How much protein do you need? — Dr. Eric Westman

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How much protein should you eat? It’s a controversial topic! Ask twenty different doctors and dietitians and you’ll get twenty different answers. The way Dr. Westman teaches people to do keto, the only things people need to control are the total carbs they eat and the amount of fats and oils they add to their food. For most people, protein is self-limiting because it’s filling and satiating (it helps you stay full for a while), so it’s pretty rare that anyone would “overeat” protein foods like beef, pork, poultry, lamb, seafood, and eggs.  
You don’t need to worry about calculating the exact grams or ounces of protein you should get every day, or worry about linking it to your muscle mass or body weight. Watch Dr. Westman’s latest video for his thoughts on protein on keto diets. 
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A few things I discovered recently after going Carnivore this year was that it raised my blood glucose that I had lowered the year before on Keto by 30 points, dropped my ketones and I became chronically constipated. However my lab work got much better for Triglycerides and HDL. I thought my fat macros were Ok but apparently by adding a little cold butter to my meals it brought down my BG immediately, raised my ketones and the constipation went away. I like that 'hack' because it is easily adjustable. Oh and my weight loss started back up - losing 5 lbs the first week after being on a stall since January. I don't know why eating cold fat works like that but that it does is great!


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I met with a dermatologist this week. I'd mentioned that I lost 50 pounds in the past year. She commented that she'd like to lose weight. I said it is easy. I began to speak and she interrupted saying she did "Jenny Craig" already. I told her that this weight-loss method does not require counting calories or feeling food deprived or exercising to excess. I suggested she start by watching "Fat Fiction". I hope she does. For me, in regard to macros, my hunger varies day to day. Often I feel like having no breakfast, but on occasion I am hungry in the morning and eat a big breakfast.


I have never been more confused then with video says if your goal is 120 pounds then consume 120 video says eat until you are stuffed! I give up!


I try to get at least 100 grams of protein a day. Some days I get much more, some days less, but in general that works well for me.


I find my body tells me how much protein I need per day, & it does vary. You're right (as usual!) that there is no hard & fast answer for everyone. Age, current weight, general health, activity levels, stressors are all factors. There's so many different proteins available today but I regularly fall back on eggs as a complete easy to digest food. Even low amounts of carbs make me hungry disproportionately, never happens with protein.


A minimum of 0.6 grams of protein per pound of your desired weight - for example your desired weight is 154 pounds - then calculate 154 x 0.6 = 93 grams of protein per day (minimum)


A high protein diet failed me repeatedly.

I could not feel satiated from protein unless I ate so much that I felt sick.

My muscles would be weak and I would become physically and mentally sluggish.

I would also have to get up in the middle of the night to urinate.


More Great Information Doc Westman Thank you 😊


I eat 1/2 of my weight in protein which is 90 grams with what ever fat comes with the meat naturally. moderately active! 5ft 0 "


Upper limit of protein is calculated by converting your height in inches to centimeters ie…6 feet tall/72 inches is 182.8 cm so upper limit of protein would be around 180 g. Tho if you are on the very short or tall side of the gene pool this will not be accurate.


So if one's metabolism goes down when you lose weight, or cut calories, , how do you lose weight and raise metabolism. How does this work? is there a Fat thermostat that keeps the body at a certain Fat level, or body weight, how does this work and how to set to a lower body weight higher metabolism?


1.2- 1.5 g/kg protein seems to be a pretty good guideline to use for the average healthy human who is physically quite active.


I'm not trying to build muscle mass but more maintain it. I do long cardio endurance type exercises. Is it ok to get a little more protein than you had recommended?


1:17 Okay, then why am I watching this?


How do you feel about the Premier Protein 30 gm protein shakes?


LOL! Trying to do the math is too much work for me as well. I've done fine on hflc over the years.


If your working out you need more protein to build muscle.


What to do on a vegan keto diet? Most plant proteins come with (complex) carbs. Is it ok to go with 30 or 35g of carbs per day then?


Thank you doctor - well explained 20 months on keto - I was worried about protein intake as per the min 1g per Lb which on the lean body mass (86Kg total LBM about 70Kgs that meant at least 140g min a day and that is a lot of protein on a plate - I have never really eaten that much protein, even before Keto - probably about 50g a day - I will now go back to eat until no longer hungry rather than those extra mouthfuls to reach a "Target" which is on keto about 60-100g a day and an average of about 60-70g - Thanks again facts matter research matters I live in Perth Western Australia and hard to find keto and T2 insulin dependent aware doctors - So Dr Google and the internet to glean info on this lifestyle - As a former President Lincoln said don't believe everything you see on the internet - a wise man indeed
