We need to stop eating meat to save our planet | Marco Springmann | TEDxVitoriaGasteiz

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It has come to my attention that people want strategies for quitting meat. Some of us like myself may have genetics that work in our favor. This is what worked for myself: Eat only one meal a day that has meat in it. Once you begin to feel physically ill after eating meat, stop. I did that in two weeks in 2004. This is my strategy for hardcore meat lovers that have eaten it for decades: Every now and then have a meatless meal, and you might not have even noticed that there was no meat it in. Do it more often. One day it might just click in without you even being aware of it. It's not a race. You might say, "Wow, I didn't even eat meat that week and wasn't even aware of it." Guilt may do more damage than good. It is my spiritual belief that the more people go meatless, the easier it will be for the entire human race as our consciousness rises. I'm doing my part.


Awesome stuff for the people who actually listen and fact check as he goes along. Animal agriculture is killing the earth we need to live on


I eat meat but i wonder if i can do whiteout.
The cruelty we bring to these living creatures has no ending and i feel disgusted by myself being a part of this .
This has little to do with global warming for my part . The torture and killing of animals to feed the masses needs to stop.


Even just cutting out beef would make a huge difference. Even just cutting down to eating only small amounts of meat that use up less resources and put less carbon out, such as chicken, will make a difference.


It's a shame he doesn't mention that if people want to eat meat and care for the environment that they should choose to eat less but better meat, ie. pasture farmed meat that helps to store carbon in the soil and maintains and enhances biodiversity; as opposed to industrial factory farmed meat which contributes to many of the problems listed earlier in the video.


How many bees and insects are killed for fields of crop? Not to mention below ground animals?.. "I dont eat meat but fly my seaweed in from Japan" Community grown, eco crops, grown local for local consumption, grass fed beef which isnt pumped full of roids and flown around the world. Those is power having zoom meetings instead of jetting to meetings about reducing emissions, would also be a start.


Meat have more proteins than plant based diet.


Stop mining, stop using plastic, stop using trucks as lifestyle car..


The only problem is properly raised meat is the HEALTHIEST FOOD WE HAVE ACCESS TO. If we cut out meat, we would all become sickly, weak and infertile within a few generations, more so than we already are. Americans diets already consist of grain/plant based processed slop and look at the decline in our health. The powers that be want you to be weak, the answer is communities growing their own food, regenerative agriculture and MORE COWS!


why aren't those images displayed on screen for youtube viewers


YEAH!!! Conscious people wanting to do the right thing!!!


Not save the planet but save our selfs don’t you guys see it why we get sick get old and die, killing and eating animals is bad I’m vegetarian I’ve been a meat eater until my 30s I wish I would of stop earlier now it grosses me out to think or smell it.


three things to say here 1- going against the natural way of things and becoming veggies is not going to save anything 2- its not our planet .and most importantly 3- THEIR ARE TOO DARN MANY OF US ON THE PLANET


Cheers! And greetings from Switzerland 🤤🥕🌏🖖🙌


In Africa we eat meat everyday and we contribute the least to the climate crisis.


Giving up meat altogether is not the answer. But we do need to ensure that all livestock are grown healthily with plenty of range room and not given hormones or antibiotics. In the Bible, even God said it was allowed to eat meat. What is wrong is the way many livestock are treated. Nobody ever has the right to make someone feel guilty for eating meat.


Respectfully, I reeeeally love steaks, burgers and chili cheese hot dogs, 🤤 I don’t think I will ever stop nor do I want to. I’m sorry 🙁


Not everyone can change their diets that’s the problem. Many people aren’t willing to because they don’t care or they have health problems. Instead of cutting out meat entirely we should try to eat it less. Some days we can eat meat and some days we can eat vegetables. Not only meat is a problem to the environment but also processed foods. In my family we don’t get processed food that much because of the packaging. When we eat processed food it goes into the sea and because of that our coral reefs have become white and are now destroyed. Not only that but we’ve lost a lot of big fish because we keep hunting them down. Even for cars we should try to ride bikes more like if you’re going somewhere close by, then why don’t you try using your bike? If we do all of these things then we can save our earth and the future generation.


I'm not giving up meat anytime soon. Plus, I don't see the logic behind the idea of less meat consumption = improving the environment. I can see the logic when it comes to electric cars and green energy, but this is a big stretch.


We have to Boycott animal products.Thats it.
