Is the Catholic Church Really the One, True Church? (#AskBishopBarron)

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One thing that I have noticed is that people who leave the Catholic Church for any reason have nothing but hatred and scorn for the Catholic Church, yet, anybody who converts to the Catholic Church never shows hatred for their previous beliefs. More often then not, they recognize that God used what they were given to set them on the road to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.


You know, friend, you can disagree with me all you want. But why the disrespect?


There is only ONE way to be saved father Barron. Christ and Christ alone! There is NO other way.


I love these comment sections where people just gouge each others eyes out saying how everybody else will burn in hell. Wait to go.


Hard to believe a 1 minute answer can be this good. Thank you Bishop Barron.


The Vatican Council II documents clearly state that even non-believers can be saved. Mind you, it doesn't say that they necessarily will be saved or that they can be easily saved. But they can be saved. That, friend, is the clear teaching of the Catholic Church.


Oh wow, Atheist can be saved? 😅😆

If they believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, sure. But of goodwill? Get out of here, lol.


How can anyone say that the Catholic Church is the “one true church” when it doesn’t follow the commandments of Jesus Christ??? Why do you STILL pray to idols and why have you changed the Sabbath day from the Sabbath (the 7th day to Sunday)? The Jesuit Oath is as cruel as any demonic oath could be, it represents the your church. It is God’s will for man to marry, yet you do the opposite. So many inconsistencies with this Catholic Church! Love God in spirits and in truth, not with rituals and traditions. Blessed be the name of the Lord!


Man, could you drop your prejudices and instinctual anti-Catholicism for maybe two minutes and actually listen to what is being said?!!


Protestants who claim that the Catholic Church is not the 'one true Church' should remember that Luther himself identified as a Catholic and did not intend to cause groups to break away from the Church.


I’m really fascinated with history. I grew up going to catholic school for most of my life, except when I moved and was kinda forced to go to public school (totally okay btw). I was informed of other religions, but never really thought twice about “is mine the true one?”

In public school, I got into an argument with a fellow classmate who was Jewish and I am happy to say i was able to defend my faith, it was like an ultimate test for me.

Recently, I started wondering, “what makes my faith actually true? How do i know there is an almighty being up there to give us salvation in the afterlife?” I hear so many stories of the gods of the Mediterranean civilizations, those of South Asia, and as Far East as possible. They have their faith handed down through hundreds and hundreds of centuries, yet ours was created within the past 2000 years (referring to Jesus’s time on earth).

I look to history and see the MANY popes of the catholic faith, they go as far back as to St. Peter who was one of the apostles. Some had short terms, some hand reasonably long terms, but regardless, all of them are tied down back to St. Peter. I find it very hard to believe that some people lied or praised falsehood of a man who would perform so many miracles that the Romans and Jews who feared him so much that they crucified him.

I am fascinated with history :) that is one of the things that keeps me strong in my faith, that not only do I feel I am one with Christ, but that there is proof in the history!


No church gives salvation; only Jesus Christ does.


Did he really just say that an atheist who follows their conscience without confessing faith in Christ can be Saved? 🤔🤯 Or did I hear it wrong?


Please go on line and look at the Conciliar Document Lumen Gentium. Go to paragraph sixteen. That lays it out very well.


Bishop. I follow your articulation of the faith. It makes me want to be baptized. I'm not there yet. But, it's coming, and it comes because of videos like this. I watch your daily masses now. I don't think I will stop.


Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and that no one comes to the father but through me Any other gospel is cursed


The only Church founded by Jesus himself and still follows his teachings, its awesome to be Catholic.


Christ is the One & Only True Church. Period.


I have gone from attending the Catholic Church to being atheist then agnostic then new age to then Pentecostal to Anglican…. and now discerning, with my God fearing husband whether to baptize children in a Catholic or Orthodox Church.

I have deep gratitude and reverence for all the expressions of faith who express Christ is Lord but fear raising children in a Protestant church for a number of reasons.

Seeking resources and more debates on the schism between the orthodox and Catholic tradition.

God Bless!


He is teaching false doctrine. Jesus and only Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to God the Father except through Jesus.
