How to Get Over Her FAST!
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If you are going through a break up and you are really struggling, well, my name is kel. I’m a breakup coach and here are three top tips to help you get over your break up fast.
1. And now yourself to feel the emotions and feelings of the breakup when you try to suppress this all you are doing is putting it up for another day so you need to allow yourself to have a pity party and cry and scream. … but, just don’t stay in that state for too long.
2. Journal your feelings!! I cannot tell you how much this helps when you write down your feelings and read it back your brain processes it differently and it really helps you come to terms with your new situation. That is why I created my book bossing your breakup. You can find the book on Amazon and it will really help you.
3. No contact.. I cannot tell you how important it is to go no contact. I also cannot stress how important it is to do it properly and most of you are not doing it properly and that is why I wrote my other book silence is your superpower, which is also available on Amazon. … is very short and sweet that you had to do a no nonsense straightforward kind of way but you need to follow the instructions. 100% if you do you will notice a big difference in how you start here.
1. And now yourself to feel the emotions and feelings of the breakup when you try to suppress this all you are doing is putting it up for another day so you need to allow yourself to have a pity party and cry and scream. … but, just don’t stay in that state for too long.
2. Journal your feelings!! I cannot tell you how much this helps when you write down your feelings and read it back your brain processes it differently and it really helps you come to terms with your new situation. That is why I created my book bossing your breakup. You can find the book on Amazon and it will really help you.
3. No contact.. I cannot tell you how important it is to go no contact. I also cannot stress how important it is to do it properly and most of you are not doing it properly and that is why I wrote my other book silence is your superpower, which is also available on Amazon. … is very short and sweet that you had to do a no nonsense straightforward kind of way but you need to follow the instructions. 100% if you do you will notice a big difference in how you start here.