How to Do a Jumping Lunge | Plyometric Exercises

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Hi, I'm Pauline and I'm back with another great plyometric move. Okay, this is a killer. This is a quad killer, hamstring, glute killer, cardio killer, but it's great to have in your arsenal. So this is a jump and lunge. What you're going to do is, I want you to take your leg back on your toes, just a heel to toe movement, but I need you to make sure that everything is lined up. So hips are lined up, you're going to center your body and you're going to dip down, all right? This is the start of the movement.

Okay, feet together, let down, feet together as I'm doing this. I have to make sure my core is tight, and you do too, because once you lose your tightness in you core, everything falls apart and you're going to hurt yourself. So it's really important to focus on keeping your core tight, shoulders down so that you're in line. Okay, so this is a jumping move. I'm just showing it to you slow, so that you get the movement.

Okay, so I'm going to speed it up. Once you start here, you're going to jump up, land soft, front leg you're landing on your heel, back leg on your toe, okay? Heel in front, landing on your heel, land on your toe in the back. Again, driving force heel to toe. Heel to toe; heel to toe; heel to toe. Okay, sometimes I get a lot of questions about - from ladies - of how to build my glutes.

I'm telling you this is a good builder. Once you're down here, your hamstrings are primarily loaded up, as well as your butt. And because you're pushing off your heel, which is attached to your hamstring and you butt, you're going to work on your glutes. So again, up, back down. Not going to forget the quads, but this is a quad burner.

So again, if you're new to this, start by going down, coming back up, and walking it. Okay, so you can walk it this way. If you're still going heel to toe, until you get really good, then you can soften it up. So go up, jumping forward so I'm heel to toe, okay? That's how you do a jump lunge.
Рекомендации по теме

Man, she makes this look effortless, while I feel like I'm preparing for my funeral when I do these!


Is anyone else here because their Phys Ed teacher wants you to send in videos of you doing this during quarantine


This was so helpful! My recruiter gave me a workout routine today that included these and I wasn't too sure of myself. Thank you!!!


This is a really good exercise to do if you perform in any type of combat sport that requires you to explode and strike with your fists, elbows, knees and feet the jumping lunge is tough. However, its one closest exercises to an actual fight that you can do apart from skipping rope the Jumping Lunge improves balance and coordination helps with that instant explosiveness you need to land that fight ending shot.


Was looking for another exercise to add into my HIIT routine as I get fitter. This one is ideal!


How you manage to actually balance while doing that is beyond me!


Wow I’ve been workout out for around 2 years now and I’ve been having some knees pain after starting to work my legs with these, I searched this up because i think it has a lot to do with my formation


This is really helpful! Thank you, and wonderful video!


How do you land softly to avoid knee injury?


i tried it in 5 min work out. I almost passed out. haha


Looks so easy and i really dread them, i ca burpee, jump, push ups etc but really my soul let my body hen i do one of them, is there any exercise wich could suply this?


Her voice is so high pitched she could be an anime voice actor


What kind of shoes are you wearing, Pauline?


Confused by people saying it's bad for your knees. How? The knees don't flex fully (as with a sissy or hindu squats). Due to the plyometric nature of the exercise, the muscles will absorb all of the shock right? If anything, it's probably worse for your hips and groin


ı make this 100 . im working every day really so hard 5x20 jumping lunge my program


Perfect the lunge jumps aren't bad either


What component of fitness it is? What muscles does it work?


If you just do jumping lunges, it's fine but still hard.
If you do an entire working including the jumping lunges is dreadful...


We have to do these for how long? Can anyone help me


Wow.. I wish i could do the regular lunges in that ease 🤣
