How to avoid common fasting mistakes (that beginners make)

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There are some common fasting mistakes people make when starting out. Often these are why they end up quitting. In this video, you will learn what they are and how you can avoid making them.



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The content in this video is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a primary physician. Please regularly consult with your physician in matters relating to your health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or immediate medical attention. Due to the variance of individuals’ lifestyles and bodies, the methods elaborated on in this video are not guaranteed to produce your desired result; therefore, the author does not assume any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by the choice to implement any of the following health strategies.
Рекомендации по теме

1:05 Too much too soon
2:35 Fasting too frequently
4:13 Undereating
5:01 Overeating
5:58 Fasting as a punishment
6:36 Not flipping the metabolic switch

Helpful video!


Welcome back! You got me started on this path. Lost 30lbs since October.


Good video. I would add "not getting any exercise in a fasted state" to the list. If you are doing time-restricted eating, a brisk daily walk in the morning, when you are in a fasted state, will help to pull down stored glycogen, enhancing ketosis/fat burning during the remaining hours of the fast.


Happy New Year Dr Maggs. As a long-time subscriber, I thoroughly welcome you resuming the offer of regular videos. The main pick up I gained from this new video, was that it is better, for newcomers to fasting, to increase fasting regime in stages.


I started IF 18:6 at the same time I started Keto on 1st July last year. It was a natural choice for me. I lost 35lbs in the first 8 weeks and felt great: dropped my afternoon nap, had noticeable mental clarity, more motivation and much more energy. Additionally, all the IBS symptoms I had experienced for over 30 yrs literally disappeared overnight. I'm even eating food now that my IBS had prevented me from eating before. IF 18:6 is definitely the norm for me now. I eat two meals a day and one small snack. I've completely cut out sugar, processed food, bread, biscuits and cake, etc and feel so much better for it. The only negative part of Keto is chronic insomnia but I can cope with that. I've been maintaining my weight since September. My weight fluctuates by just 1 kilo weekly. I tried 24 hr fasting but that increased to three days. It was so much easier than I thought it would be but I personally don't think that 3 day fasting is necessary. I occasionally still fast but for no longer than 24 hours. I'm 68 now and feel far fitter than I ever have (without the need to go the gym).


Happy new year. I’ve overindulged over this last year if I’m honest. I need to be kind to myself and get back into keto again slowly. Thanks for your helpful advice 😍


I've been low carb since last summer. I've introduced intermittent fasting for about the last two months. I simply skip my old high-carb cereal based breakfast . I feel clearheaded and energetic. My joints ache less, and I sleep well. I don't miss the carbs or the whole aisles ok the supermarket which I don't need to choose from these days. I love it.


Thank you so much for this video. It was very beneficial. Keep up the Great Work! Much appreciated!


If anyone just watches enough videos like this, you will figure it out, it surprised me that I could do a 7 day fast being an alcoholic, but I did it and lost 14 pounds . Cheers !


Brilliant video. I identified with everything you said. Eating low carb is the best way of controlling my urge to eat high carb food and I hope to join the group for group fasting this week. Thank you


Yay you’re back!!! Happy New Year 🥳 You’ve been missed xx


Been fasting for 4 weeks, 16 hours a day, hard for the first week but then not feeling hungry anymore. keeping carbs at arm's length.


I totally agree that being fat adapted makes fasting much much easier.


You have just told me why, when I'm fasting, I don't really feel hungry. That is so interesting. Thank you for all of your great video's.


Glad your back with another video I’ve now lost 28lbs only put 4lbs on over Xmas .. which I’m nearly back square one 😎
For intermittent fasting which I’m doing quite well I’m on 1 meal a day now & seem to be keeping it up 😬


I fast for about 38 hours every 10 days (days of the month with a zero) or 10% of the time. I've gotten to the point where I look forward to, and enjoy, my fasting days because I don't have to think about food, get a lot done during the day, feel amazing, and often loose a kilo as well.


I’m on my first ever ‘real’ fast.
Later tonight will be 48 hours and I actually believe I could last much longer. I kinda wanna keep going just to challenge myself lol


How ever If you keep fasting, not loosing weight, not feeling lethargic or loosing hair might not the reason be that you are highly insulin resistant ? Or that you still run on carbs? Dr Fung has no problem with fasting frequently or prolonged. As long as you do not starve yourself (long periods with too few calories but grazing will send your body into saving/starvation- mode.)
BTW I train fasting and fast every day 18 -21 hours - plus 48 hours twice a month. My problem : candy days. Gotta deal with them carbs and it is getting better. Less cravings


Happy new year! Where have you been? We missed you. Hope all is well.


I started keto 5 of may 2020 and started right away with a 23 hour fast I did this for 13 months (omad) around 1700 calories a day and lost 56 kg (124 pounds) now I eat 2 times within an 6 to 8 hour period. While I still needed to lose weight I ate around 5 to 10 grams of total carbs a day
Now that I'm back to normal weight I eat between 25 and 50 grams a day
