A Surprising fix for rounded shoulders 😳 | #shorts

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Have rounded shoulders? Here's a surprising fix!

#badyogi #yogatips #shorts #badyogitips #roundedshoulders #roundedshouldersfix #badposturefix

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I went to 2 different chiropractors for a combined year for shoulder and neck pain and they both told me to open up my chest and pull my shoulders back. I've been working on that for 2 years since and finally went to a pt/ot who is the first person to recognize that I have hypermobility, she recognized this after 10 min when the 2 chiropractors never did. I was shocked because I have felt like the least flexible person in the world my entire life. I actually needed to STOP pulling my shoulders back and opening up my chest because that was what was causing my nerve issues and constant shoulder and thoracic back pain. I was creating tight, constantly tired and achy muscles by constantly contracting those muscles to create "good posture". In the 2 weeks since my pt/ot gave me permission to relax and not "sit up straight" the constant grinding ache in my back and shoulders has almost completely resolved. My muscles are relaxing and elongating. She gave me suggestions on how to provide my shoulders support when sitting and driving so I didn't have to constantly use my muscles to support things that were hypermobile. It's been truly life changing. So, what I am saying, before you do things like this to resolve pain, go to an expert who will actually know how to assess what YOUR body needs. My body literally needs the exact opposite of most bodies because of hypermobility and a very tight pelvic floor. Most programs assume women need to increase range of motion and have week and lax pelvic floors. If you are like me, then those solutions will literally make you worse.


thank you thank you thank you thank you

i am literally in tears and chills from the release that this has given me

I am in constant pain and this has made me feel so much lighter. I sat up afterwards and chills rained through me. My shoulders are just in the right place. I'm not even thinking about it. Oh my god. Thank you.


The best solution is both stretching the chest AND strengthening the back. But it is very important that you're mentioning opening the chest. Great video! 🤌🏾👍🏾


Stretch the chest AND strengthen the back..helps alot.
I have a horrible cervical neck, and when I see all these teenagers at the malls hunched over their cell phones, I just shake my head, all the pain and discomfort they're going to suffer later in life, and maybe sooner than a lot of people think.


I have been following your yoga videos for years, way back when your 30 day challenge was with another company.
But these short clips have honestly been some of the most useful content I have come across for me personally! I have learnt so much more from these then even makes sense! Thank you so much for many years of amazing and inclusive content Erin. ❤️


PT here - learnt a new movement today to pass on to my clients so thank you 💕


What helps me personally are two stretches that I learned in physiotherapy. One is to stand next to a door frame or another place you can press with your forearm and palm against. The back of your feet should be aligned with your elbow and palm. Your elbow should be building a 90° angle and so should your arm/shoulder with your body if that makes sense. Just standing like that you should already feel the pull bt if you don't then you press or place your feet a few cm to front. Stand like that for one minute per side. The other one is you sit, you sit up straight but not like overdoing it, still somewhat comfortably, and you stretch one arm to the side also downwards (I sit like 40ish cm away from the bed's edge and touch the bed edge) then pull your head to the opposite side, you'll feel the pull in your neck on the side of the arm you're stretching out. Stand like that for a minute per side. This helps me with posture but I also have to do back exercises to strengthen my back. I like having done these stretches first bcs it feels like my body is better aligned for the muscle training then lol. I hope this helps someone else out too. I think I'm weaker than what is normal so even beginner exercises are always too difficult for me. I always have to modify.


Thank you SO much! This has helped significantly


Wow! Thank you so much - you just improved the quality of my life ❤️


This is a sign....I really needed these tips❤


Thank you so very much, I appreciate the way you take the time to explain the body processes that can happen and then show a way to get back to a more comfortable posture without any complicated or expensive equipment. This channel is really helpful and is changing my bad habits that have actually hurt my body over 50 years and teaching me how to make better choices for my overall health ❤


This habit started early on. During my childhood, my grandma and mother would hit my back to sit up straight so that is how they went fixing it back then.


I KNOW this will partially fix
thank you


just do t and y raises at the gym and strengthen the weak low and mid traps. Simplest fix, i did these consistently and my rounding has gone.


It helped and worked for me. Thank you for this🥰🙏🙏


Somehow I started getting your content over the last month and i LOVE it. thank you


Definitely trying this. When I join my hands behind my back I can feel the tightness in my chest. Will this also help in forward reach, such as eagle arms?


Leaning backwards with a pillow or two under your chest is more relaxing, less painful, and very effective


This is so good, it feels really relaxing too (I hope I'm doing it correctly)


Can you please change your settings so we can save your YouTube shorts? I’d love to be able to save this. Thanks!
