Problems With God’s Love In Calvinism #calvinism

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This is how Calvinism darkens God’s character.


Per Calvinism: God not only doesn't love the unelect...He has pre-ordained their destruction by divine decree. They will say "All deserve wrath because of sin"...yet their version of God only loves/rescues a random "Some".


Boom! This is what we must do with Calvinism. Use our minds to love God. The word "mind" in the command is the ability to look at both sides of a thing. Calvinists object to this type of critique. All philosophies, including Calvinism, needs this critique. We are not to accept something just because someone says so. Truth isn't up for grabs. God doesn't tell us one thing and then He does another. The passage you're referencing gives us glimpse into the love of God and it is His love that is to be our example. If God is contrary to this then Jesus would have said so. Let's continue to ask questions, think critically and have a high view of Scripture. Go Jordan!!


That applies to the elect too. He only loves us for the sake of His own glory too, and I don’t know any earthly father who has children to enhance his own glory. Why would our a Heavenly Father do what even an earthly father won’t.


Let's pray for the calvinists. No calvinist is ever sure if Jesus Christ died for him, because no calvinist can know for sure if he's one of the elect. We non-calvinists, on the other hand, always know 100% for sure that Jesus died for us because he died for everybody, because God loves everybody.


The non-elect have no hope! This truly goes against the God of the whole Bible.
Thankfully there is hope for everyone but everyone will not have faith in what God has already done on the cross and from the grave.


The good news in Calvinism is predestining millions and millions to eternal hell. The gospel!!


How is Calvinism any different from non Calvinism ? God still creates whom He knew would go to Heaven and whom He knew would go to Hell. No one can change their destiny. If God is Omniscient, then it all logically leads to Calvinism.


God doesn’t love everybody

Malachi 1:3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.


Is it truly your view that God is lovingly attempting to save those sinners He knew perfectly before He ever created would certainly perish in unbelief and rebellion against Him?


Do you honestly think God loved the Egyptians and the people in the land of Canaan equally and in the same way that He loved the covenant people of Israel?


The boastful cannot stand in your sight; you hate all evildoers. You destroy those who tell lies; the Lord abhors violent and treacherous people.
Psalms 5:5‭-‬6 CSB


God doesn’t love everybody.

Malachi 1:3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.


Stop playing the hypocritical comparison game!

No soteriology Calvinism, Reformed, Arminianism, etc can fully understand the Love of God and how He sovereignly dispenses it. None of them can escape Divine Predetermination/ Sovereignty. None of them can brag that their version of God is more loving then look down on Calvinist/Reformed.

Lets look at eternity past when God created, decreed, predetermined what is to come. Did He not create every single person? We were not born neutral that we can determine our destiny. God created those whom He foreknew would use their freewill to believe and those who would reject. It doesn't matter what kind of freewill they have arminian libertarian, reformed compatibilist or semi pelagian. It was God who had initial control, final cause, authority over their destiny.

If God wanted more masses to go to heaven, He could have created less masses whom He foreknew would reject Christ or He could have chosen to not create them at all, only those who would believe so that nobody goes to hell. But God chose to create less masses by a huge margin those whom He foreknew would believe. This was His eternal decree. So even if you are an Arminian or Provisionist, reformed people can accuse your God of not loving too...He knew the damned in advance. Why did He not think of their well being?

Also, God's foreknowledge of future choices of man cannot fail or He is not God. The damned in your theology cannot choose other than what God already foreknew in advance. In effect, He willed everything He created according to His purpose. Can you tell the damned God loves you knowing your destiny yet He created you anyways.

So Jordan, why do you think your theological God is more loving than the calvinist or reformed.

If all theologies cannot escape God's sovereignty, that He does what pleases Him in creation, then stop creating videos like this and painting a negative image of calvinism.
Your opninion of the Love of God is not any better....

I am not insulting you brother, but we are all under the same umbrella of God's mysterious Sovereignty.

Stop playing the self righteous, hypocritical we are better than calvinist game.

You are creating many hypocrites too.

I just feel I need to call you out brother.
