There's No Victim Like A Narcissistic Victim

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Each person can recall episodes of being victimized by foul treatment and great disappointment. But narcissists are so strongly inclined to gaslight by playing the Victim role that it is often difficult to determine truth from fiction. Dr. Les Carter breaks down this tendency so you can be armed with insight on the occasions when they gaslight you with their false victimization.

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Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, TX. For 40+ years he maintained a counseling practice in Dallas, conducting more than 65,000 therapy sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder.

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If you don't do what the narcissist wants or tell them no, they become the victim. It's an endless cycle of abuse. You can never be enough or do enough. No contact was my only option.


One difference between narcs and non-narcs. They feel like they have the right to be irritable and unbearable just because they're in a bad mood. The rest of us try to keep our nastiness to ourselves.


They get very hurt😢, when you don't allow them to freely abuse you. They find it deeply offensive.


They play the victim because there too cowardly to take accountability for anything they do. These pathetic abusers should be locked up, there nothing but mentally unstable.


They project themselves onto you, then make themselves out to be the victim; this is very true.


Narcissists target people who are happy, this would explain a lot of what I went through in my life.


Thanks for the content. You cant have boundaries with the narcissist.
Narcissists play the victim when you standup for yourself


I think in all the 40 plus years I spent with my ex husband, the narcissist, I don't remember him ever taking responsibility for his actions or poor decisions. They have no self awareness.


A whole year after I got free of my narcissist they're still telling lies about how awful I was to anyone who will listen. Still playing the victim, even after all that time, it will never end.


My narcissist says I'm the problem!


Covert narcissists love to play the victim, even when their abusive behavior is clear. I think it's part of who they are.


Hero or victim in ever performance. Never the villain. It's even more disturbing to me to witness the followers simply conforming to the narratives continuously being adjusted to fit desired script.
That literally hurts my brain!
I always called it out and am demonized and alienated for it.
So let it be.


Two words... Reactive Abuse.

My ex-wife loved to push and push and push, and prided herself on being able to push me until I would have one of two reactions. If I walked away, I was running away from life's problems and was unwilling to correct my negative behaviors she was trying to "help me with". If I reacted and told her I wasn't able to deal with her lies, manipulations, gaslighting and cheating, then I was being verbally abusive and trying to control her life. And if I did either of these things in anything other than a meek voice, or used any expletives, then I was threatening violence. Everything was magnified in her mind.


If you're going to prison for a crime you didn't commit, then you're a victim. If you're going to prison because you're being held accountable for a crime you DID commit, then you are NOT a victim. It is called "accountability for your actions" and yes, it IS fair.

From a narcissist's point of view: If I'm going to prison, I'm a victim REGARDLESS of WHY I'm going to prison!! It is irrelevant whether I broke the law or not! But if YOU are going to prison you are NOT a victim no matter whether you committed the crime or not because you aren't me!! You don't count! Only I count!!! And how dare people hold me accountable for my own actions! I'm a VICTIM for being held accountable for my own actions!!! Nothing is ever MY fault! It is all someone else's fault, always!!


Leaving out essential details of a situation to paint themselves as a victim is classic. They should receive an Oscar🏆


The more I learn about these people. The more laughable they become. I can no longer be angry. I just feel sorry for them now


Oh, yeah, call out a narcissist, and you're "offensive". You're "yelling" at them, they say. You are to keep your mouth shut, fail to ask any questions or express your own needs. So insecure they cannot stand any statement or question that means to them that you might not be totally on board with their agenda. They want to rule like the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland. One step put "wrong" and it's "Off with your


When I the true victim have expressed my hurt, people have assumed incorrectly that I’m the problem. And they blame me. The narcissist is the master at playing the blame game. And convincing people that they’re the victim.


Narcissist's remind me of a child who got caught taking cookies before dinner - even with the cookie crumbs all over them, proving their guilt, they will still point their finger at someone else and say "He/She did it"!!!


Just discovered Dr. Carter. Life with my mother has been a soul sucking experience for 60 plus years. I'm still blaming me.
To anyone out there suffering under this strain, try to believe in yourself more and be ruled by your innate goodness. No one should wait six decades for this message. Preserve yourself.
