Feeling Neglected By My Husband

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If you feel as though you are no longer a priority in your husbands life, then this is for you. It’s important that we define what type of neglect we are referring to. For this episode, we are talking about being neglected in the form of intimacy, lack of sex, or feeling like you are no longer a priority.

If you are being neglected in the form of feeling unsafe, not provided for, not fed, or abused then you need to call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at this phone number: 800-799-7233

But if you are like one of the millions of women who feel as though your husband doesn’t love you anymore, and you’re desperately trying to get his attention in order to rebuild intimacy, passion and have a great marriage, then you need to take notes.

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It Starts With Attraction Podcast:

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I never thought you could feel lonely in a marriage, but I was wrong.


Yes, I meet his needs I cook all meals, clean, do all laundry and I give him time alone! He still will not talk to me!


I have shared my needs and he is considerate for about a month then goes back to the neglectful ways of not checking up on me for many hours yet he says how he hates it when I’m alone when I’m not working. His family is also unloving to each other and no emotion. It robs my security to my core that he is so mindless.


how come before marriage they knew to bring flowers and gifts and hugs and after marriage we have to tell them?


I’ve tried talking to my husband and he doesn’t listen. He will say okay he will work on it but it never changes. I’ve asked him what he wants in return and I never get a clear answer. I’m at a loss


In 2023 I feel like your husband can google tricks and tips on how to make you feel more appreciated/wanted… and if he doesn’t it does feel like he truly does not care about you… or maybe it’s just me lol but if my partner just sat on the couch and I had to always tell him what I need… that sounds exhausting like I need to twist his arm everytime!


What if you tell him your needs and he doesn't listen.


My husband just work, play video games, drink whisky and play with the child. I do all the house work and I have all in order and perfect plus I put money for rent and expenses. I was free and happier before. His priority are his martial arts and pals and the child and probably me. I am leaving for a month on vacations I cannot live like this anymore it is a mental torture.


That's a challenge when a husband says he won't give you his affection and love because he's no longer in love with you, but he only wants your intimacy on his terms, but he wont allow you to express your love and affection to him anymore.


Yep I’ve been telling him for 10 years…. It’s sad bc I love him, we’re good friends and enjoy his companionship but I need him to carry a little care and concern for the marriage and our relationship. I think after 29 years of marriage I’m about to join the “walk away wife club”


I'm a man and my wife is neglecting me. I feel lost. There is so little help for men.


My husband is not meeting my needs at all. I feel so broken.


Asked and asked, asked again specifically asked, waited waited waited, was considerate of his day and needs fulfilled his needs, waited some more still no needs got fulfilled and in fact by asking needs got met less, rejection set in and now I’m upset and I don’t even want my needs me nor do I even want to ask him because then I feel like I’m begging someone who claims to love me ! While he sits in his free time staring his phone . I’ve just come to a feeling of uselessness to him. I guess I choose to meet my own needs! I don’t think you should have to ask someone to love you when they said and say that they do, while they reduce you to feeling pathetic and like you are begging someone to want you.


i have nothing left to give I cook half the time Itake care of the house kids pets etc
I am tired and have been ignored for so long I am used to it and dont want anything anymore it's sad


If you're Googling the National Domestic Hotline, remember to do it on incognito mode so your abusive partner won't track you.


Unfortunately these days, alot of husbands are distracted by social media, YouTube with their headphones on, and doesn't talk to their wives every evening.... so theres no communication, if theres no communication, then what???


What happens it you ask for date night to your husband means just going out to eat somewhere and then coming home TV. If I don't come up with ideas for a fun date night that's all we do


I met them I went beyond. Now years later I'm in need n he is clueless and won't even try.


Okay but what if you tell them the need and they just refuse to do it? Either say they will but never do. Or tell you their parents never did that to make you feel like your needs are unreasonable and they have a good reason for not doing what you ask. Flowers and date nights? That sounds like a fairy tale. I could beg for that all day long and never get it. I work a 10-hour day and then ask him to feed my kids so I can go see my mother in the hospital and he won’t even do it.


When I tell my wife what my needs are they go in one ear and out the other she acts like she doesn’t care.
