Quick-Start Guide to Anxiety Treatment

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An anxiety disorder diagnosis does not mean that you are defective, nor that it’s your fault, you’re not broken. The disorder is treatable. It doesn’t have to be permanent! Anxiety is a real and challenging condition where our physiology, our mind, and our experiences get caught up in a cycle of increasing worries and physical symptoms. But that cycle can be turned around with the right knowledge, skills and practice. It may be difficult to break the pattern on your own, but with the right support and resources you can overcome an anxiety disorder!
In this video learn 10 ways you can treat anxiety, decrease stress and become healthier and happier.

Therapy in a Nutshell and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.
In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life's direction.

Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
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1. See a doctor to rule out medical conditions.
2. Find therapist/support group.
3. Learn about anxiety.
4. Exercise.
5. Mindfulness.
6. Decrease caffeine.
7. Improve sleep.
8. Stress management.
9. Willingness/acceptance
10. Focus on purpose.


She’s my therapist and you guys are my support group.


The real fix for anxiety: I’m not a doctor so this is just my opinion. Back story, in 2019 I suffered my first panic attack. Long story short, I ended up in hospital for 9 days thinking I was dying due to EXTREME symptoms. On the last day in hospital, my symptoms were so bad I hit which lasted 3 months. Including: severe non stop body and leg jerks (Hypnic jerks) 3 months insomnia INCLUDING EVERY SYMPTOM you can imagine X 10. There is literally NO symptom that you can mention, that I haven’t had in the most extreme way. (Other than the DPDR, all my symptoms lasted 4 years and I had them daily.

I stoped driving, had to change my career, stopped playing sports, couldn’t fly, couldn’t sit in a car with people, couldn’t get into an elevator, got overwhelmed in malls. The list goes on and on. I was crippled due to anxiety.

From being comfortable doing one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, to not being able to leave my house…..Even though I used to think anxiety was for attention seeking drama queens as I’d never experienced it before….Anxiety is real and the struggle is real.

Hundreds of hour’s Googling for a cure, YouTube videos, talking to multiple people, going to doctors, eating clean, exercising, long walks, meditation, yoga, breathing. NOTHING WORKED and personally I decided not to use medication……MY LIFE WAS OVER due to the onslaught of crippling symptoms.

The FIX:
If you are not prepared to do this, then be prepared to have anxiety for the rest of your days.
1: know that your symptoms are not unique, your are not a special case regardless of how bad your symptoms are - many people suffer the same, if not worse than you do.
2) Anxiety is a nervous system sensitisation and your system has had a break down (a nervous breakdown)
3) Your adrenal glands are constantly pumping cortisol into your system even when no threat is present and your ability to handle any stress is SUPER LOW due to constant cortisol and a TiRED BODY AND MIND.

NB NB NB: do this to get your nervous system back to normal:

1) STOP associating your entire life as someone with anxiety:
2)For adults only- DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOUR ANXIETY TO ANYONE and I mean ANYONE, not your partner, not your friends, not your family, not even as a joke to your animals and not even yourself when in the shower..DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT——-Talking about it l keeps it alive and fuels the adrenaline glands- this will be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT but you need to BREAK the habit loop you are in…..and you are in a bad habit loop.

2)DO NOT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS- googling symptoms keeps anxiety alive and fuels it….Break the habit

3)Accept your symptoms accept ALL the symptoms and know they are just anxiety, understand that the cortisol and adrenaline are making you feel this way…ACCEPT the feeling and BE BRAVE, don’t talk about it to anyone, don’t google the symptoms, don’t pitty yourself, don’t look for sympathy from others…Accept the symptom as difficult as it is and do something to keep yourself busy. BE BRAVE you are not your symptom and don’t let that symptom ruin your day, MOVE WITH THE SYMPTOMS, accept it as it will be with you for a while.

First rule of anxiety fix club: Don’t talk about your anxiety:

2nd rule of anxiety fix club: Don’t talk about your anxiety:

Don’t google or YouTube anything EVER AGAIN about anxiety.

You are in a talking, googling, YouTube, sympathy seeking BAD HABIT loop…..break it now and your nervous system will start to regulate itself again.

A tip you should incorporate into the above list- if you have “idle moments during your day. Those idle moments can allow you to ruminate on how horrible you feel. Don’t allow this, keep a diary of your day and FILL most of the day with tasks that keep you busy as to take your mind off the feeling, this will also break the habit cycle. Take up a new hobbies, build something, read, do 15min exercises, do puzzles, word searches, do short courses, go for a run, go for a bike ride, learnt to type, try coding just for the hell of it…..literally DO ANYTHING else than just sit there and think about how shit you feel. Fill up your idle time in the day with something, anything.

Then, later add a more detailed exercise and diet plan. A healthy body is a healthy mind.

I did this for only 2 months and yes it was extremely difficult….my wife literally asked me last night? She said, how is your anxiety just gone after 4 years. I said it’s not gone, it’s just that the symptoms are more manageable and less intense.

I flew to Norway last week and sat in the middle seat between 2 strangers. 3 months ago, this thought would have killed me….it was a walk in the park…not one symptom.

