514. Is Baptism Necessary For Salvation?

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Can a person truly be saved without having been Baptized? Bobby answers this common question.
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As usual in the Baptist understanding of Baptism, no Scripture whatsoever was cited in defining what Baptism actually is. The reason for that is simple: nowhere does Scripture claim that Baptism is some outward declaration of what's already happened. Baptism Saves (1 Peter 3:21), Baptism forgives sins (Acts 2:38), and Baptism unites us to the death of Christ (Romans 6:1-11). Please stick with Scripture, rather than your man-made tradition.


If your doctrine is correct concerning the method of salvation - that baptism is not the method of conversion, and that all you need to do is believe to be saved - then those that believe that baptism is necessary for salvation meet the requirements of your doctrine and they are saved! These people are not in jeopardy.

However, if they are correct - and baptism is the method of conversion and necessary for salvation - then all those that have taught and believed otherwise will be eternally lost.

Therefore, those that teach and believe that baptism is necessary for salvation are safe either way, whether their doctrine is true or not.
Yet those that believe baptism is not necessary for salvation are completely dependent upon their interpretation of scripture and doctrine to be true, otherwise they will be damned.
I dont know about you, but I would rather err on the side of caution!

Matthew 7:21-23
"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:"

Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

Concerning your understanding of 1 Corinthians 1, you need to have understanding of the complete context to see that Paul actually teaches that baptism is a part of conversion and salvation.

1 Corinthians 1:12-17
12. Some of you say, I am of Paul, another says I am of Apollos, and another says, I am of Cephas (Simon Peter); But I tell you, I am of Christ! (I am a Baptist, I am a Methodist, I am a Lutheran…)
13. I ask, has Christ been divided? It was not Cephas that was crucified for you; It was not in the name of Paul that you were baptized!
14. I give thanks unto God that I did not baptize any of you, except for Crispus and Gaius,
15. so that none might say that they were baptized in my name!
16. I also baptized the house of Stephanus, but I do not remember baptizing any other.
17. Christ did not send me to do baptisms, but to preach the gospel;

1 Corinthians 3:4-8
4. For when one says, I am of Apollos, and another says, I am of Paul, is this not evidence of a worldly mindset? (1 Corinthians 1:12-17)
5. Who is Paul? Who is Apollos? Are they not simply servants through whom you have come to trust in God? Did not both give unto you as the Lord allowed?
6. I planted (brought the message), Apollos watered (baptized), but it is God who brought the growth!
7. So the one who planted and the one who watered, they are not what matters, but it is the Lord our God who brought the increase.
8. One planted and one did the watering, and each of us shall receive a reward according to each one’s work.

Can you see that your presumption concerning water baptism is in error? I pray that you can. Context matters.

Jesus is our example:
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, and then he received the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:38 tells us to repent and be baptized, of which we can do when entering the water. If we do this we will receive the Holy Spirit.


Sir, I challenge you to tell me where in the Bible it says you are saved by faith alone, as the only time this word combination is used in the Bible, it says it is not faith alone.


YAHUSHUA, He whom you call "Jesus", has spoken to our generation. More of His Letters at the bottom of this comment;

"7/10/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord: Be wary of all these men in authority who dwell in the churches of men, be wary and vigilant. For they hold tightly to singleness of doctrine, teaching always that which is built upon the corrupt knowledge and understanding of men, men who refuse to let go of that which was passed down to them by their forefathers, by which they also remain blind. Therefore do not judge according to human standards, nor by that which is put forth by men as doctrine, for they are greatly misled. Rather study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.[1] For discernment with fear is righteousness.
Beloved ones, embrace the wisdom and knowledge of God, break free from all these corrupt doctrines and filthy traditions held in such high regard. For I ask you, if you dispense the food of God to the hungry, while using your own salt to salt that which has salt in itself, will not the food you offer lose its flavor and become bitter in the mouths of those who came looking to be fed?
I tell you the truth, many will there be in My Kingdom who received no baptism by water. Rather they had been fully immersed in The Word of God, enveloped in The Son’s sacrifice and love, baptized in the Spirit of Truth. For most assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. Therefore, do not cast stumbling blocks before the feet of those who love Me. Be one in Messiah, according to that which dwells inwardly in the heart. For true fellowship comes not by words spoken amongst a group of united people, nor by immersion in water. Rather it starts with the heart, and is found in the stillness of My spirit, where My peace mends the broken and My gentle caress gladdens the heart. For all those found at the feet of The Lord are covered with grace, and those who abide in My love are indeed of one accord.
Beloved, where in The Commandments have I written all must be baptized by men to be saved? Baptism is indeed good, if it is a confession poured out from one’s heart in pure belief, an outward act of faith revealing one’s acceptance of their forgiveness in The Messiah. For the water of the earth can only cleanse that which is soiled on the skin. By no means can it cleanse that which is soiled in the spirit; this is reserved for the blood of The Lamb. Again I say to you, baptism by water is nothing, unless one is first washed by The Word, being baptized in the Spirit of Grace and Truth which is received in YahuShua HaMashiach, whom you call Jesus and Christ. For HE is The True Baptism, The Very Water of Life, in which all must be cleansed to receive everlasting life.

Therefore beloved, remember:
The spirit of the Word, and not the letter,
Is the way, the truth and the life...
For The Messiah is indeed coming quickly,
To baptize all in fire and glory...
Those of a wicked heart, in fire...
And those of the Spirit, in glory, forever and ever!"


I had to unsubscribed after watching this video. Clearly he forgot that Jesus Himself stated that He who believes and is baptized is saved. mark 16 and John 3
