Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?

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Is Baptism necessary for salvation? Can anyone be saved without Baptism? This is a brief answer to those questions.
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I grew up in the Church of Christ. They were knuckleheads about this issue. They believed that there was no salvation without being baptized. Also, in their pharasaic manner, the only acceptable age was "the age of accountability". Furthermore, they prescribed that it had to be by total immersion. I had a great deal of pressure placed on me from the time I was about 12 years old to be baptized. Reluctantly, I was baptized so my parents wouldn't make my life any more miserable than they or their church already were doing. Around the age of 16 I left Christianity. I am glad I found is a denomination that is grounded in the gospel, as well as, historical Christianity.


Thank you! I've tried to discuss Baptism with non- Lutherans and man do people get upset quick! Baptism is such a beautiful example of Gods grace! Thanks again for your videos! Please keep them coming! 🇺🇸🙏❤


I was raised firmly in the Missouri Synod Lutheran church, baptized as a baby, confirmed as a teen. I believe in Salvation by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior -God made flesh.

I no longer regularly attend Lutheran churches, but Bible believing churches with sound doctrine. I’ve recently had encounters with some lovely young ladies you stated to be Christian - I later came to find out that they were a part of the Church of Christ. Their main fallacy believing that you MUST be baptized to receive the Holy Spirit and be saved. (Sounds similar to some of the commenters. )

The big difference being, that they were ADAMANT that you must repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit (in that order) to be saved. Anything different, and you will go to Hell. They believed I, a Christian baptized as a baby, was going to Hell, despite my faith in Christ Jesus.

In fact, they point out many of the same verses that you and commenters have mentioned - Acts 2:38, Romans 6:1-4, Mark 16:15, etc.

I comment here to remind you to be weary. It’s easy to take a verse out of context without understanding the greater meaning. Yes, though a believer in Christ should get baptized (it is an absolute blessing from God!) it is NOT the absolute point of Salvation. Acceptance of Christ Jesus as Lord, what He did on the cross to take away our sins, His defeat of sin, death, and the adversary - belief in Jesus of the Bible and acceptance into your heart - is the point of Salvation.

Too much weight on baptism (full submerged or sprinkled), repentance, etc. becomes WORK BASED SALVATION. Yes, we should do all these things as are spoken in God’s Holy Word, but it is Christ ALONE and what He did for us on the cross that Saves us.

Anything we do is but dirty rags to the Lord. Jesus Christ did everything, is everything. And praise God that He blessed us with Salvation, His grace and mercy. We do not deserve it.

I just ask that you be weary brothers and sisters. It’s far too easy to become legalistic and works based on one side, or fade to the happy-go-lucky false teachings of the Charismatic Movement and property gospel on the other.

Satan is like a Lion looking about for whom he may devour.

Trust in Jesus, trust in the Bible! Amen!


it's sad that people have such a low view...borderline hatred...of this beautiful work of God. I pray our hearts be crucified so that we may be willing to listen to correction.


Thank you. Short and to the point. God's peace be with you.


Being raised as a Baptist I hold this same view


Anglican and agree with pretty much all of this.


TIL I am Lutheran in my view of baptism.


Mk16 is quoted several times by church fathers that date before the oldest Markan mss we have. A school of thought known as lower textual criticism has a canon which says if the texts are older they are more reliable. However the texts based upon this are highly redacted. It’s ironic when Fathers are quoting portions of Mk 16 as divine that predate these Alexandrian texts, yet textual critics do not consider this in the question of lower textual criticism.


What does the Bible say?
Why would Jesus Christ command the baptism if it was not necessary?
Matthew 28:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
John 3:5 King James Version (KJV)
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.


they keep "chasing their tale"...."God's gifts of grace (incluuding faith [Eph. 2:8, 9]) come through baptism", but "you can be saved without baptism"- so, sinners can be "saved" without God's "gifts of grace/salvation" which are only available in "baptism"? ...round and


John the Baptist said, it is necessary before you accept and follow the messiah Jesus! John refused to baptize Jesus for he knew Jesus is sinless and did not need to be bsptized but he knew the people around him were sinful and need baptism. When they were already baptized and then follow Jesus, it meant they were saved.


- Non-Lutherans bang their heads on the doctrine of justification and go crazy when they hear about the perishability of original sin. God's grace has been taken away from them because these two basic doctrines already condemn them.


Water Baptism for salvation? There are plenty of people who have been water baptized but never got saved.

Putting on a wedding ring doesn’t mean you are married.


Its a little like, could individuals in this age who didn't have the written word of God for a period of history have been illuminated to the gospel? Yes, of course. But as a matter of objective and practical reality, beyond reasonable doubt, should we have the unaltered Word being passed from generation to generation? Yes, amen.

