#1 Way To FIX Your Open Club Face FOR GOOD

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Ive yet to come across a golfer who wouldn't benefit from having a little more club face control allowing them to hit straighter drives and iron shots.

It's an incredibly difficult skill to return the club face to square each time, however it can be done and in this video I share some of the best drills, and techniques that have helped so many golfers in the past see such incredible results and ultimately play better golf.

I often get asked, is it the same for irons and driver? Unfortunately it isn't, so the second part of this video looks specifically at the driver and includes one of my all time favourite drills to help you fix your open club face which plagues so many golfers

#clubface #openface #driverswing


GOLFBUDDY (Use code GBRYAN for 10% discount)



✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.

00:00 Introduction
00:25 Simple Club Face Control Drill
02:29 Hand Controls The Face
03:12 Common Club Face Faults
03:48 Club Face Checkpoints
04:57 Squaring The Driver Face
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Never ceases to amaze me that after 10 years of playing golf, I can still learn new and significant things to improve. Many thanks, Cris.


did anyone else notice that at 2:17 after his second shot, the tee flew into the air and landed right back down like a dart in the turf. now that takes talent!!


Non stop pushing shots to right open face all year. To the point where golf was no longer fun. Came across this vid and rightt away back to drawing the ball. Thank you saved me from quitting golf


You have such a great talent for explaining in a simple and understandable way what is wrong and how to change it. Thanks for yet another great video! David, WV USA.


Excellent video.. something I’ve never contemplated. The driver explanation is brilliant.


tee drill with driver is extremely helpful thank you! excited to try this


Just discovered this video. Amazing lesson! I will be watching this many many more times in conjunction with my practice sessions as I try to develop better club face control.


I must say I implemented this driver feel in my game over the weekend and I was hitting it down the middle of the fairway, sometimes even with a little draw. And I didn’t even have to swing out of my shoes to hit a good one. Great feeling.


You won't believe it but I looked up and watched your previous video on squaring the club face last night after my range session. I'll add this drill to the other 2 at my next session.
Thanks Chris.


Thank you. It is a great tip to understand how the clubface tends to move and how we need to control it. Recently, I learned the expression “Muscle memory”. With the drill, you explained, I feel like I now know how to make my muscles memorize it.


Thank you, will try that later. I hit the ball to the right quite alot. Hopefully this will fix my problem, thanks again.


Thank you for the insight. Started playing in September and got hooked. Shot a 98 at my local in November. Just last week I started leading with the hands with my irons and started getting my 7irons out to 180 so something switched in my head with those but I still struggle with slices. I never did think too much on when to release the driver. I’m gonna give this ago tomorrow at the range and try to release it near my right thigh and see if I can finally get a little control of this thing.


This is brilliant! Thank you for explaining it sooo well!


i got a tough one for you, i am a beginner and when i watch your video, which looks extremely professional and accurate, im challenged by others including my instructor who tells me to stop watching videos they are wrong you will learn bad habits and get worse, Any advice for someone like me who enjoys and feels he is learning from videos, especially well made ones like you consistently make, thank you and sorry for this kind of question.


I'm convinced I need to find a way to take lessons with you.


still struggle with my driver swing and slicing the ball badly. i think the tee in the driver + pointing to my right thigh exercise might be the key. will try next time on the range, fingers crossed :-) thanks for your great videos!


Excellent ... but are you hinging the right wrist back ( remove the cup ) as you do in the iron swing ?


Does the driver swing apply to the three wood also to square the face. .?


I have this issue and have been taking lessons. My swing path was horrible and I've been able to transition from outside in to inside out but still can't consistently close the face in time. On camera face is closing at impact but not fully closed until right after impact. It's especially bad with my driver. Than I'll over compensate and mess up the swing and pull the ball


Great video Ryan. Thank you. Would your explanation for driver work for the other woods 3, 5 as well?
