Five Scriptural Proofs that Baptism Saves

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Many people today think that baptism is symbolic act that one undergoes in order to demonstrate one's faith. Scripture teaches, however, that baptism is a saving work of God. These are five verses that teach this truth.
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I'm a reformed baptist and I don't think I have replayed a section of a video as many times as I did for the last 2 minutes of this video. Excellent! I was inexplicably moved by your explanation of baptism at the end, thanks be to God. Don't know quiet what that means yet personally but I think you made excellent points and, as a previous person mentioned, you balanced the issue well that it is not a work but it is not merely a sign. I love how you tied in the "not a washing of dirt" verse in to make the concept more full and in line with the Solas.

I have been enjoying Dr Gavin Ortlund's videos and that presented me with having to acknowledge that we reformed baptist tend to tear the beauty and power from the sacraments of Communion and Baptism. I appreciate your thoughts and insight. I am eager to learn more and get a better understanding of what blessing the Lord has for us in the sacraments. Thank you and God bless.


1) Acts 2, 28 2) Acts 22, 16 3) Galatians 3, 26-28 4) Romans 6, 3-5 5) 1st Peter 3. Thank you, Jordan.


Modern evangelicals: wait, baptism saves?

Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Oriental Orthodox, Lutherans, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Methodists, every church fathers ever to write about baptism, heck even some baptists: always has.


Thank you for this clear presentation of how the early classical (ie, NT, Apostolic) Christian teaching on the nature and meaning of Christian baptism is reflected in the Scriptures. Of course, the early Christians did not believe in baptismal regeneration in a mechanical or arbitrary sense, but rather in the normative and real spiritual sense. They clearly taught there were exceptions to the norm—as for example with the early martyrs who died confessing Christ without opportunity for water baptism. These were considered saved via “baptism of blood”.

I was Evangelical in a church that was theologically Baptist for over three decades, but joined the Eastern Orthodox Church over a decade ago when I discovered it retained the early Christian understandings and framework for interpreting the Bible. It has been marvelously grounding and has stabilized my faith and Christian experience solidly on the Rock of God’s Eternal Word, Jesus Christ Himself. It has provided a consistently more coherent framework for the interpretation and application of the Scriptures.


Mark 16:16 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.


I think the reason many oppose baptismal regeneration is because they think of it in such a works-based context that they consider it to be just a step in a larger formula for how to get saved apart from faith. Conversely, many non-Lutheran baptismal regenerationists love it because they think baptism is a "work" they have accomplished to earn God's favor. Lutheranism to me kinda takes the best of both views and makes sense of it


Noah had Faith to believe God and do what he said far before he was saved through the waters.


This is the clearest teaching I have heard on this subject and I know I'll listen again - thank you!🙏😇🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Amen to this video. Jesus has made it so clear. It’s always been faith unto obedience, whether the New Testament or the old covenant.

In this covenant, it’s faith unto obedience in water baptism for the remission of sins, to be receive the Holy Spirit and to be saved.


Well done Jordan Cooper. Finally someone who has reason and knows how to read. Keep it up. Regards and prayers from New Zealand


No disrespect. honest question. how can gal. 3 be speaking of water baptism if Abraham himself was never water baptized? he is the example of salvation for new testament believers. yes?


Acts 16: 31 And they said, BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.


Excellent! Not many see this or care to see it. We must be baptized! Paul talks even more about it throughout the whole NT Jesus Himself says when telling Nicodemus about being born again, lest one be born of water and spirit he cannot enter the kingdom. John 3:5


Dr. Cooper, I have thoroughly enjoyed your books and videos. I too learned to appreciate Theology and aspects of Philosophy through encounters with Reformed teaching though that came a number of years after I had become a Christian. You have helped me to to see the beauty of the Lutheran perspective a great deal. I appreciate also your candid admission about how Lutheran and Reformed believers often misquote or misconstrue one another’s teachings. I’ve spent the last four years studying Luther’s Works, the Book of Concord and especially Walther’s “The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel.” A lot of my own misconceptions have been cleared up as a result. You have given me a lot of food for thought and I pray God continues to bless both your pastoral scholarly ministries.


There was no sinner's prayer, but baptism was the only mode of conversion for sinners.


we come to baptism to receive the grace of God. Baptism is a work God.


Also Collossians 2:12
"Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead."


Baptism saves, believing in Jesus saves, consuming his body and blood saves, Matt 25, lambs and goats those who do the will of the father will be saved, the word of God properly discerned by a teaching authority, thanks for your excellent presentation.


“There are three ways in which sins are forgiven: in baptism, in prayer, and in the greater humility of penance; yet God does not forgive sins except to the baptized” (Augustine, Sermons to Catechumens on the Creed 7:15 [A.D. 395]).


I read the proper distinction between law and gospel many years ago (and consider it the most important theolpgy book Ive ever read and agree with large sections of it), and one of the things I remember him (walther) saying is that people hate baptism saving because it makes salvation too easy, theres no works involved just be baptised and youre saved, and I remember thinking, if I even have to be baptised to be saved, it is more than my soul can bear for I am relying is nothing more than Jesus's mere promise, believe and be saved, and if I have to step into the water before that promise is sure, then my soul cannot bear it, it is asking too much of me to say I must do more than simply believe
