How To Overcome Severe Social Anxiety Disorder: 5 Tips (That REALLY Work!)

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I have been battling M.E. for years along with social phobia so the gym is not really an option. Before the M.E. kicked in, though, I was running up and down mountains and going to the gym. I still had problems with social phobia. For me, for sure, getting in shape was not enough. Tbh, I don't think there is a simple formula that is going to heal everyone. We are all different. We all have different hands to play. A lot of this stuff dates back to childhood and childhood traumas. Getting bigger biceps and building a more positive self- image I'm sure helps, but I can't see it overcoming issues that have roots deep down.
Coincidently, I first started to go down with social phobia when I was in China (well, Taiwan). I think the fact that we stand out more over there and get much more attention than we would do back in the UK, can exacerbate problems that are already there.
I respect and appreciate what you are doing, mate. Social phobia is a hell. If you manage to help just one person, even just a little bit, then your efforts will have been worthwhile. It was a massive comfort to me just to discover that there are other people out there struggling with the same problems. (My heart goes out to them big time). Until that point I thought I was just a madman and there was no hope.
Keep up the good work!


These are the 5 Steps: Exercise, Diet, Proper sleep pattern/routine, Daily Routine (including self care ex: meditate, journaling, etc), seek therapy/counselling/talk therapy/CBT to give you coping skills & change your mind-set.


Thank you for sharing your experience with us. You're videos are so helpful.


Wht abt panic attacks going out walking?? And doing something in front of othwes?will that be cured? Is it possible to overcome?


I think you are the best on youtube regarding this topic "SA". What is the best book to overcome social anxiety in your opinion ?. Thanks for all of your videos super helpful.


It’s really hard going places where I live... people get mugged, elderly get jack, people Robbing stores, beer runs... just a bunch of people doing bad things daily


I’ve been drinking 6 shots of vodka every night because of social anxiety 😥
