8 Early Signs Someone's Going To Ghost You

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Ghosting is the act of suddenly ending all communication with a person you have a relationship with without any warning. Some of the examples of ghosting someone include not responding to any text messages, social media posts, phone calls or any other form of communication. Are you worried that you might be ghosted by someone else? Or has someone ghosted you but you're not entirely sure? Are you tired of it? Do you have reason to believe your new ‘perfect match’ may stop sending you sweet texts, adorable emoji’s, and extremely relatable memes? Don’t worry! To help you answer these questions, here are some of the early signs someone is going to ghost you.

Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Lily Hu
Animator: Zuzia
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Don’t let getting ghosted crush you. Friends, like money, come and go. Great when it’s there, sucks when it’s not, but with a little effort you can always get more.


One rule: *Do not ghost. It's cruel.*


When literally all your friends are doing ALL of these...
After 6 months of compete social isolation, and 4 months of letting my walls come down, I finally have a real, loyal friend. I promise you. It gets better. Just wait a little bit longer for the right people to come your way


Ghosting can also happen without a warning or signs. Personal experience... it left me devastated even until today. Getting attached to someone is a nightmare.


People do not realize the damage they're doing. Ghosting is so damn cowardly and dishonest


Or they’re just really depressed. Some people are so depressed and just feel so horrible that some can’t reply or talk. It’s not that they want to ghost you, it’s just they’re trying so hard trying to bear these horrible feelings that they don’t have enough energy to talk. Please don’t assume someone is trying to ghost you, check up on them instead and ask if everything is alright. Edit: Since some people’s brain are too stupid to think of other possibilities, yes most of the time, people are trying to ghost you, but that still doesn’t mean that it’s a bad thing to check up on your friends.


here are the early signs:

1. their texts are brief

2. just emoji responses

3. you always reach out

4. poor grammar and spelling

5. they’re always “busy” and cancel plans

6. something doesn’t feel right (gut feelings)

7. you haven’t been on an actual date

8. they aren’t introducing you to friends or family


People who are dating others: NEVER ghost someone. You could really hurt their feelings if you don’t communicate about your own loss in interest in the relationship. Making no effort to reach out will result in a worse situation than if you at least tried. If you think they’ll take it badly, try approaching the topic more cautiously.

Then again, who am I to speak on this topic? I’m just some random person on the Internet, who knows very little about dating.


My best friend doesn’t want to play video games with me any more, she Ignores my texts and calls, she rarely is the one starting the conversation, she says see is busy but then I see her online with her other friends, I express my feelings and passion towards are relationships and sometimes it feels like i only feel this way about our friendship, she ignores me at school other then smiling and waving. This video was perfect for me right now


Ghosting is so stupid just say you don’t wanna be friends anymore damn


Anybody that's gonna just ghost you is not someone you really want in your life
Got ghosted this summer and it really hurt, but I think life is better without such inconsiderate people


The guy I like ghosted me too—

And now he's kinda reaching out again because he "needs" something and now I'm pulling the reverse Uno card on him


Not even gonna lie- my abandonment issues brought me here


As someone that was ghosted, it was such a horrible experience. Anxiety worsen, woken up in the middle of the night just to check on them-- then it damages new relationships.


I'm so glad ghosting is now being associated with what it really is: cowardice and immaturity. I've called out every guy who's ghosted me and the genuinely nice ones respond and try to do something about it.


While a lot of these are signs, I think it's important to emphasize that sometimes the person is legitimately incredibly busy, has sacrificed their schedule to the gods of extracurriculars and things like that. Even though this is already brought up in the video, just thought I'd point it out further here. Great video as always!


The thing that kinda irks me is that instead of someone straight up saying, I'm sorry, but I don't really want to be friends anymore, and telling them why, they ghost. You're leading the person on by doing it to them. Not too long ago I had a falling out with one of my friends, but instead of ghosting her, I told her exactly why I didn't want to be friends anymore. Ghosting is a learned behavior, and I really don't like how some people can't just talk.


I’m ‘bouta ghost everyone reading this:



People who ghost others, for whatever reason are just plain ignorant and lack basic communication skills.


Hmm well some points are just signs of someone's personality. Me, for example, I get socially exhausted quickly and for that I normally avoid talking to people unless they talk to me first. That doesnt mean im not invested or interested it just means I run out of "social juice" quickly and have to retreat for a while to recharge. So when someone doesnt talk to you first doesnt automatically mean they are or want to ghost you. But also depends when that started I guess x:
