Dealing with Hunger during Intermittent Fasting (3 Keys) | Jason Fung

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Dealing with Hunger during Intermittent Fasting (3 Keys) | Jason Fung

🍽️ Mastering the Art of Intermittent Fasting: 3 Keys to Conquer Hunger Pangs 🗝️
Join us in this insightful journey as we explore effective strategies for handling hunger during intermittent fasting. Uncover the keys to overcoming cravings, understanding the nature of hunger, and building habits for a successful fasting experience. Key insights include:

🚫 Avoid The Triggers: Learn to identify and steer clear of common triggers that can amplify hunger during your fasting window.
🍲 Kitchen Secrets: Discover potential solutions within your kitchen that can help curb hunger and enhance your fasting experience.
🔄 Nature of Hunger: Gain insights into the nature of hunger, exploring its different forms and understanding how to differentiate between true hunger and cravings.
📚 Studies of Hunger: Explore scientific studies shedding light on hunger, providing evidence-based strategies to manage and mitigate its impact.
🌿 Appetite Suppressants: Learn about natural appetite suppressants that can be incorporated into your fasting routine to promote satiety.
🌵 Dry Fasting: Delve into the concept of dry fasting and its potential impact on hunger during intermittent fasting.
🏗️ Building Habits: Establish sustainable habits that support your fasting goals, contributing to long-term success.

Embark on this journey to conquer hunger during intermittent fasting, unlocking the keys to a more comfortable and effective fasting experience. Hit the like button 👍, subscribe for more empowering content, and ring the notification bell 🔔 to stay informed!

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▶️ Timestamps / Chapters
0:00 Intro
0:25 Avoid The Triggers
1:43 Kitchen
3:00 Potential Solutions
4:34 Nature of Hunger
5:19 Studies of Hunger
7:28 Appetite Suppressants
8:56 Dry Fasting
9:26 Building Habits
11:25 Dealing with hungers
11:56 Outro
👉 The Obesity Code - Reviewing underlying physiology of weight loss and how low
👉 The Diabetes Code - Reviewing how type 2 diabetes is a reversible disease and
👉 The Cancer Code - Scientific exploration of how cancer develops -
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You can also train your mind by thinking "I like this feeling because my body is eating my fat". Works for me.


another super effective solution is watching a jason fung video and reading the comments because it 1) distracts you and 2) reminds you of why you're doing this and 3) comforts you that you are not alone, and by the time you finished the video the wave is over


I was raised on a dairy farm. We worked all the time. We didn't eat breakfast or snack. Half the time I skipped lunch too. We were never fat or tired. Then I went to college and was told how dangerous my diet was. How I was supposed to eat a low fat diet and eat all day long... 100+ lbs (weight gain) later... I learn (from Dr Fung) that I had the diet right to begin with...


Because of you I have lost 45 lbs doing IF. God bless you for helping so many of us. Plus my husband was diagnosed with type II diabetes and because of your videos he does not take any medication and has lost 40lbs. Thanks!


I have lost 10 of 50 and yes I do get hungry. Most of the time it passes. During water, green tea, vinegar water. When that fails I raise my shirt and grab a slab of belly fat. Works every time.


Seeing cravings as a ¨wave¨ is what helped me many years ago when I finally quit smoking. I would start to feel the craving for a smoke, and I would try to calmly see it as a wave that would soon recede again. I would also take the wave/craving as a signal to do some deep breathing until the craving passed. It really helped and I´m striving to see food cravings the same way and know that it will pass. I also greatly appreciate those in the comments who remind us to see it as a positive thing instead of something to be avoided at all costs. We don´t need to fear hunger when we realize our body will simply use its stored fat for energy. (afterall, that´s why our bodies store fat in the first place, to burn when needed.) Thanks, everyone!


