Very worrying, this is what makes endless narcissistic suffering, and get God's punishment |NPD|Narc

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Very worrying, this is what makes endless narcissistic suffering, and get God's punishment |NPD|Narc

If you're attracted to this video, chances are, you might be going through a tough time with someone who is controlling and manipulative. You might feel lost and confused, unable to trust your own thoughts and feelings. We are here to support you.


I understand how painful it can be, which is why I'm offering you free courses to help you cope with these difficult situations. The course is designed to provide you with the basic shielding technique that will help you avoid falling into the trap of negative people such as narcissists and emotional vampires. If you're in need of this course, don't hesitate to download them.

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You must always be cautious and on your toes when interacting with a narcissist because you never know what will set them off or how vehemently or violently they may react to something. Due to their unpredictability, you learn to monitor your speech and behavior around them. They are impulsive and quick to wrath. What, however, explains their prompt response? Why are they behaving so inappropriately?

Everyone. In this episode, we will discuss the five reasons why narcissists respond so swiftly. Before we commence, subscribe to the channel and enable notifications by clicking the bell icon. Stay until the very end, because the fifth one is where the story begins to get really intriguing. So, let's commence.



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You know when I was with these Narcissists, not once did they buy me anything or take me on vacation etc. but I did get cheated on & they got to go on vacation, they got the gifts. Now that I’ve gone no contact, I have lots & they can’t stand it ! & I don’t have to spend any on them ! Never again !!! 2:05


This is definitely something anyone who's going through this or is still playing dummy just to be controlled GET REAL! 🎉💯 .... My name is Donovan I'm from Texas 🤠
