Why you CANNOT find a Good Doctor

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Well where to start with this unfortunate story of what’s happened to our healthcare system…

Sick of the Healthcare and Medical System? Beat the Establishment that makes you Sick, and Stay Away from Mainstream Medicine.

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BEAT the Establishment that makes you SICK and Stay AWAY from Mainstream Medicine

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Uncensored Awakened Community on Locals:


Any doctor who promotes untested jabs automatically disqualify from my heart as a doctor.


I live in New Zealand, every doctor that followed evidence based medicine has been sacked in the last 3 years.This means EVERY single doctor remaining has had at least 4 jibby jabs and still wears a face nappy and is therefore either a liar, a coward or a fool. There are no good doctors left, the system is well and truly broken.


When I first met my doctor, I told him that I have a fully intact immune system. I itemized; I have my tonsils, my adenoids, spleen, appendix, foreskin and I was breast fed. I am 78 years old and I never get sick. I stopped taking flu vaccines 30 years ago because I took one once and got the flu anyway. I do not allergic to anything and I do not get sick. He recommended that I get the covid shot. I cancelled all future appointments and I am looking for a new doctor.


I think more and more people including myself have decided if we were ever diagnosed with a terminal illness that we would just throw the dice and see what happens.


About a year ago I went to my 1st cardiologist ever, and she kept repeating the statement "according to the guidelines"...When I stood up for myself and asked specific questions & that she take into consideration my recent lifestyle changes, and to do re-testing blood work in 3-6 months she said to me "You are a tough one! I'm not here to discuss your opinions. The guidelines say I must order certain medications and specific tests" ... I left with a stack full of papers, and I never went back.


Recently my mom fell suddenly ill with extreme nausea, dizziness, lack of focus, slurred speech. A series of Drs ran all the usual tests on her including bloodwork, but they found nothing. One finally diagnosed her with “transformation headaches” which he likened to migraines and warned could be a precursor for a stroke.

What none of them did was listen to her when she said that this episode occurred about an hour after she took her morning supplements **which, she said, looked different than usual**.

Long story short: I take it upon myself to investigate these pills and sure enough she had been mistakenly giving someone else’s **cannabis** pills for cancer treatment instead of the veggie supplements she usually takes.

We snuck an at-home drug test into the hospital and voila: she tested positive for cannabis.

If any of those damn Drs had actually listened to her and used a little logical analysis they could have discovered exactly what I did. Instead it’s me, the construction laborer, who is perusing medical glossaries online in the hospital waiting room and identifying the unmarked mystery pills through Google.


I have retired as a practicing physician.

There is a physician shortage in this country.
Hospitals and large physician groups are trying to fill the gaps with mid-level providers.

I get several texts a day asking for me to work.

I will never associate myself again with the hierarchy in control of medicine today.

I will continue to work with physicians of good will and provide volunteer care to those I can help.


I'm a retired internist and I reminisce about the era when M.D. meant professionalism, dignity and commanded respect. Today M.D. most of the time means puppet of the health care industrial complex with the primary function of maximizing the use of algorithms that generate the most profits with minimal empathy for their patients.


I love my doctor she told me when COVID started she said you don't need or want that shot, your not a guinea pig but the pigs grew up to be sheep.
God bless her


You are a real Human. I 'm 63 and have no doctor, no medical file, no injections. I only have a very strong believe in The One from Above. Nobody can take that away from me, and I dont want to lose it. Keep on doing your good work. 🌅


I will tell you the secret to finding a great doctor. Twice in my life I have had mysterious illnesses that prompted me to see every specialist in town. I had so many referrals. I couldn’t keep up with how many doctors I was seeing. In desperation, I was asking others to recommend doctors to me and twice I went to a very rural doctors office to elderly doctors and they were able to properly diagnose me and fix my problem swiftly. Both times they healed me without medication’s.
The drs in rural locations make less money and they’re ok with it. They simply have a desire to help others and they do. Thank you Dr Dhand, if I lived in your area, I’d have you as my dr


Those days are gone, true enough, but you would have loved them. It was quite a sight to watch a real doctor practicing real medicine at a time when hypodermic needles were made of glass and sterilized in boiling water. I’m talking about my grandfather, who graduated M.D. in ‘34 and made house calls with his Gladstone bag. He treated generations of families and didn’t need tests to diagnose you because he knew you. Your devotion to the profession reminds me of him. God bless you.


after working for Drs for 20 years, and seeing how all sold their practices out to big hospital chains, I turned to the side of patients as an advocate. Things have been getting worse and I dread if I need to seek medical care. I have especially seen how the lack of listening and mindless overlooking of things has led to misdiagnoses and expensive treatments which too often are useless as best and hurtful too often. This is a depressing and inhuman system unless you have the money to buy concierge care and pay for direct access and time to a "good" Dr.


I asked my best doctor, 40 years ago, how she diagnosed so well. Her response was, "if I listen to my patients long enough, they will tell me what is wrong with them". Since then, every doctor I have had has booked two patients simultaneously for 15 min. appointments. How can you get a good diagnosis in 7 1/2 minutes?


The last doctor I went to had me feeling like I wanted into a cult. Kept telling me I was not in compliance. My question was compliant to who Walked out and never went back.


When I was pregnant with my first child, I went to our family doctor. The doctor had escaped Cuba in a rowboat, and settled and had a practice in our small town. He himself would pay for his patients to take a natural birth classes taught by a local nurse if they wanted. I appreciated his caring and dedication to his patients.


Retired after 40 years of private practice. Most physicians gave up private practice due to a deliberately imposed regulatory burden. Due to financial burdens, the small community hospitals who employed those physicians were forced to join very large corporate health care entities. Physician autonomy and integrity were thus sacrificed to corporate profits in an effort to avoid unreasonable regulations. COVID emphasized this reality in spades.


Last time I went to a Doctor personally was in 2002 to get my first and last big pharma prescription for an infection. That ought to tell you something right there. And I was a registered nurse for many years. (I corroborate everything Dr Dhand is saying here.) And I loved nursing and my patients but I refused to be part of the Medical/pharmaceutical cartel Corporatocracy any longer. I dropped out professionally from the Rockefeller medicine system when I clearly saw it for what it is and where I saw it going. It actually appears to be turning out somewhat worse than my catastrophic expectations for it. This is why I personally avoid doctors. With the way the profit guided and motivated system has deteriorated, I know it has zero to offer me as a patient. I am doing much better on my own with God's help, support and care


i went to a pc once and she never did even glance ONCE my way !she didnt even look up from the pc! then she got up and wrote a prescription slapped it at my chest and WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM! the kicker was she didnt even the right chart or the right patient !! I KID YOU NOT! never went back !!
