How to Find a Good Therapist | Tips and Advice

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How you show up in therapy is how you show up in life. Therapy is definitely not a one-size-fits-all experience and the experience will also vary! I'm sharing my own experience + my tips on how to find the RIGHT therapist for you!

My Manifestation List was:
- woman
- woman of COLOR
- Asian American
- If I could find one: Korean American
- young/younger
- specializes in Millennial/Gen-z mental health (as my job is very current/modern)
- empathetic
- can work from a spiritual perspective
- has strong boundaries
- gives clear, strong, objective advice
- doesn't talk too much OR over me

And I found her!

#TheAMwithAmy #therapy


Therapy for Every Budget article:

6 Ways to Find Affordable Therapy article:

The mission of Wright Institute Los Angeles (WILA) is to keep high quality, long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy available and affordable:

Open Path Psychotherapy Collective provides middle and lower-income level individuals, couples, families, and children with access to affordable psychotherapy and mental health education services:

SCCC provides comprehensive counseling services at rates based on your ability to pay:

Definitely not a therapy alternative but our healing circles can be therapeutic for some. We are doing FREE virtual healing circles led by me. Please follow the IG to be updated when the next one is:




☛ Final Cut Pro X

✎ Thumbnails by Daisy Pyo

☛ $10 off for delivery on Postmates: "aizwg"



☛ FTC » Spoken from the soul.
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I am a therapist (MS) and I’m currently finishing my PsyD - this was a VERY beautiful video!!! It can be so hard for people to find a therapist and consider all these things ahead of time. Thank you for spreading mental health awareness and helping empower others to seek help! I’m also a therapist who is IN therapy, so I see, feel, and understand both perspectives - love this video from the perspective of a client AND a clinician!!! 💕


I think therapy is as important as good eating habits, exercise, self care. I'm not saying everyone needs it, but it's something that - for me at least - really does make a difference :)


amy this was so helpful! also seeking a therapist shouldn't be something that's a taboo so i'm so happy you made this video :, )


omg people need to speak more about choosing the right therapist for them!!! I had to go through 3 diff therapists before I found one that was a good fit for me!!!


I had a therapist I saw from the time I was 20 to when I turned 23. A lot of the very things that I wanted to work on and that led me to therapy (generalized anxiety, social anxiety, low self esteem) also was an obstacle in finding a therapist. After spending years working with her (and definitely improving myself), I came to the realization that she was not the right fit for me. I didn't take the steps that Amy so wonderfully outlined in this video. When I revisited finding a therapist earlier this year, I did all the things that were mentioned here. It makes all the difference in the world! Obviously, I'm in a different place mentally, which I'm sure is a contributing factor.

It is okay to work with a therapist for a session or two and then decide that they are not the right fit. I found that it helps to disclose where you are in the therapist selection journey when you talk to them.

This can be an intimidating process especially when you have trauma and mental health issues that you are working on. I see you and I'm rooting for you!


I’m watching this even though I already have a good therapist


I clicked on this embarrassingly fast I’m very excited!


Therapy can be so intimidating so a video like this to break it down and be less scary is aammaazziinngg, thank you!


How how HOW- I’m taking this as a sign, been going in circles in my head about taking the idea of going to therapy seriously. Time to turn into action! Thanks Amy <3


I have been struggling with suicidal tendencies and was looking into seeking a therapist now that I have health benefits at my new job! so grateful for this helpful vid 🙏🏻❤️


mental health is absolutely the foundation that our lives are built on. valuable to have proper care of it!!!


have switched therapists twice, on my third & could not be happier. we are always changing and evolving and not vibin with your therapist anymore is ok too, I feel like no one told me about that part of therapy so I stayed a lot longer then I should have because I didn't want to offend him lol. went from a very passive male therapist to two active and nurturing female therapists and ur so right about resonating with energy that exists and you've already met. <3


I've seen 7 therapists and I've been trying to find the right one since I was 16. I'm 22 now. Your last few statements made me feel like you're saying that's a me thing, that it's my fault. Some of those therapists said some awful things to me. I've been called a snowflake and had my experience of sexual assault invalidated. I don't like the implication that I just need to try harder. Not a single one of them noticed I was autistic and have ADHD. I had to go to a specialist to confirm that for myself, on my own. I'm constantly thinking about my mental health and how I can do better. I think it's important to remember that there are a lot of crappy therapists out there. Just statements like that make me feel broken.


When you just wanna be fixed but get reminded you take the biggest part in that😭😭 dass therapy baby


thanks for the video. When I was a teenager, I went to seek therapy/counseling for depression/stress from feeling socially isolated. I only went where my insurance covered so I think it was maybe a counselor. The person seemed nice but after seeing them over the course of a summer, by then end of that summer, I felt like more and more our visits were meaningless. Years later, its good to know that you can actually look around for therapists instead of thinking that you would have to settle on the first person that you meet.


Oh my gosh, I needed this. It's been a couple years since I "broke up" with my in-network therapist who I didn't vibe with, but I had no idea how to get another therapist at all, let alone one that fits my needs. (Especially since I don't have insurance anymore.) So thank you!!


I needed this video so badly! I have wanted therapy for several years but I was just completely clueless on how to start or where to look! Thank you so much 🤍✨


Ahh this is such great advice - I went through like 5 therapist before I found one I could open up with. Therapy Panda was super good for this, I really love the site - they let you add filters and actually see the therapist's availability


Therapist here. This is exceptional advice. Well done


I’ve had three therapists in the past and had horrible experiences. I remember one told me my problems were because I didn’t have a religion, so it’s kinda turned me away from reaching out to those for help but I really feel like I need to see one again. This video came at the perfect time 🥲
