How to Find a Good Wife Today ?

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In this video we talk about why men, before they get married need to pay attention which woman they pick as their wife.

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#Men #Women #Dating
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Women view marriage as a wedding day and not a lifetime commitment to loving and respecting their husband.

1. Ignore her words focus on her actions
2. Don’t chase women become the man that women will pursue
3. Women you previously pursued and got rejected by Will later be interested when they see you have a different woman
4. Women think about marriage as a wedding day and not a lifetime supporting and respecting their man
5. Embrace rejection it will make you stronger
6. Disdain women who rejected you, ignoring them is the best revenge
7. The more attractive she is the harder you have to be, DONT SIMP
8. Stay away from single mothers
9. Prioritise your appearance no matter what’s
10. Never fully commit
11. Don’t share your weaknesses with a woman, seek professional help in a serious rut
12. Women cheat more than men, don’t let her accusations blind you
13. Be low tolerance, be ready to walk away at any given moment
14. Don’t be bitter, accept female nature and adjust
15. Keep playing the game and make it difficult. People come back to difficult games to try and beat it, easy games get played once and put on the shelf


I am 63 and my advice to you is to fiend a woman in your culture, have a prenups, talk to a lawyer first, vet vet and vet. Do a psychological test on you and her, what's your and hers love language, do they match. Remember that you end up marry all of her family. Warren Buffet has mentioned that the woman you marry is the most important financial decision you could make in your life. Let women chase you. If you cant fiend a woman deserving of your commitment, just don't marry. Best of luck.


I myself come from a Ghanaian family household and our culture is based in strong family ties and marriage.. so its quite suprising for myself to see how these women are.


You gave this guy some awesome advice Rich. It's one thing to do the pump and dumps or hook up with a girl for a bit before hypergamy kicks in and she ends it so she can do go do better, but finding a good woman to have kids with, that's the biggest challenge of all.


In my early 20s I desired a family of own but over the years I began paying attention that less and less women are even capable of motherhood let alone being a wife. It really sucks I would have been a great father.


My dad put a baby in crazy, and now i am dealing with it as a 36 year old adult. Trust me as soon as her looks go, the crazy comes out quick. Her mom is a sociopath, and he ignored that red flag bc of her looks. Do your research bro. Bc it WILL effect your entire family including the kids into adulthood. And it is a PAIN the ASS to deal with.

Sacrifice looks for mental stability in a wife.


Brothers you can not change a women. Trust me you can not. It’s hard when you care about someone you think she will change it’s been 1 year plus she’s not changing fellas. Focus on you and your grind and being the best version of yourself.The right one will show up not and if not at least your the best version of yourself and living life peacefully.


Do we have decent females today ? Do females really know what men truly wants in a woman. Women think that men cares about their degrees, career and her social status but that's not the case. Attraction is not symmetric but asymmetric. Men prefers who is feminine, submissive, loyal, not promiscuous and not overweight. Getting inked up and having a nose ring, constantly loud and being passive aggressive aren't the traits men looks for in a woman.


"Do not put a baby in crazy" yes 🙏


Remember boys, when you do find a girl who's legit, don't let her go. Hard to find.


How to find a good wife today? You've got a better chance of finding Hitler alive on the moon living in a cave with Princess Diana


This one is gonna help out, some of us men just want to settle down and have a family
Stay hard guys


Go to sleep and dream. That's a good way.


A study just came out that in many areas in Britain, single mom households are at 65%. This equates to a million kids without a father figure in the home. The future is FUBAR


Traditionally, historically, men only married virgins. And divorce was non existent.

I know that sounds completely unrealistic in this age, but that's how far women have fallen/standards have fallen.

Quite simply, either don't ever get married, or standards have to be reset to the traditional, historical origins.


Invest in Dr. Shaun T Smith's book 'The tactical guide to women.'


Jesus, jesus, jesus. - Give your life to Him and meet a woman who has done the same or good luck to you.


This guy made two errors:

1) looking for an LTR in the Western woman selection pool.
2) wanting to get married.

He lost the moment he selected these two options as his objectives.


"How to find a good wife today"?

Invent a time machine.


In my experience, girls who want to move things along very quickly want to do so for reasons completely unrelated to what's best for the guy.
