I have complex trauma

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"I over explain everything i do in the hopes i wont be misunderstood and punished" - cornerstone of my person. Also, late for everything because i am too tired of people


Wow, I was today years old when I found out WHY I over explain literally everything! This has been something I’ve done my whole life and never could figure out why I do it! It makes complete and total sense!! Now I can stop getting frustrated with myself for doing this and start giving myself grace instead of beating myself up! Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜


I didn't realize I had anything like this until age 28 one day in the movie theater there was an abuse scene where the character was yelling at the camera. Mind you, I've seen worse on the screen and had no issues, but this guy said the same things my dad did. After about a minute, I realized I was subconsciously making a snarling face at the screen and had tears streaming down my face, I quickly got up and walked to the little movie theater hallway and had a break down much worse than any panic attack I've ever had. Ran to the bathroom and hid in there until the movie was over and I could put myself back together. Luckily, everyone thought I just went to the bathroom, had to explain to my husband what actually happened. Later, I looked up symptoms of ptsd and similar issues and lo and behold that's why I'm so jumpy and had other symptoms I didn't realize were apart of it. Felt like a fraud because there's no way I could have something like that for not the worst things a human could go through. I wasn't in war or injured, but the brain is in charge and if it has a problem, it's not your fault for not being "strong enough." It's ok to have these things even if you don't feel like you should. It's natural protection from the brain and subconscious a lot of the time.


I have complex trauma so the doctors have no idea what's wrong with me and think I'm making it up, which gave me more trauma.
Love this, spread the word


It suddenly makes sense why I no longer startle nearly as easily as I used to. I’m not existing in a constant state of fear, stress and “fight or flight” anymore. I processed most of my childhood trauma, or at least the worst parts of it.

Now I can finally relax instead of looking over my shoulder all the time.


I have CPTSD. I've been exhausted since birth and have never felt any real sense of love from others. I also struggle with who I am, and have no direction, but I look GREAT on paper because I had no choice but to support myself.


i cant believe a SHORT was enough time to make me cry bc it was so accurate


Wow. I experience everything in this short. It's frightening and enlightening to learn so much about myself through their videos.


I have no memories but not only of my childhood but of my entire life 😢I startle easily and I dissociate all the time.


I have complex trauma so I constantly clench and brace my muscles as a way to feel safe and I do it so much that I physically ache, give myself headaches, struggle to swallow, and I'm always tired 👍


I walked around with untreated cptsd until I was in my late forties. I'm 52 now and have had 5 or 6.years of trauma therapy as well as medication. I'm forever grateful to my counselor.


And I have complex trauma and remember every freakin little detail. I can’t forget, I have a hard time believing people who claim they don’t remember. I can’t cry normally, can’t sleep regularly, am filled with bitterness, resentment and rage. CPTSD is not fun but it’s just a warning system stuck on high. It’s NOT a separate illness tho it can feel like that. The triggers can be tamped down a bit with efforts sometimes. The test we just have to live with. Out brains are NOT the same as normal people. Stuck on fight or flight, freeze or fawn all day long.


The crazy moment when you realize these behaviors aren’t “just how you are” but more like how you turned out in response to childhood trauma. When you subconsciously learn at a young age to turn inwards and shut the world out while also disconnecting from your own body and feelings, that becomes your baseline. You don’t know any different way to be. Ive been depressed for so long I didn’t know I was depressed, I dont have a happy point of reference to look back on to have noticed or compare to. Thats just how it’s always been. My baseline is nothing but trauma responses and I had no idea due to having no “healthy” examples around me. But even if there was, I wouldn’t open up to them anyways. Therapy and Youtube has taught me so much and helped open my eyes and start to reconnect with myself. Name it to tame it.


You are the big sister that everybody needs.


I read a lot when I needed to run away from the tension between my parents. One summer I read over 300 books. I did not put my kindle down. Now, as an adult, I can’t read even when I want to because it brings all those feelings back and reminds me why the adventures on the pages attracted me so.


Wow! I have completed trauma
This nailed me...like literally
I'm shocked at how accurate this video explains me!
I should send this to everyone I know....😊


This is all me. This is the first time someone has said about not remembering their childhood. Glad I'm not alone x


All of this can be worked on and made to be handled better. With maturity and understanding of your trauma and even prayer can help you focus, regulate and manage your emotions, memories and past traumas. I don’t go to therapy, but I’ve always known there was a better way to live than to be disoriented, disorganized, depressed and anxious every second of every day. My relationship with God has helped me tremendously. If this is you, just know there is a better way and you don’t have to live with this messed up way of living for the rest of your life. I now own and operate and business, homeschool my kids and live a healthy balanced life. Ya my childhood was super jacked up and messed me up all the way into adulthood. But God! He helped me through every pain, heartaches, disappointment, depression and so much more. He can help you too.❤ there is so much more to live than living in a prison of past trauma!!


I do every one of these things. I just want to feel safe and normal...whatever that is.


Literally my whole life until I finally healed myself. That was me for like 32 years. Exact. Plus a million more issues physically & mentally 🤗
