*
- No matter where you are in the world or in life, there's always something to be grateful for.
- The power you have is learning to focus on that which you have, rather than that which you do not have.
- We're so much happier and fulfilled when we focus on gratitude.
- Find pockets of time where you can express your gratitude to yourself and to the people around you.
- Each day, jot down a few things that you're grateful for, and be really specific.
- You can also reflect on your gratitude at night before bed.

*9. Always remember to take care of your soul*
- Cultivate your relationship with your inner self through meditation or any mindful practice that allows you to connect to your soul (e.g. going out in nature).
- Meditation is a good way to center yourself, detach yourself from your mind and emotions, and connect to the stillness within.
- Your soul is invincible and unwavering. It is quiet but it is always there.
- The mind is loud, so it always gets our attention. The soul is quiet, so oftentimes, we forget to feel it.
- Take a deep breath and remember that you are alive.
- You're conscious of yourself and the words that you speak right now.
- That is a miracle and a gift that can't be bought.
- Revel in this amazing feeling of simply being alive.

*10. Consistent human connection*
- Connect with people often (even talking to a stranger can serve this purpose).
- Human connection is necessary for the soul.
- We crave to be seen, to be heard, to belong. We crave connection, understanding, and support. We crave love.
- These are all parts of being human.
- We can't ignore that without these things, our lives wouldn't be fulfilling.
- You can have all the riches and worldly abundance. But if you have no one to share your life with, you wouldn't feel fulfilled.
- We need connection and love.

*11. Express yourself through a creative outlet*
- Having any sort of creative outlet allows you to focus your mind and tap into flow and intuition.
- Humans are meant to create.
- The medium doesn't matter. It can be music, art, writing, cooking, or even creative problem solving.
- Creativity simply fills our soul.
- It's important to know that you don't have to be good at the craft. Creativity is just about expressing yourself and having fun. No judgements.

*12. Be kind and gentle with yourself*
- We're often too hard on ourselves. Either we put too much pressure on ourselves because we're perfectionists and hold ourselves to high expectations, or we're hard on ourselves because we feel insecure and not good enough.
- The truth is we are usually our own worst critics.
- Building a better relationship with yourself begins with cultivating self-love.
- Treat yourself with love and compassion, as you would your closest friend, because you are the one that you're going to be spending the rest of your life with.
- You should always be your number one supporter.
- Believe in yourself, encourage yourself, give yourself the love and approval that you crave.
- The more you practice self-love, being kind to yourself, and forgiving yourself, you will realize just how worthy you are.
- If you can truly feel that, you'll be in harmony with your soul.
- Whenever you're feeling down, remember to nurture your body, mind, and soul.

*There is a link to a checklist in the description box.*


1. Sleep well
2. Drink sufficient water
3. Eat whole foods
4. Workout
5. Journal
6. Limit your time on social media
7. Feed Positive affirmations to your mind
8. Practice gratitude
9. Meditate
10. Consistent human connections
11. Have a creative outlet
12. Be kind and gentle to yourself ❤


“We make our habits and our habits in turn make us” (borrowed) ♥️


My favorite way to exercise = JUMPING JACKS :) It's so playful to do and it connects with my childlike, whimsical energy


Youtube finally did something right for me for putting this on my recommendation, , this is what I needed the most right now thank you so much for this


This pandemic has definitely affected every one of us, one way or another. The stability and certainty of our surroundings is essential to our mind, body and soul. 💕

From a self love content creator to another- great tips Aileen! 💓


So happy that I found Aileen during quarantine. She has given so much hope and positivity during this time 🌸✨


Aileen: when was the last time you drunk water?
Me: drinking at the same moment😁✌


Aileen, you are just that *EXTRA JOY* I never thought I would’ve discovered in my life! You helped out so much and created a beautiful community that I’m glad to be apart of. 🌸💗 Love you so much.


1. Take care of your body (get good sleep)!
2. Drink a lot of water
3. Eat whole foods every day
4. Move your body
5. Journal out your emotions + thoughts (with non-judgement)!
6. Limit mental clutter (limit certain media consumption)
7. Positive affirmations + self talk
8. Practice daily gratitude
9. Meditation (or any mindful practice)
10. Consistent human connection
11. Have a creative outlet
12. Be kind + gentle with yourself <3


I’ve been making big strides in the past month by getting a nutritionist and signing up for a therapist today WILLINGLY! I’ve been trying to be more self aware of my body and the things it needs. I can’t help but feel like this video was manifested into existence lol. It obviously wasn’t but it’s exactly what I needed right now. I hope everyone can be more self aware to the things they need because subconsciously, your body will tell you what you need. I’m excited to slowly implement more healthy systems into my life 💕💕


I just joined the journaling series a few days ago and I realized that writing down my thoughts really help in a way that after I write down all the things that bother me, I don’t think about them anymore. It is powerful indeed. Thanks Lavendaire! 💜


I am so glad that I found this channel. It just literally changed my life and it made me free from the negative thoughts that I always have since childhood.


I have no words to describe the motivation that you giving me by your videos.And your loved ones are so lucky to have a amazing human like you.


So happy to read this when i'm feeling down now.Be kind to my
self.God bless


It's amazing how these are things I've heard you and other people talk about a million times before, but I always need to hear them once more, specially presented this way 😍💕


Thank you Aileen, every time I watched your video, I feel encouraged and the world is beautiful. And I can be the person I dream to be. You are so inspiring, love you.


I missed videos like this! Thank you so much Aileen! Love and light 💖
