Baptism Saves

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Refuting Protestantism from the Bible in 17 Hour Lecture Set:

Recordings sent by email.

Bundle with "Answering Calvinism from the Bible" for a discount (23 hours total):

To just get "Answering Calvinism from the Bible"

Topic list for Protestantism course:

1: Why Answer Protestantism from the Bible?
2: The Arc of Biblical Theology: Creation, Covenant, Redemption, Glorification
3: How Does Christ Purchase Salvation?
4: Justification, Deification, and Imputation
5: Justification, Deification, and Imputation (2)
6: Liturgical Worship in Biblical Theology
7: What Happens in Baptism and the Eucharist?
8: Apostolic Succession, the Holy Priesthood, and the Visibility of the Church
9: The Communion of Saints: Veneration and Intercession
10: The Woman: The Virgin Mary in Scripture
11: Now Mine Eyes Have Seen: Iconography and Idolatry
12: The Biblical Doctrine of Tradition


It's funny, right after I converted I talked to a Baptist preacher who insisted on exactly the opposite. I would have thought a denomination that calls itself Baptist would place higher value on baptism.


Great video, glory to the Triune God ☦️🙏


And this is only using the Bible, when You combine it with the Church Fathers.. that topic is so clear.. you will not find 1 Church Father telling something different regarding this.. I don't know if people understand what that means...


@Seraphim-Hamilton thank you for helping and teaching us grow in our faith. GOD Bless your family and you. Your Catholic brother Robert from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷


Amazing! Hoping to see a regular pod with you and Teleosbound!


God bless your work, Seraphim! Come visit us in Grand Rapids sometime. - Fr John


Dang I can’t even lie… you went hard on this one. Can’t even refute that at all


Not all Protestants hold to once saved always saved, most Protestants would agree with the things you said in this video.


Seraphim, I know you're not clergy and I am not sure you'll be able to answer this question. But I was recived into The Holy Orthodox Church this most recent Pascha and was Chrismated only (I also was given the name Seraphim after our venerable wonderworker Seraphim of Sarov).
I feel this lack of Baptism as a very real tragedy, and my spiritual life is very poor. I am not sure if you have any advice, God bless 🙏☦️


Then what about the scripture where if (I think) it’s said you confess and you believe your saved?


What religion would you be affiliated with?


I love how they say Protestants when this is exactly what Anglicans and Lutherans have been claiming.


Yet the thief on the cross next to Jesus Christ not only was not baptized or attend a temple back in those days but he was forgiven for the faith and who Christ was hanging on the cross next to him… Remember Jesus Christ said he will be with me in paradise and it is finished. Water baptism is wonderful and I’m glad I did it yet we Who are born again NTHE spirit of Christ are born again with Holy Spirit = the spirit set apart. In us just for the asking and for grace


Jesus said in water and spirit because he hasn’t died yet so you can’t be baptized by him.


It does save but we who are of the New Testament are saved by Christ and are baptized with the Holy Spirit. No, baptism with water doesn’t save not anymore because we are not under the Old Testament were you need works. Once you are saved you can’t lose it because you are sealed with the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:13 KJV are you saying God is a lier because this would mean we aren’t sealed by the Holy Spirit and have to work to keep it. Your wrong once saved always saved is affirmed in the Bible believing that you can lose it is a false teaching remember we are in the New Testament we are saved by the Blood of Christ and his work on the cross working for it defeats what Jesus did for you on the cross. Romans 11:6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Don’t follow this man and his false teaching. Mark 1:8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. So are you baptized with his Spirit? If so how can you lose it are you seeing the contradiction stop creating false doctrine.


Baptism does not save, even if salvation is an ontological process.

If we desire Christ, we will naturally want to be baptized into His death.

The impetus of salvation is Christ’s finished work and Resurrection, which is then translated into our hearts when we repent and receive Christ’s forgiveness.

It begins in the heart of the individual. Baptism, though it may be an ontological necessity, if a person isn’t baptized and is damned for this, it would defeat the entire purpose of why Christ came to die on the world’s behalf.

Baptism does not save ultimately. Christ saves, we cooperate with His Love. If we don’t, God is the judge.

It is a lie to say that God would keep a man out of the kingdom because he didn’t receive Baptism.

What about a person who has only been dunked once? What about a person who has a death bed confession and dies moments later? What about a person who is on an airplane that is about to crash, and they come to their senses and receive Christ?

The statement “baptism saves”, is a pompous lie.


Jesus alone saves, the thief on the cross verifies this. Jesus explicitly teaches us how to pray, but there is no single protocol for baptism and is why denominations carry this out differently. Paul also says it is “by faith through grace”. In all due respect the view stated in the video is interpreting those versus too literally.
