New study on 'How to Lose Weight & Keep It Off'

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#LoseWeight #Health #Biolayne

Losing weight and keeping it off is HARD. A recent systematic review has identified the key characteristics that are important for long term weight loss success. In this video I break down this study.

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You are 100% correct. I lost 41 lbs in 9 months thru keto and diligent tracking with an app. Kept the keto but quit tracking a gained 13 pounds. Quit keto and started tracking. Lost the 13 pounds and the added diet flexibility highly increases sustainability. In the end, it’s turned out the key all along was the tracking and meal planning. 16 months into the journey, still at my lowest low and going strong.


I'm a recovering drug addict with 6+ years clean. So I had to change my entire life. When I first got clean I gain a bunch of recovery weight. I'm 6 ft tall and was approaching 300lbs very quickly. My heaviest was 285. I knew I had to make another life altering decision. I had my ups and downs. It's been 5 years now. And I'm 195 today. Currently on another cut. Looking to get to 185.


I used to weigh 400 pounds. Got down to 180lbs, and consistently fluctuated between 200-230 for about 5 years...and then quarantine happened. Gained back 70 pounds in 9 months. Not having structure, ie work and the gym, for 9 months got me back into all those bad habits. Back to work and the gym and I'm incredibly grateful for all of the content provided by Layne and others.


Enjoy what you eat. Enjoy the exercise you do. And stay consistent. The lifestyle part of this study is what I find to be most true. If its your every day, it will make things so much easier. Loved the vid Layne.


Calorie tracking and daily weigh-ins have been so helpful and crucial for my success so far! I know if I ever stop doing those 2 things I will start gaining again immediately.


For me, stopping tracking calories/macros is when I get into trouble with weight regain. I did a diet break a few weeks ago, and I was blown away by the volume of food I was able to eat to be at maintenance. It really boggled my mind that I was able to eat in such a sustained surplus. But, when I'm not tracking the hyper-palatable calorie dense crap adds up fast.


I spent literally five years brainwashed by the lowcarb dogma. I really appreciate you, as a scientist and a legend, cutting through the bullshit. Now that i know what's up, I know it's much more valuable to weigh myself regularly and be able to eyeball my calories, rather than restrict my carbs or just eat within a specific window. Thanks Layne! Fellow scientist here


I love this! Awesome research! Not many people factor in the psychology of weight loss that ultimately catches up to you over time....Adherence is key... You must do what you feel you can adhere to for the long term...not what brings results in the short term


If you care about the process more then the results... The result is yours.


I'm down 11 lbs in 2 months just loosely tracking calories/protein. All thanks to Layne's YT videos. I weigh myself everyday, I eat foods I enjoy everyday (lookin at your Dunkin Donuts breakfast sandwiches), and I continue to see small changes everyday. I still have a long way to go but it's been very motivating to work towards something that actually feels sustainable as opposed to dreading every morning trying to skip breakfast (IF) to feeling extremely guilty because I was so hungry that I ate a kind bar with 20g of carbs and it threw me out of ketosis for the day. I hope I can make a dramatic appreciation before/after post/video for Layne some day.


Great video! Delighted to hear you enjoyed our review and that our findings are in line with your research and experience. Hopefully this will help improve treatment plans and outcomes for many.


I've gone from 230 -> 200 -> 275lbs and now down to 190lbs been maintaining for 5 years. It's interesting how the mindset you mentioned was exactly how I changed to lose the weight.


This guy is the blessing to work out space smarter not harder. Science rules. Thanks man from a disabled vet who applied same.


I dropped 40lbs in 3 months during quarantine, since then i've managed to maintain for a year and 2 month with a flexible diet (just workout and keep count of calories). I was at 240lbs 6'6, decided to eat 1700 a day for 2 months where i dropped all my weight, and then to maintain it, i had to raise my calories 100 a week till i made it back to 2600. I am maintaining with 2600 a day and 3 workouts a week. I think the key is to raise calories intake slowly to maintenance.


I've been tracking my calories and my weight for 5 months now with insane precision. I rarely eat out and only have few untracked cheatdays. I weigh basically everything I eat. I track my calories and I have quite low NEAT, so even though it's of course guessed, it doesn't make much difference if I miss the corect numbers. The result is near laboratory conditions of tracking. What I've learned is: My own weight is the hardest part to track.

It sounds weird, because I step on the scale and write down the number. But I have a chart for my theoretic weight depending on calories in and calories out and my weight and the weight is all over the place. The trend, however, is right on point. It checks out completely. I'm very sure my calorie numbers are ridiculously precise. But the weight depends a lot on glycogen stores with a lot of water and the food in my body. The individual data points are very, very misleading. Amusingly, I can literally measure my glycogen stores. Every time I have a cheat day, or a few, my weight overshoots my theoretical weight about 1, 5 - 2 kg. It's the same pattern every single time. And after about a weak or so the weight drops like a rock and lands very well on my "theoretical weight" line again. Actually it drops half of it after a couple of days, goes up a bit again for 1-2 days and then drops the rest. I don't know why exactly this pattern happens every time, but I have exactly this behaviour 5 times now in my data.

What I want to say is: Don't trust the number on your scale, folks. Your body tricks it. A lot! The longterm trend is where it's at. Forget thinking in days, even a week doesn't say much. You can even weigh yourself twice two weeks apart and get a higher number, even though you burned body fat every single day. I have it right here in my charts. If you pick unlucky moments, the scale straight up sets you up.

Measure every day. Only look at the trend (I focus on record lows, because I think it makes more sense than averages). And be aware that eating carbs above maintenance fills up your glycogen stores, which is weight that doesn't matter for your fat loss and will just come off again after being in a deficit again for a while. That is my advice.


Thank you for your continual effort to just put out information and facts rather than pushing crap products to make money etc. I truly hope you get the traction you deserve!!!


Thanks for a very informative video. I noted that you say that you eat the same things for breakfast and lunch and that your lean protein sources are key to your planning. I wanted to ask if you could consider making a video featuring your typical daily food choices, focusing on the general choice of foods rather than specific quantities to meet your individual macros. I think many of your followers would enjoy such a video. As you said adherence is key so I would like to know what you do to make what you eat enjoyable on a daily basis and satiating.


I lost 150 in 1 year hence the handle.

I did this by tracking my calories.... Keto and IF had me hit plateaus and turn into a hangry tracking changed my life.

I can now literally eat however I choose as long as I do it mindfully and keep "Track" of it in my head all day.

If I am going out to eat somewhere, I pull back on other meals because I KNOW it's going to have more calories than anything I would have at home and you can't REALLY monitor THEM meals.... but this also had me get to a point where food no longer ran my life and I'm in control now.


I'm going through my weight loss process now I was 360 pounds a month and 2 weeks ago I am now down to 334. I actually enjoy the process and in a way enjoy the pain that comes with pushing past my limits I have learned that when I feel like I'm at my max I'm really only at 40% I like the pain of pushing myself because it means I'm getting better with everything I do. I've been using self discipline to my advantage. When I first started I had a 25 minute mile and couldn't do a single push up but now at a 17 to 18 minute mile and I started doing incline pushups and can do a lot more then when I first started. So its been a fun process and I look to continue it.


Wow, I really needed to see this video desperately. I am struggling so much with the motivation to re-lose about 30 lb that I had gained back after working so hard from going to 218 lbs down to 149 lbs. Right now when I stepped on the scale this morning I was at 188. I'm struggling so hard to get back on the bandwagon after depression set in from a bad relationship and all the covid crap. So this video was so helpful. It's helping me realize that I'm not crazy in my struggle and I'm going to rewatch this several times. Thanks a lot!
