How to Lose Weight (Weight Loss and Obesity) - Teal Swan

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We like to use excuses for why we gain weight such as "I have a slow metabolism" or "It's in my genetics" or "I over eat". But NONE of these things actually cause weight gain. If they did for example, everyone who over ate would be fat. The excess weight is only an outer effect of a deep inner problem. You have excess fat because you are subconsciously convinced that you need that excess weight. And despite all of the steps you try and take to lose the weight, your body is doing its very best to give you what you need... it's convinced you need the weight. Losing weight is about releasing resistance to the current state of where you are by falling in love with it in any way you can. Then, it is about incrementally taking steps in the direction of the body you would like to have. This time from the place of wanting it because you love yourself instead of wanting it because you hate yourself.

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Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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When I accepted my family did not love and have never loved me, I lost the 80+ pounds so easily.
When I started to love myself, my mind and body started to heal.
Now working on the spiritual healing.


"Using food for lack of affection". Now that truly gave me an Aha moment. Thanks Teal


Food fills the void...when I am spending time with people I don't feel hungry and don't even think about food. But when I am on my own, I crave food!


I would like to adress to anybody who's watching this and who is struggling with this problem. Who's gaining weight, who's feeling powerless, who has an unstoppable eating disorder.
One year ago I was watching this and meanwhile searching for comments from people who could tell just one phrase: yes, it does work. IT HELPS. It's totally true.
And now I'm the one who's typing this message.
It works, guys. Teal is absolutely right. Everything mentioned in this video is true and it works.
I've struggled with weight problem and eating disorder many years. I cried, I was hopeless, I felt miserable, I was so ashamed. I could not handle that.
But then I found the information Teal presents in her video.
It was not like a miracle: wow, I watched, swallowed a magic pillow and voila - I'm free.
No, it took some time. But I did it. And you also can do it. Now I forgot about the problem that was my headeach for many years. And you can do that. Just listen to Teal's information and believe it. Everything will be alright, you'll be totally fine and you'll get over it.
Have faith.

Thank you, Teal.


She's a shamanic person, back in our origins, these kind of people had the most important roles in the society. We are in so much need of these energies and knowledge in the world.


This is so true!! I lost 40 pounds in less than 2months by simply changing my belief system about food AND my body. I thought like the person I wanted to be and it quickly changed my eating habits and I now enjoy working out.


2:30 Emotional protection
(Run away from, and make excuses for one's feelings)
2:50 Chronic self-denial
(Denying the self of what one truly wants, who one truly is. Depriving self of what one desires. Self-punishment)
3:38 Feelings of insecurity
Self rejection
Wanting to protect the body from someone, or something
Attempting to fill a void within
Feelings being stuffed down, and not expressed
Feeling of you can't express the truth of who you are
Seeking love, and fulfillment, but believing it will not come from the outside
Food as a substitute for affection
Inability to admit to yourself or others what you truly desire
Feeling a lack of something great
Craving closeness, and being loved/held, but feeling as if you will not get it
Putting up emotional armour, so nothing gets in
Supressed anger, and resentment
Desire for power, and bigness so someone isn't taken advantage of


How can people hate this woman? She's so incredible!


I stopped the video and asked myself why it seemed that anything I eat causes me to gain weight. The answer was that I felt the need to accumulate so that I can give to others and if I get depleted, I cannot care for them or myself. There is also a fear of being influenced into pain by someone else's lust, but not love. The weight has served to make me feel protected from poverty and rejection. Wow. It has been fear the whole time.


I love it when Teal cracks herself up.


I've come to realize that the biggest reason why I haven't been losing weight is because I am afraid of the unwanted attention I'll get. Right now guys will leave me alone. I'm cute overweight but I'm stunning when i am skinny. When i was at my lowest weight I would get so much attention and as an introvert it's scary to be constantly getting attention. My lowest weight wasn't even that low I was still considered overweight by the bmi standards.


This works, I have lost a lot of weight. I had a long and meaningful conversation with my body, and we are in a better relationship now because of it. Thank you, Teal 💙


Teal's smile warms my heart. I see the beauty in her, helping me see the beauty in me.


this is true.... I used to dance and have so much fun at it and I was incredibly skinny, but strong. the actions made me feel great.. over the years I've stopped and stress of life got me down...weight started to gain and I started to feel unhappy and it cascaded to looking in the mirror and not recognizing me in it. I started dancing again and i'm recognizing her messages here. my tips for easy fun exercise is try a hula hoop --- a large one and blast the music you love!


it is basically THAT easy. I started a few months or maybe even a year ago with meditating and practising self love and researching law of attraction related stuff. losing weight was one of my goals. I lost 12 pounds already but I dont feel like I am suffering or depriving myself. The only difference between my dieting attempts and now? I really barely care about the weight loss. Dont get me wrong I am grateful but I do yoga, weight lifting and eat healthier because I deserve to treat myself right!May be my story will encourage some people to focus more on the path of self love! :)


I love how you understand how things work on a vibrational level  in relation to what we perceive as our reality.


facts!! this happened to me in my final year of high school.

i was chubby for most of my high school years and i hated the way i looked. i was always comparing myself to my skinny friends. i tried exercising and fasting many times but none of it worked. by the end of grade 11 i was so tired of not liking myself that i made the decision to accept and love my body exactly the way it is. at this point i’d also cut soda out of my diet completely and replaced it with water. not because i wanted to lose weight, but simply because of the mental health benefits i’d heard about water.

by the second half of my senior year i didn’t even recognize my own body. it was as if i’d slipped into someone else’s. i’d lost all that weight that i thought would never go away. so i firmly believe that releasing resistance is the only thing you need to worry about


This makes so much sense. I was literally thinking yesterday, that my excess weight was for protection. Or felt like protection. Man it feels complicated being human lol


I feel like life is dangerous when I'm thin because when I was very thin, other women went out of their way too hurt me. I mean in ways I truly felt were dangerous to my livelihood. Like sabotage on the job. This was a real thing. As a heavier person people were all sweet to me. I was no threat. I am still overweight but I have lost 60 lbs. I already see some women who used to be openly kind toward me, pulling back. It frightens me. I get that old fear. I want so much to lose these last 20 lbs. but I am very frightened. This plagues me.


I just love Teal's approach to everything. Non judgemental, relating and guiding. She is person I always wish I had in my life for guidance. And although not having a personal conversation with her, her messages and tone always bring me additional peace.
