Symptoms Of Stress and Anxiety *WHY ARE THEY HERE?!* 😳

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In this insightful video, we dive deep into the intriguing question: why are symptoms of stress and anxiety here? Drawing upon extensive research and personal experiences, I navigate the labyrinth of stress and anxiety, uncovering the profound reasons behind their manifestation.

From the palpitations of an anxious heart to the restless thoughts that plague the mind, each stress and anxiety symptom is a subtle messenger, carrying vital clues about our inner workings.

By exploring these stress and anxiety symptoms with curiosity and compassion, we gain invaluable insights into the intricate dance between our minds and bodies. Join me on this transformative journey as we decode the language of stress and anxiety, shedding light on their purpose and paving the way towards greater understanding and healing.

Subscribe To The Anxiety Guy YouTube Channel today!

The voice for anxiety sufferers, Dennis Simsek (The Anxiety Guy) leads others out of an anxiety riddled lifestyle and towards inner peace. Having gone through debilitating health anxiety, panic attacks, generalized anxiety, agoraphobia for years Dennis has found a way through the darkness and back into the light. Now, he is sharing science backed and proven ways to heal anxiety for good.


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Thank you so much Denis. I been struggling with crippling anxiety for about 4 years to the point I was going to E.R thinking I was having heart attacks. I been watching your videos and working on telling my inner child that we are safe and there’s no need to worry. It’s been a battle but your videos really help me, even sometimes just listening to them as I do stuff to calm myself down. I still live in a state of fear of just dying and not being there for my kids but I really appreciate you. Thank you so much


Your videos are like my "bible" now. You are amazing! Everything is so true. The frantic focus on symptoms and looking for a quick fix. Thank you so much 🙏


Had to hear this. 2 months of headaches and dizziness and today I got really bad pins and needles in my feet and arms so here I'm thinking something is bad.
Just scheduled an MRI for next week(have done MRI last May)😢😢😢 I can't live like this


Dennis thank you. I am beginning to understand my limits when I pass my threshold of fatigue and overwhelm. Slowing down physically and the mind. Your skillsets help me a lot.


Because I am so fearful of the anxiety itself I avoid experiencing it at all costs. I have found that as I continue doing this the anxiety and associated symptoms is getting worse and my world continues to get smaller. I realize now that I have to bring the anxiety in and start becoming dispassionately aware of it as much as possible. I can really see that you have lived through this and I appreciate you!


Once again you make total sense, this is exactly how the symptoms react within, as soon as i have time to sit down there off. It's been able to believe in yourself mentally that your not in danger, and that your safe.


Yes I hate the dizziness, the fight or flight. I have had Menierre’s for 34 years. It is a dizziness vestibular disease and the anxiety dizziness compounds it all. Fighting a daily battle. Sometimes I just want to cry forever. Such a great video. Thank you.


Coming from a place of franticness, instead disinterest.
And I like that you suggest having one idea to settle yourself instead of a million different things. Because a ruminating mind feels very crazy, along with symptoms like, weakness, tingling in the hands and feet, inner tremors,
Muscles so tight …
This results in one big ball of Crazytown.
So just choosing one thought to go to when struggling with all these things sounds very helpful.


Thank you for not only your an insight into your own time line but for sharing knowledge, so as we can all try to navigate this life.
I had a stroke (3 small clots last July 23) out of the blue. A healthy woman of 44yrs. Thankful I'd never experienced anxiety up til then. This last period of time since then, has been trying to find something that would help me asap as it's an awful place to be trapped in. Using your knowledge and forming new habits, my life has got rosier. I'm kinda and ore compassionate to myself, that was the first hurdle. The rest is trusting g the body again and working with my inner child /chatter box (I have named them and collectively called the gang).
Again thank you so much !


Addiction to suffering… What a wake-up call! Thank you for this amazing video🤍


Romanticizing and empowering my anxiety symptoms like some big chapter or section of my life has taught them that they belong, somehow. Having to experience the endless fatigue and sleepless nights makes it impossible to ignore or run from. So I'll settle on dispassionate awareness, it is only strong if I send it strength or feed it fear. Thank you for the learning experience.


One of the main things I have learned from your channel is respond well to the symptoms. But don’t engage. You’re the best


Awareness as to where it comes from. Deep knot I live with on a constant. I sometimes don’t know how to begin to unravel the trauma. I remember my first attack, a very long time ago. I recall telling myself that our bodies are so smart that if you’re not on the right path, your body will paralyze you via anxiety, until you make the changes necessary. I had forgotten that lesson..and life has become longer and more complicated. I still believe that insight to hold truth, but I’m in it hard right now.


Thank you! You are providing the link I needed between my spiritual journey and my physical life. I asked my anxiety what it was trying to show me and your videos began to show up. Thank you 😅


Dispassion=Letting go...easier said than done but still working on it. Very aware. 🙂Thank you


My biggest more than anxiety moment from this video was watching dilating hands in my left hand (the left hand is more dilated than the right which was scaring me a lot to panic) disappear in front of my eyes. That was cool and empowering. Very trippy.


I am home alone all day. I don’t watch tv anymore. I feel I’m alone to much. I am always bracing for the worst with and realizing I’m doing it. My what ifs are always about bad things happening to other people close to me.


Oh how I wish I could see you 1 to 1! I find the only answer to any quality in my life is through distraction so clearly I haven't fully understood yr explanation. I'm just so grateful that you understand exactly what this anxiety is
Big help x


I never thought of my little me playing tricks on me by allowing me to think that I could find solutions to my various symptoms, plus with the added complication of being in fight or flight mode. This is so helpful. Thank you.


Wow. Want to listen to this all they till I get it.❤
Again is so true
I always try to make myself busy to not think about symptoms just so true
