Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) - causes, symptoms & treatment

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Does anybody can relate to the situation when you’re lay in bed and your heart starts beating really fast and it’s hard to breathe for no reason?


Social anxiety makes you anxious even around your closest friends. You think everyone judges you, no matter who they


I don’t know if it’s just me but my heart begins to speed and I get scared which Increases it.


My kind of anxiety is where I overthink so much to an unimaginable extent and get anxious that I can't find a relief


I get nervous for no reason, at all. I'm literally just sitting in bed and feel like someone is shoving sand down my throat.


I'm actually too scared to ask my parents to take me for a test for this, I'm more scared of my parents rolling their eyes and telling me to stop it than I am actually being diagnosed with it


"Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you dont feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!"


I had every single one of the symptoms for the last seven months. Things that have helped my anxiety recently :
1) at least 15min of walking in the sunlight per day
2) exercise twice a day
3) conscious choosing to not chase a thought or dwell in it
4) easy hack to snap out of thinking:listing our colours that I see around me like when I'm brushing My teeth I do this
5)paying attention my senses


Realizing I have anxiety gives me more anxiety


I was diagnosed with GAD last year and it's a horrible condition. I find it annoying when people think they know how I feel because they get anxious. GAD is worse then just feeling anxious it's extremely debilitating.


I can't eat, I start gagging whenever I'm stressed, can't sleep, I get nightmares, I get easily emotional, I'm irritable, and just the excessive worrying about almost everything. I cant get a bad experience out of my mind even if it happened days ago, it bothers me that I think my work mates are always talking behind my back, I just feel tired of having to worry about everything.


Reading the comments, I feel so sad. I don't have any mental illnesses, and I don't know how it's like, but I want you to know that there are people who are here for you. If you feel alone, you can always talk to an online therapist for free. We love and appreciate you, and hope that things get better!

And to those who are faking anxiety, just stop, please. People won't treat you differently, you don't get special treatment, and it's just really unsympathetic to those who have mental disorders. Thank you, and have a nice day. ^^


These kind of videos make me feel less alone with this struggle, thanks.


Does anyone have a thought or bad event stuck in their mind which increases their anxiety?


You know that feeling that spikes when you are in real immediate danger
Imagine feeling that all the time


*When I get anxiety:* my hands shake a lot, heart beats like crazy, feels like fainting, stomach hurts, voice is trembling, just wants to stay home, and secretly cries alone
*If you never had anxiety or any mental health disorder, it's more worse then you think*


I worry about literally everything, I freak out that I’m gonna stop breathing


I can't remember the last time I wasn't worried or anxious about something. Every single day I am stressed out. I can never catch a break from this. My muscles have became so tense that I tense up my body without noticing. I am never relaxed. And _always_ exhausted even though I am doing nothing 😂


I have had anxiety since 2016 (8th grade), initially the symptoms were mild but now it is persistent and excessive. I got help in the beginning of this year because I knew it was messing me up. Chest pains, muscle tension, trouble sleeping (or not sleeping at all), digestion problem, loss of appetite, hard time focussing. I am 17 now ( 18 in the end of October) and I am in the lowest point in my life. I have lost hope but I'm constantly trying to tell myself that it will be alright.
I feel like I've failed myself and everyone around me, my mum, dad and sister. I have always had the image of a strong daughter infront of my dad, he calls me a ''fighter". I am afraid to tell him about how I feel because my sister is already suffering from bipolar disorder (since 2016) and telling him about my problem will make him feel terrible and I don't wanna do that. I can't sleep and I haven't sleep well in years. I wanna feel at ease but I can't.
Please, pray for me.


it sucks even more when your main trigger of your anxiety is health related and something completely out of your reach, not being able to do anything to make the symptom go away and it always being there makes my anxiety worse :/
