6 Signs You Have Victim Mentality, Not Taking Responsibility

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Are you constantly finding yourself playing the victim, avoiding responsibility, or stuck in a cycle of self pity? It's time to break free from the victim mindset and take control of your life. In this video, we will help you recognize the warning signs of victim mentality, empowering you to overcome it.

From victim mentality disorder to the psychological aspects of being a victim, we will be exploring the concept of victim mentality and the detrimental impact of victim thinking and how it can hinder personal growth. Join us as we uncover the truth behind the victim mentality and share practical tips on how to stop playing the victim.

Don't let the victim mentality hold you back any longer. Subscribe to our channel, hit the notification bell for more videos. Together, we can break free from the chains of the victim mindset and start living life on our own terms.

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Editor: Michal Mitchell
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Micoflores
Production Assistant: Thomas Kang
Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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I’ve taken the fall for my own mistakes but other times, I genuinely feel like the world has it out for me. It’s sometimes ridiculous.


0:54 learned helplessness
1:31 false proof of anger
2:04 unrealistic expectations
2:37 over-explaining yourself
3:11 negative outlook
3:47 not coping with stress


I'm pretty sure I have a victim mentality, I've lost a lot of friends and I'm seen as sensitive and taking everything personally all the time. And I also constantly ask for reassurance that people aren't mad at me and/or upset by something I said or did: I always look back at situations in every single detail to check for something I might've done or said wrong. It's overwhelming and I just want a normal social circle but I can't get rid of this mentality.


I had to address this with myself recently because I noticed that I was casually avoiding responsibility for my actions in different situations. So glad you all found it necessary to make this video. A lot of people need to come to terms with having a victim mentality


I used to believe I had a victim mentality. Then I discovered that all the people accusing me of this WERE actually hurting me as I had long suspected.

Like my relatives stealing money that was left over after my mother died. That's just one example but the amount of gaslighting I've experienced and uncovered in hindsight has been staggering.

Interestingly enough, the people that accused me of having a victim mentality displayed all the signs of it you detailed in this video.


Honestly I feel like these "signs" can also apply to a lot of other things...like if you're the scapegoat, got bullied for years or have abusive parents and get constantly gaslighted. Sometimes people are really just stuck in an abusive environment and finally realize what those people are doing to them.


Be aware that some people might gaslight you into thinking that you're "playing the victim" when in reality they are actually hurting and abusing you and you are simply expressing what's upsetting you


0:53 Learned helplessness
1:32 False proof of anger
2:04 Unrealistic expectations
2:37 Over-explaining yourself
3:10 Negative outlook
3:47 Not coping with stress


"It's like they're invalidating our feelings and belittling our struggles."

That's because they are.


While I can understand this - what if you really were seriously mentally abused and such. I tend to over explain myself in conflict due to a toxic relationship where I was like was constantly verbally abused and accused of things. And now I've developed a tactic of over explaining that ways I'm not misunderstood


I dated someone with a victim mentality, safe to say it was the hardest experience i have ever gone through, but it helped me learn that I suffered from codependency.


I was told I had victim mentality a while back. When I saw this video I had to see if I could relate. The main one I can relate to is over explaining myself. I've been through a lot growing up as a kid so I'm a little more sensitive with certain things. I communicate what it is that bothers me and sometimes go into great depth as to why it bothers me. Maybe it's overwhelming for other people to hear all that information. Otherwise this video was a good reminder of making sure of staying on the right track on not to play the victim.


I can see my part in things, but at the same time the world really is antagonistic and people really are usually out yo take advantage of you for their own benefit. I try to stay alone as much as possible and keep myself out of situations, but people suck, and the world is screwed


I think i have learned helplessness, over-explaining yourself, negative outlook, and not coping with stress (Possibly unrealistic expectations as well), but the first person I tend to blame is usually myself. I have a brain injury (possibly a mental disorder too) that tends to make understanding and doing certain things a bit harder, and I think I've unintentionally let that define me, to the point that I hate myself.

Like, I've struggled for years with both job hunting and making progress on my dreams and I've sometimes worked myself up into a frustration where its like, "If I only knew how to get over this last big hump, I'll get to where I want to be!" but my mind goes blank because I have no idea what to do, and I just get mad at myself.

Add on the craziness going on lately and I've just had days where I'm feeling like, "Maybe I'm just here to suffer." Trying to work past that but it's definitely not easy


0:00 Intro
0:53 Learned Helplessness
1:31 False Proof Of Anger
2:05 Unrealistic Expectations
2:37 Over-Explaining Yourself
3:10 Negative Outlook
3:47 Not Coping With Stress
4:30 Outro


I can relate to most stuff. I have experienced my controversies with friends and family ever since the pandemic started. It's hard for me to go away from my gadgets because it feels like people online understand me better. My parents are also declining my mental health too. i hate it so much


Victim mentality is extremely difficult because abusive people who gaslight will use it to shift blame and shame you into being more under their control because the issue isn't them, it's you. Learned helplessness, just move out, stop being a victim, as they control your money, the only way you can move out. Don't act like you're being attacked all the time, as they constantly criticse and belittle you. Your expectations are too high, as they bully you. Stop over explaining yourself stop focusing on the past, as you realise what's going on and explain it to others who just shut you down as being "petty" and then negative outlook and stress...I mean if you've been gaslight and abused so much, this would be a very natural reaction.

It's normal to think the world is evil when the very people who you are told, by them and society that they love you have made your life a nightmare and when you reached out for help, you got shamed for it and shut down.

Even outside of family, taking responsibility for someones abuse done to you is what the abuser wants, they won't say they did wrong because they either can't or won't do it, they'll get you to do it so the game can continue.

"You made me do X to you."

"Stop being a victim."

The only good thing from this is, it can wake people up to their situation and ask "Why AM I doing this?" and hopefully pull themselves out but...ergh, just something about the word "Victim mentality." doesn't sit with me.


It's kind of the opposite for me because instead of always blaming other people, I would blame myself for not seeing this coming or blame myself for not realizing how messy someone else is in the kitchen. I pretty much thought that there is no one to blame but yourself and only I have to solve it because I have to take responsiblity for anything that happens on my watch or in my precense.


I am the opposite of this
I take responsibility for everything even if I didn’t do anything wrong and say sorry to much.


1). Learned helplessness 0:53
2). False proof of angry 1:30
3). Unrealistic expectations 2:04
4). Over-explaining yourself 2:36
5). Negative outlook 3:10
6). Not coping with stress 3:46

Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. 💙💙💙💙💙💙
