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Music: Are U Ready
Musician: EnjoyMusic

Music: Back to 1987
Musician: EnjoyMusic

Music: Last Night
Musician: Marco Lazovic

Music: The Good Old Days
Content owner: Cash Gold Records
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Just completed the workout. My hamstrings and glutes are on fire!!! I'm sweating like I worked out for an hour!!


Omg I found my workout hands down...I was going to put this workout off until Monday but changed my mind...and said I'll do 5 minutes of it...nooottt‼️‼️ I ended doing the whole session and omg I broke a sweat within that short period of time and yes my legs are burning....thank you so much, I'm gone try my BEST to do this for a month or so straight


Day 1 of me doing your workout at home I must say my lower body just burning ! Lol but thank you again you my workout partner ☺️


No lie, just did this with 2 resistant bands 😅 I’m so glad I did it! This was amazing! 🔥


Wow! I’ve just completed this workout. Please don’t underestimate the timeframe because 10 minutes is no joke. I was wobbling around immediately afterwards. Please don’t let that comment scare you. 😅 That just means the exercise works. I look forward to repeating this tomorrow. Don’t forget to stretch.


This workout is the best I see results in 3 days 😊


First time ever doing lower body workout! All I use to do was cardio but thought I should incorporate strength training too.

Day 1 ✅ I’m feeling good but definitely feeling that burn on my glutes 😂😂


Amazing workout Aunty! Just finished my set. We'll check results in a few weeks 💪🏽❤️


Thank you that was effective and intense


I really like the results, , , my question is, , , is the result permanent or if you stop working out you will be back to normal?


Hey Aunty molly ndiyazitanda i workout zakho kakhulu❤❤❤❤


Is this video for gaining weight or losing weight


How many days l most do exercise p per week


About how long until u start seeing results?


this workout will grow buttocks and thicker thighs??? plz let me know i really need that


My backs feeling Wonderful now 😘💖❤️❤️💜💚💖


What if you have a nice butt and want to keep it but you wanna lose everything else!!?? Ugghh nobody teaches us that 😞


Who ever does this exercise remember that if you not consistent you won't see results even tho you feel the pain so be consistent 💗


I’ll be updating everyday :) :
Day 1: Quite tuff! Definitely could feel the burn I did other leg exercises as well. It was too much for me. I didn’t give up tho! I was sweating like crazy.
Day 2: My legs felt really sore but I still got up and did it. I did this workout as well as a belly workout to burn that belly fat. Honestly my legs felt stronger than yesterday. I could see a slight change from yesterday and I will continue to do this for a month EVERYDAY. It felt a lot easier than yesterday. I haven’t really been eating well so I’ll change my diet and add protein and carbs since I want to get thicker around my thigh area. I honestly love this workout. You can feel the burn but it requires no jumping.
Day 3: I noticed that my thigh and butt is getting way more shape than on day 1. My thighs are getting bigger. I didn’t end up doing the exercise because of how tired I was. I had a really busy day I was out and about. I did A LOT of walking which kind of makes up for it 😂. I did roughly around 10k steps. When I woke up on day 3 my legs felt really sore but I didn’t stay in bed because I had a lot of things to do. But this exercise really works!
Day 4: I actually really enjoyed this a lot. I must say it is getting easier. I’m being very consistent with this workout. I hope in a months time I can see a MAJOR difference. It did get harder when i was doing the lunges from the front and back especially on my left leg since I’m more dominant on my right leg. It’s a really effective workout. You won’t see much change in the first week but make sure you put in that effort and consistency! I’m really watching what I eat now. I was 73kg a week ago now I’m 75kg. My goal is to be 70kg. I’m watching what I’m eating because that’s important. I’ll be updating for a month and I’ll see if there’s a MAJOR difference. My legs are getting stronger every time I’m doing this workout. Auntie Molly said to do this workout 3 times a week but I’m going to try and do it everyday to get faster result. Make sure to drink 2L of water everyday to keep yourself hydrated and help you to get your dream bod🫶🏼.
Day 5: Didn’t get time to finish it but I did 10, 000 steps which kind of makes up for it again 😂? Been drinking more water to stay hydrated. Eating better. My glutes are slowly getting bigger. Not a big difference yet. Didn’t really expect much since it’s only the first week😂😂
Day 6: Sweating like crazy! I could barely do it. I’m still trying my best not to give up to reach my goal. I’ve done quite a bit of walking today as well as a belly workout so I think that’s why I was sweating so much! Usually I find it easier to do this workout but it’s alright. I did most of it.
Day 7: I didn’t end up doing it but I did do a workout to loose fat my goal is to do this workout at least every 2 days. Sometimes my body can’t handle it because I do walk a lot. Today I did 15k steps. Im trying my best to be consistent. I don’t think I’ve been eating well either. I’ve been trying to drink more water. I’m always so tired but I push my self to get things done.
Day 8: I didn’t end up doing it. I did do 11k steps so I’m quite proud of myself for that. But it’s still not enough. I’m trying to be consistent.
Day 9: Too tired. Today was just stressful I couldn’t feel my body i was just in pain everywhere so I spent the day in bed eating sweets.
Day 10: The sweets made me gain some weight but I decided to do two workouts to burn calories I did a lose weight exercise by Roberta ( So effective. ) I’ve seen a major difference ever since I did this workout. From the before and after pictures I can see a difference! I did this lower body workout today ( finally 😂 ) Honestly I couldn’t make it to the end I made it too 7 minutes. I was really tired from the other exercise. Today I felt really icky about myself but I didn’t let that stop me from taking care of my body. So I continued doing the workout. My legs were really sore after I did this. But it was alright. ( Sorry if I haven’t been updating consistently I haven’t been doing this workout as often as I said I would but I’ll keep doing it no matter how I’m feeling.
Day 11: Managed to get through it till the end! Very proud of myself but there were some struggles. I’m honestly sweating like crazy since I did do a lose weight workout. I’m sweating like I’ve been working out for an hour. My goal is to do this everyday. I have a pool party in 2 weeks so i want to be able to feel confident in my body. I literally love this workout.


Day 1: done
Day 2: done
Day 3: done - u guys idk if I’m tripping but it’s a tad bit bigger and round and perkier😫
Day 4: skipped I wasn’t feelin it🙄 but my butt is plump asf guys I only did it for 3 days this is ur sign!!
Day 5: skipped again🙄the way I think of it is that my butt is growing from all the work within these 2 days. (I think I’m lying to myself)
Day 6: donee!!

One week update: I’ll do this for a couple more weeks bc guyssss this should be illegal why is my but poking out after just a week😫I love this lotssss and I haven’t even been eating correctly and it still manages Idk if this a personal thing or how my body just works but I swearrr!! Definitely keeping up w this! 💗💗

Day eight: done

Day nine: skipped

Day ten: donee! My butt is wayy bigger PLSSSS. Is this how it feels to finally not be flat?😭