I personally feel that if any outward deed be added to the inward testimony of salvation by faith, then we should negate it. But people choose to be baptized to affirm the symbolic nature of baptism. Baptism is being submerged in water and then being brought out of the water. Putting off the old nature and putting on the new. As soon as that reality is realised in my own mind, then I might choose to affirm outward baptism, to affirm that tradition of the church.


If your doctrine is correct concerning the method of salvation - that baptism is not the method of conversion, and that all you need to do is believe to be saved - then those that believe that baptism is necessary for salvation meet the requirements of your doctrine and they are saved! These people are not in jeopardy.

However, if they are correct - and baptism is the method of conversion and necessary for salvation - then all those that have taught and believed otherwise will be eternally lost.

Therefore, those that teach and believe that baptism is necessary for salvation are safe either way, whether their doctrine is true or not.
Yet those that believe baptism is not necessary for salvation are completely dependent upon their interpretation of scripture and doctrine to be true, otherwise they will be damned.
I dont know about you, but I would rather err on the side of caution!

Matthew 7:21-23
"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:"

Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

Concerning your understanding of 1 Corinthians 1, you need to have understanding of the complete context to see that Paul actually teaches that baptism is a part of conversion and salvation.

1 Corinthians 1:12-17
12. Some of you say, I am of Paul, another says I am of Apollos, and another says, I am of Cephas (Simon Peter); But I tell you, I am of Christ! (I am a Baptist, I am a Methodist, I am a Lutheran…)
13. I ask, has Christ been divided? It was not Cephas that was crucified for you; It was not in the name of Paul that you were baptized!
14. I give thanks unto God that I did not baptize any of you, except for Crispus and Gaius,
15. so that none might say that they were baptized in my name!
16. I also baptized the house of Stephanus, but I do not remember baptizing any other.
17. Christ did not send me to do baptisms, but to preach the gospel;

1 Corinthians 3:4-8
4. For when one says, I am of Apollos, and another says, I am of Paul, is this not evidence of a worldly mindset? (1 Corinthians 1:12-17)
5. Who is Paul? Who is Apollos? Are they not simply servants through whom you have come to trust in God? Did not both give unto you as the Lord allowed?
6. I planted (brought the message), Apollos watered (baptized), but it is God who brought the growth!
7. So the one who planted and the one who watered, they are not what matters, but it is the Lord our God who brought the increase.
8. One planted and one did the watering, and each of us shall receive a reward according to each one’s work.

Can you see that your presumption concerning water baptism is in error? I pray that you can. Context matters.


The problem is Baptists always wanna harp on the exception that God makes for the unbaptized and create a norm out of it, almost like they’re grasping at straws. “Well I said a prayer of salvation! I accepted Jesus! I got saved! So it doesn’t matter if I’m baptized or not.” And then they’ll have a field day with Acts 2 and talk about being baptized by the Holy Spirit to prove that water baptism is just a symbol that shows they got saved. Making adequate sense of 1 Peter 3:21 with my Baptist friends is very difficult when you have 4-5 different assumptions about regeneration and baptism.


The best way to approach this to start where sin began, Adam and Eve were the 1st to sin .
How did God handle it, the 1st sacrifice for sin was to take 2 innocent lambs, skin them
and cover Adam and Eve with the bloody things ; Genesis 3:21, life is in the blood Genesis
4:10 ; Abel's blood cried to God from the ground . Throughout the old testament animal
sacrifice was the way this was handled, until 1 day John was baptizing in the River
Jordan, John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold
the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world . In 1 John 1:7 But if we walk
in the light, we have the fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his
Son cleanseth us from all sin . How does it clean us, 1 John 5:8 there are 3 that bear
witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood . How do we get these 3 together
is in the name of Jesus Acts 2:38, when you mention the name of Jesus, the Spirit comes
in, and the blood comes in and mixes with the water and there's a washing away your sins .
Now I cannot show you the Spirit, it's invisible, and I can't show you the blood from Cavalry
but I can show you the water . Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by law purged with
blood ; and without shedding of blood is no remission . Now some say I was baptized as
infant, but there is no blood, no remission, you can go down to the river a get dipped 3
times, no blood no remission, you might say I was baptized Father, Son, Holy Spirit,
no blood no remission . There is no other name in which you can be saved Acts 4:12, 13
Ephesians 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, it's for everyone .


Do the Papists hold the position that baptism in their church is absolutely necessary and essential for salvation and without which cannot possibly be saved?


Non-Jews don't know the meaning of Baptism and Paul the Jewish Apostle only gives a glimpse of what's it all about.
Check out Acts of the Apostles and you will find out why they were all eager to get baptized.
Christians find your Jewish roots.