You have reminded me of another healthy habit I read from a Russian writer years ago: after sitting down to eat, don't rush to gobble down your meal, instead take a few seconds to smell the food while saying a small prayer. I need to start doing it again


Focus on what you want.
If you find more pleasure in eating rather than having the body you want you are going to eat. But also being “hungry “ is not a bad feeling. Being full and frustrated because you can’t refrain from eating is not a good feeling.
Stay hungry 👍🏼


Fighting hunger pains made me feel alive. Truly alive. Made me feel in control of something when my life and covid and the world felt like it was all spinning out of control. When you have will power you feel empowered. I promise. And seeing yourself lose 75 lbs in half a year makes it all worth it.


0:28 Avoid the Triggers
4:36 Understand the Nature of Hunger
9:28 Building Habits

Thanks for the helpful tips Dr. Jason 💪🏻


I’m glad you mentioned Pavlov and his experiments. That’s the way I look at this process. When I feel the pangs, I try to reinterpret it by telling myself “that pang means that something positive is happening to me: I am conquering myself.” Thank you for your help.


I brought a container of chopped Romain lettuce to the movie theater. I got that same crunchy sensation as popcorn. It did the trick. I'm so proud of myself.


I'm on my 6th day of OMAD... six days in a row of 23 hr fasting... there was a time I never would've thought I could go 23/24 hours without food... I feel really good, haven't been "truly" hungry since the first day... I am beyond amazed, and incredibly grateful for Dr.'s like Jason Fung, and Ken Berry, Paul Mason, Georgia Eade... and so many more! I finally feel like there's HOPE for me to "cure" my t2d. Utterly amazing!


I've found that my hungry feeling is different now from that violent, urgent and panicky feeling that I had before. It's noticeable, but not overwhelming. I feel great overall!


Thank you Dr. Fung! 🙏I lost 70 pounds over 9 months & no longer type 2 diabetic!✌️


Its coffee for me by far the best hunger suppressant for me


5 days into IF and 12.8 lbs down. Thank you for all these vital help 🙏


5:31 He’s exactly right! Fasting decreases appetite. You get used to it. It creates a response in the body that you don’t need to eat!


I find that 80% of the hunger pains are actually thirst. I don't drink coffee until later in the day when I fast second I take apple cider vinegar. That gives me an additional 2to5 hours. Thank you doctor you have to changed my life


I often get hungry at night, at 11:00 p.m. or midnight. When that happens I tell myself, remember how not hungry you are going to be in 8 or 9 hours when you wake up. You won't want food at all. This will pass, you have at least 35 lb of extra fat that your body has available. Go drink a big glass of water and read a book, or meditate and fall asleep. I am successful 95% of the time. Lately it hasn't happened at all, probably because I'm more fat adapted.

It also helps to understand the science behind why we feel the way we do. I know that it's my ghrelin peaking, I understand where it comes from and I know that it will pass. Knowing that makes it a lot easier to ignore or to greet it as something that you recognize without giving in to it. The more we treat our body as a friend, rather than an enemy to subdue, the easier it becomes.

And when we do eat something with sugar or extra carbs? Don't characterize it as a cheat meal. Don't fetishize food that way. Dr Fung talked about there being a time to feast and a time to fast. He went on a cruise with his family and ate the cruise food and enjoyed it. When he came home he fasted more and lost the few pounds he had gained.

This is good advice for all of us. If you're at your birthday party or your spouse's celebration, you can have some of what other people are eating if it is rare and an occasion and a celebration. We aren't meant to eat the same way all of the time just as we aren't meant to eat all the time. If you are intermittent fasting and eating healthily you can have a piece of cake as long as it doesn't trigger you to continue eating cake. We are all different, some of us can and some of us can't. There is no shame involved in any of it.

If we are able to stop viewing sweets as the delicious forbidden food, it loses a lot of its allure. Sweets are delicious, I love to bake and I love chocolate. Ice cream, cheesecake, all really delicious things to eat occasionally and when you eat them, enjoy them and don't beat yourself up. But occasional is the key. If we are eating a healthy low carb diet, intermittent fasting, getting lots of good quality food, exercise and sleep, our bodies can handle a slice of cheesecake or some ice cream occasionally.
