3 Reasons Catholics DON'T Worship Mary (In 1 Minute)

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This videos gives three reasons Catholic's don't worship Mary and under 1 minute. Anyone who still persists that Catholics worship Mary choose to ignore reason and fact.
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Related topics: Mary Worship, catholic mary worship
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We love Mary - but not as much as Jesus does!


🥰Mother Mary is not a God, She is Mother of God❤, If Jesus is God Mary is Mother of God ✝️✝️✝️.

Praise the Lord 😍 Ave Maria 💐


Thanks for this video! I am so tired of hearing that we worship Mary! Most Protestants have never been to a single Mass to see that Mary is barely mentioned, or learned anything about the Rosary, or even looked to see that Martin Luther himself had devotion to Mary! I wish Protestants would do some research and learn more before bashing the Faith.


I love your videos, I learn so much from them. I was raised as a protestant and then became an Atheist in my late 20's after not finding any truth in Christianity whatsoever (I even studied for a year with Jehovah's Witnesses). Since becoming an Atheist my life and myself have changed dramatically.
I went through homelessness, a life threatening illness, I lost nearly half my body weight (I used to be over 300lbs) and was even stabbed in the throat. I also earned a degree in that time. All within a period of 5 years. I feel like I grew so much in that time and that growth allowed me to come back to God and to the true Church.
Just before the COVID-19 lock down started I found my faith again. I was only able to attend 2 mass' before the Church had to shut it's doors but I ordered a Bible and have been reading it every day and praying and as soon as the Church re-opens I will start RCIA.


I always sing Gloria every Sunday Mass but I'm not fully aware that I'm professing my faith in one God. Thanks for the reminder.


I wonder if protestants scholars knew of the Papyrus 470 which is the oldest papyrus that contains prayer to Mary dating 250 AD before even Constantine reigns and before any Council (so u cant make an argument that Constantine or Council of Ephesus made the movement of worshipping Mary) is made, i encourage everyone to go check it, it is preserved in John Rylands Library in Manchester, It’s the Sub Tuum Praesidium, and it goes like this:

Beneath your compassion,
We take refuge, O Mother of God [Theotokos]:
do not despise our petitions in time of trouble:
but rescue us from dangers,
only pure, only blessed one.
Wow they called her Theotokos, only pure, only blessed? Isnt this made up in the Council of Ephesus ? No Early Christians all knew of the status of Mary and her wonders she make with people whom call her, they loved her and she loves her children also 🤗🥰🥰🥰


Amen and Amen! Best explanation yet on why Catholics worships only God! Indeed we venerate (not worship) honour, respect the one and only Beloved Virgin Mary who was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and brought forth the Saviour of the world the King of kings and Lord of lords! Thank you my friend! Viva Christo Rey! 🙏✝️🙏✝️❤️


So many Anti-Catholics always claim that a lot. Most of us Catholics we all truly worship God. Brian Mercier of Catholic Truth thank you for always spreading the truth.


Thank you, you knocked it out of the park as usual.


Many years ago, when I was Catholic we prayed to Mary and all of the many other saints. St. Jude was for the impossible and St Anthony for things that you lost. The prayer was : St. Anthony come around something is lost and can’t be found. We had processions for Mary, etc.


Ask yourself, "Who is Mary?" She is just a creature like you and I. God foreknew and predestined her to be the mother of the Son of God and God therefore sancified her, justified her, and glorified her and this is why she can proclaim "God my Savior."

She was given a grace no other women was ever given or will be given again; to be the mother of God (Luke 1:43).



I just want to say thank you for the clarification, I was raised by people telling me that you worship Idols and that’s why the Catholic Church is wrong. I am learning so much from your videos and I’m glad I have found the truth.


1st Timothy 2:5 in The Bible tells us that Jesus is our only Mediator to God The Father. This is why we (followers of Christ) pray directly to God in The Name of Jesus.


Catholics say one thing and do another, they say they don't worship Mary but look at there actions, worship indeed.


At the end of the Rosary why are the last few phrases uttered "Hail Holy Queen, our life etc....? I have been wanting to return to my Catholic childhood faith and even got a rosary and started to pray it but those last few phrases to Mary at the end just scared the living heck out o me. That is "praise" and to sat it isn;t is just denial. Please give me an answer. Why does the church say that? Also at a Mass at the beginning the preiest said "Praise Jesuw and Mary" C'mon man! Let's get serious. That just sends a chill up my spine. There is no way i'll ever say "Praise Mary"


I live in very Catholic Spain and believe me. They do.


I've heard Catholics say holy mother Mary. Holy meaning=set apart/unique.
Only god is holy.


You have songs, churches, feast days, parades, cathedrals, prayers, icons/statues dedicated to her. How is this not worship?


Listen you've got a big mistake here
2 Timothy 3:16 says That there is only ONE mediator (no Mediatrix)with the Father Jesus Christ!


Mary in the Magnificat called God her Saviour
Means she also was a sinner
And the wages of sin is death
