PERFECT CHEST WORKOUT For MASS ft. The GodFather Of Bodybuilding!

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►Sets & Reps + Time Stampers for your reference!
Exercise 1: Guillotine Incline Bench | 5X 12/10/8/8/8 X PO
Exercise 2: Guillotine Decline Bench | 5X 12/10/8/8/8 X PO
Exercise 3: Guillotine Flat Bench | 5X 12/10/8/8/8 X PO (NOT SHOWN IN VIDEO)
Exercise 4: Pectoral Fly | 4x 12/12/12/12 x TUT
Exercise 5: CG Bench | 3X 8/8/8 X PO

►Time Stampers:
00:00 - Going until failure on the incline guillotine bench press
00:37 - Why you should start every chest workout with incline bench
01:35 - exercise 1, the guillotine incline bench
02:45 - is 3-5 rep max good for building your chest?
03:15 - form police checking in
03:50 - my heavy set, GO HARD!
04:43 - my most guy's upper chest is lagging
05:15 - why you need upper chest AND traps
05:30 - Does the inner chest exist and what is best inner chest workout?
06:27 - Exercise 2 - Guillotine decline bench for full chest mass
07:29 - golds gym venice update
08:15 - Exercise 3 pectoral fly TUT
08:45 - form cue tip on the pec fly
09:12 - Exercise 4 close grip bench for tricep mass
09:37 - mass building chest workout day complete
10:00 - physique update at 12-14% body-fat

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►About me
Co-Founder Alpha Lion
Founder of SuperHuman Fitness
Co-Founder of Kitty Gains (My Fiance's brand!)

►Disclaimers: Troy Adashun is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Troy Adashun will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

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►Welcome to the ultimate chest workout for mass with the Godfather of Bodybuilding Charles Glass! I asked Charles to take me through a mass building chest workout that hit the upper chest as well as the inner, lower and outer chest and this is what he came up with! Sets & reps and time stampers for the entire chest workout for mass can be seen below!

►Sets & Reps + Time Stampers for your reference!
Exercise 1: Guillotine Incline Bench | 5X 12/10/8/8/8 X PO
Exercise 2: Guillotine Decline Bench | 5X 12/10/8/8/8 X PO
Exercise 3: Guillotine Flat Bench | 5X 12/10/8/8/8 X PO (NOT SHOWN IN VIDEO)
Exercise 4: Pectoral Fly | 4x 12/12/12/12 x TUT
Exercise 5: CG Bench | 3X 8/8/8 X PO

►Time Stampers:
00:00​ - Going until failure on the incline guillotine bench press
00:37​ - Why you should start every chest workout with incline bench
01:35​ - exercise 1, the guillotine incline bench
02:45​ - is 3-5 rep max good for building your chest?
03:15​ - form police checking in
03:50​ - my heavy set, GO HARD!
04:43​ - my most guy's upper chest is lagging
05:15​ - why you need upper chest AND traps
05:30​ - Does the inner chest exist and what is best inner chest workout?
06:27​ - Exercise 2 - Guillotine decline bench for full chest mass
07:29​ - golds gym venice update
08:15​ - Exercise 3 pectoral fly TUT
08:45​ - form cue tip on the pec fly
09:12​ - Exercise 4 close grip bench for tricep mass
09:37​ - mass building chest workout day complete
10:00​ - physique update at 12-14% body-fat

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Love Charles' detail on every movement. No wasted motion whatsoever


Train legs with him next. I don't know if I missed it but I haven't seen that group yet. Thank you!!!


The guillotine press has helped tremendously!! Ty Mr. Glass🙏


I started following you in 2014 when you were with Weight Gain Network. At that time I was looking to gain weight. Following your exercise regime and diet I achieved a drastic improvement in my strength and mass. Thank you for that. Your physique and presentation ability has since improved a lot. You are humble and committed to what you are doing. I am happy to see your success. May you achieve all your dreams Troy !


I've just started getting back into working out with my 15 year old son love your videos with charles he's amazing keep them coming


Chest is my weak spot. Ever since I started focusing on Incline presses it's gotten better


I'd like to see dumbbell and banded leg workouts. Majority of us do not have access to a gym. Let's get it


Love the captions, video looks really nice, maybe you can do back next (like lats)!


I’d like to see some back how to hit lower lats etc


I like the chemistry between you and Charles. Thanks for informative videos.


I would LOVE TO see a back workout, for widening the lats!!!


Some back and lower lats!!! Man Troy your looking summer beach ready!


6:56 had Troy questioning everything 🤣 even life itself 👏🏾


Crazy jersey bro!!! Glad to see you representing Vancouver!!! I want to see a series on high insertion muscle belly exercises!!! Tris bis calves etc!!!


That’s a really high incline on the incline bench press. I’m going to have to give that angle a try


U can crush ur front shoulder forever with the first excersise!


You will get the full support of Canada if you keep rocking that tank.


I’d love to see a high volume back workout especially for mid to lower back strength
