10 Signs You Lack Self Love

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Do you struggle with self-confidence and self love? Self love is loving yourself. Are you someone who is wondering how to self love? Self love affects us from the way we view ourselves, to the decisions we make, to even relationships we have. Without self love, we get into toxic relationships, toxic habits, and even having depression. If you or a friend or someone you care about seems to lack self love, consider sharing this video with them. The first step towards change is self awareness.

Writer: Sid Thompson
Script Editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Maxine Gando
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


Love, T. P. (2018, April 24). Do You Love Yourself? 5 Signs That You Lack Self

Рекомендации по теме

1. You hide your true self from others.
2. You over-analyze your own behavior.
3. You have a strong fear of being judged by others.
4. You struggle with physical and mental self-care.
5. You feel inferior to others.
6. You're too hard on yourself.
7. You lack confidence.
8. You need excessive affirmation and attention.
9. You have difficult and unstable relationships.
10. You settle for less.


When this is the only test you've ever scored 100% on...


Okay, I get it. “Be yourself”. But honestly, idk who the real me is. Without anyone else around to bias my actions, I wouldn’t know what I’d do.


“You feel inferior to others”... This hit me real hard. No matter how hard I try to stop comparing myself to others I still do it. It’s seems like it’s impossible for me to get rid of this horrible mindset of -“everybody’s better then you”, “your opinion worth nothing” and my favourite “no matter how hard you work it’s never enough”. I would never wish such a combination to anyone... it’s truly awful to live like that but I’m trying my best to fight it. If there’s anyone who went through this I would like to hear your suggestions on how to fight it more effectively. Best wishes to y’all

Ps: it’s been two years since I wrote it and I never could have guessed that so many people would respond to it. At the time I was at my lowest and my future seemed uncertain and dark. I thought that I’ll always feel this way about myself. But everything changed. To all of you people going through this - I believe in you! I know that each and every one of you are more than capable to reach this beautiful state of mind. This absolute peace. When you don’t judge nor blame yourself for mistakes, when you don’t compare yourself, when you are happy to be you and love yourself so much you don’t want to ever hurt yourself again like this. This is more than possible, there is a way out of this. It might take time, like it was for me, but it worth all the waiting. Send you lots of love and warm hugs💕


me: [already knows that i lack self-love]
also me: mhm interesting, let’s watch this and see if i REALLY lack self-love


"10 signs you lack self love"
1. You clicked on this video

Mom im famous


I don’t even know what my true self is anymore...


“You hide your true self from others “
Gurl I don’t even *know* my true self


“The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.”
― Ernest Hemingway


I can’t even be my real self in my journal...


Self love feels like something only narcissists do. Every time I try it just feels so forced and fake...


Does anyone else watch these while crying because you relate to it but to scared to ask for help because your to scared to ask for help because you don't want people to change the way they look at you


When you realise you’ve been in a dark place since elementary school


Everyone : jUst Be yoUrsElf
Me being myself
Everyone: oMg u nEEd tO cHaNge
Then people wonder why self hate and low self esteem at an all time high


This is a very serious problem that the entire world is suffering.


Soooo, apparently I hate myself, and I bottle up my emotions, I have social anxiety, think my friends would have a better time without me, and I mask my personality 😅 I thought that was just a part of being an introvert


“Nobody is ugly, we were just born in a judgmental society.” -Kim Namjoon (RM) of BTS)


me: knows i will relate to all 10 signs

also me: watches the video anyway


I got a 10/10. Lots of work needs to be done and it WILL be done. Same goes for anyone reading this. You got this ❤️


I always wondered why I couldn't love myself, and then I realized that my definition of love was given to me by my birth family. Their love was conditional. It was toxic love. The only me that could exist was what was allowed to exist. They didn't love me, they loved some version of me that isn't really there. I didn't love my family, i feared them. I feared defying their expectations of who I am because that's how they conditioned me. Fear was living in my heart masquerading as love and destroying anything and everything I could possibly care about for almost 2 decades into my adulthood.

I didn't love myself, I feared myself. Because I feared myself, I hated myself. I was never going to feel good about myself because I was always going to have aspects of myself that I hated and / or feared. True love is unconditional. There is no bar you have to pass, or behaviors you need to achieve in order to gain true love. To love yourself unconditionally, is to accept everything about yourself without hesitation or reservation. If you can't do that, you will just keep focusing on that one thing you hate.

You have to commit to fully respecting yourself as a person, and loving everything about yourself and everything you do no matter what you do. That doesn't mean anyone else has to love it, and it won't matter. It also doesn't mean you can't improve yourself. You can still have goals and work towards them. It's just if you are always waiting to cross some boundary or achievement to finally start liking yourself, that day will never come. You have to love and accept yourself fully as you are right now, including everything you hate and fear about yourself. You have to realize there is nothing wrong with you, even when you make mistakes.

If you are like me, and your definition of love is toxic, then every nice thing anyone ever does will never come across as anything but antagonistic or threatening. You will never be able to accept or receive kindness as kindness from others. It will always feel hollow or manipulative. Every compliment will feel unearned. Every achievement will feel hollow. Pretty much everything in this video will be true for you.

Anyway, as someone who has been on this journey, I hope this helps someone. It's nuts when I think about it. Why would I be born to hate myself? What the fuck is that? That doesn't make any sense. I didn't do that! I didn't decide that! I was pretty helpless about it too, until much therapy and work. We have to love ourselves. If there is just one person in your life that you can love, make sure it's you. If you can't love yourself, It's going to be hard to love others, and recieve their love as love.