Always get cleared from your doctor first as to make sure it’s just anxiety.

Once cleared, try this. You won’t be sorry you did.

Ps don’t talk about your anxiety, not even to yourself.


It’s all about health anxiety for most of us these days


Microdosing LSD and psilocybin mushrooms has been the best experience. Since I started taking them I have noticed clearer thinking and peaceful existence. Taking on anything life throws at me, great stuff.


Love how bitesize this video is! Learning about our chimp brain is the most helpful thing to me. 🧠
When you have anxiety for many years it’s easy to forget some obvious and core support ideas, some other things that help me that you could try are
- having a note page on your phone full of sayings and thought that you know soothes you.
- ASMR videos
- knowing you can’t thing positively whilst anxious, ‘it’s like trying to think positively whilst running from a tiger’ relax from the anxiety first then you can slowly start trying to feel positive.


You have helped me tremendously in this journey I love all your videos ! God bless you


I was raised in a extremely angry and confrontational family. I was always living in fear of what was coming next. It hasn't really gone away even with medication. I apologize to people even when I did nothing wrong. I have a therapist that is great but sometimes I feel like my issues are being dismissed. Our mom was great at making us feel like what we are feeling is not important. If your mom treats you like that it's going to stick with you the rest of your life.


You don't know how thankful I am for this. It's been a pretty rough week for me, I've been applying for jobs to help my family because they're struggling financially and everytime I get a call for an interview I either stare at my phone until it stops ringing, or hang up in the middle of the call because of my anxiety. As a result of this, I've been feeling very guilty and overwhelmed, and have not been sleeping or eating well. I know this isn't healthy and doesn't help me achieve what I'm pursuing (which is to endure the interviews in order to slowly teach my brain that it's safe to try these things), but your video has made me aware of all the tools available to me, and how taking one step at a time will help me more than trying it all at once. So, to anyone reading this: hang in there, be patient and gentle to yourself. You'll get through this.


I don't think I have anxiety but I have been struggling with insomnia, intrusive thoughts, and overthinking for a few months now. Your videos have been helping me so much in learning how to manage these thoughts, avoid an anxiety cycle, and take better care of myself. I haven't resolved these issues completely, but it has gotten a lot better since it started. Since my semester in uni is coming to a close and I'll be starting a new job soon, I know that having these tools will be extremely valuable in the days to come. Just wanted to extend a big thank you for making such organized, clear, and easy-to-follow videos on these topics


What finally worked for me was daily 30-60 min mindfulness and compassion meditation.


I've been suffering from intrusive thoughts for a month, this video has made such an impact to me. I've always suffered from anxiety and unwanted thoughts but this year it has gotten much worse. I'm more than happy that I found this video 🥺🙏


You are one of the best YouTubers. I hope you know the impact you are making in this world. Lots of love and blessings from my side.


I suffer from severe anxiety disorder and sometimes I have anxiety attacks . I appreciate your help and educational support! Thank you!


I have only just discovered your channel ....
Im from the UK ...and I cannot begin to tell you how you have helped me I feel you've saved me ... honestly I do ... Ive always taken everything from everybody ... Im basically a 'Door mat' ... Im obsessed with pleasing everybody else but never myself ... coz Ive always thought Im not worthy enough....
Ive struggled for most of my life ... even as a child of a narcissistic Mum .. ( I didnt realise this for years & years ) ... I just thought it was 'me' ...
But now I listen to your advice & slowly each day Im learning to try & fix myself ....
Thank you from the bottom of my heart xxxx


My dog forces me to get out and walk every day - even when I don't want to! She is a life saver.


Try new things good for anxiety. New songs, new movies, buying new things etc. Also read books learn new things for stay away from brain ruminating. When have anxiety or some problems in head out brain is turning/ruminating same things all the time. We should feed our brain and soul with new foods ...
Thanks for video.


Thank you for this. I really needed a guide on how to deal with things happening all around me and this video literally uploaded just a few minutes ago. I have been avoiding the things I need to do and in the process makes me feel bad for not being responsible. I overthink and blame it on my circumstances as if I am the victim, that in effect makes me feel relieved and justified on doing things that increase my happiness yet not necessarily address the issues.

I feel bad for procrastinating yet I feel no motivation on what to do about it and try to do something else, and my mind is exhausted as with my physical body, it manifests. Thank you for the videos, I honestly needed to hear that there is hope, even for someone like me, that I am not the only one feeling like this and I not suffer it alone or in silence. Again, thank you so much!


Monosodium Glutamate gave me anxiety until I realized it was triggering me. I was deficient in lysine and arginine (amino acids).

Exercise and meditation absolutely help, but for me it's my diet that can knock me off 'center'. If I feed my body right, the other tricks like mindfulness and cognitive thinking are needed a LOT less.

Meditation and mindfulness is basically good because it turns of the default-mode-network (the racing mind). New studies say that's also what happens in micro-dose therapy.

It all comes down to the chemistry of your brain-soup.


This lady will have a special place in heaven. I love this era where we have access to this wisdom and help even if we can’t afford help.
