STRESS & ANXIETY RELIEF - Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), FACE TAPPING

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Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), tapping is similar to acupuncture, where lightly tapping certain points on the face and upper body can help relieve tension and stress.

“We all have energy that flows throughout our body on pathways called meridians. When the energy isn’t flowing properly, our body doesn't work as well. Tapping on these meridian points breaks up the energy blockages, which allows people to go from being stressed to feeling better”

So how do you do it?

Tapping works like this:

1. Think of an issue you are struggling with. It can be emotional (like feeling stressed at work or sad about the loss of a beloved patient) or physical (such as a headache or back pain).

2. Say or think of a set-up statement, such as, “Even though I have this problem [insert what is bothering you or causing you pain], I accept myself and how I feel.” Repeat the statement 3 times.

3. Say out loud or in your mind how you feel while you tap on key acupressure points in the body. You’re probably already having an internal conversation with yourself about the pain or stress you’re experiencing. Acknowledge those feelings while you tap the acupressure points.

4. After 2 rounds of tapping, you should start to feel better.

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