This is What Happens to Victims of Narcissistic Abuse

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In today's video Jill explains how the extremes of Narcissistic Abuse and Parental Alienation change a person.

Jill Wise, otherwise known as The Enlightened Target, is a life long survivor of narcissistic abuse. She was raised by a malignant narcissist and married to a malignant narcissist, she has endured years of parental alienation, has repeatedly been targeted by narcissists throughout her life. She has an intimate understanding of all aspects of narcissistic abuse and Cptsd. She uses her experience and what she has learned to help educate others and bring awareness to narcissistic abuse. She is also a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach and works with clients all over the world heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse, parental alienation and Complex Ptsd.

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Never never underestimate your safety. A narcissist wants you 6 feet under. Doesn't matter who you are to them, spouse, son, daughter doesn't matter.


I miss myself before the narcissistic abuse I went through


I could never have imagined someone I “loved” and would have died for in a heartbeat would be so evil or cruel.


Went through this through my ex husband of 31 years my divorce lawyer and narc dad and now living with my narrist mom. They are everywhere! Once you see it, it can't be unseen!


I definitely suffer from trust issues. If your own mother can cause you so much harm and heartbreak all whilst smiling in your face, only to fly into a rage when her lies and deceit are exposed will leave you questioning everyone you encounter.


I remember reading somewhere that once you can identify a narcissist, you are one step closer to identifying a psychopath. That has stayed with me for years. Depending upon where your narcissist lies on the spectrum.


Yep. I’m a caregiver and provide home care to the elderly. About a month ago, one of my client’s caregivers (who is a narcissist) got in my face about the client’s medications. I told her very calmly that I didn’t need that in my life and that I was going to contact the client’s daughter. The next thing I knew, she was on the phone with the client’s daughter shouting that I was being “nasty” to her and proclaiming her victimhood. I wasn’t shocked at all — as I’ve come to expect this type of behavior from disordered people. When the client’s daughter telephoned me, I told her that I wouldn’t take any more of this caregiver’s drama and wanted that day to be my last day working for her mother. When I left the client’s house that evening, I was so happy to know that I would never have to deal with that narcissist again. It really felt great to be in the driver’s seat.


The smear campaign is vicious and utterly destructive. Commiserations to those suffering that evil, you are not alone.


That is absolutely correct. I definitely have lost the urge to try to tell my side of the story. Those who sided with the narcissist wouldn’t believe me, and the people who don’t understand this abuse would think I was telling a very far fetched story. I mean, just thinking about retelling things that’s happened, I get exhausted because I have no idea how to even start!!


Narcissists will definitely show you who your true friends are!


they like to convince you that your mind isn't your own, but it is, that's why you actively seek help and try to find a way out when it happens


The pain, it doesn't ever go away completely. Narcissists wound you to your very core, oh and how they do love to twist that knife. You're left with buried thick scars, that flare up and become inflamed at times

PTSD, the older you get, the more and longer the remissions but it doesn't ever go completely away

Thank God for people like you to help guide us and steer us away from these evil people


Omg, YES! YES! Thank you, I’m not crazy, I’ve been suffering from this abuse for 20 yrs+. Nobody believes me! I’m actually crying. I feel understood for the first time in years.


I have found that I'm not willing to tolerate any more abuse. I find myself less committed to being loyal to anyone or anything.


Demonic behavior is an excellent way of putting it. I say this without being part of any religious dogma. I've learned that good and evil do exist and there is an unseen battle between the two. Narcissistic abuse is a tool of evil.


Every detail here is so accurate it gives me goose bumps. Yes, personally speaking, I have changed and have become considerably more guarded and cautious. There are those I love in my life, but I find that even they are not exempt from any alarm bells set off by gentle reminders from "intuition" I used to ignore before. Now intuition is like a gentle whisper and a tap on the shoulder...It was a stroke of luck when just a few months into the relationship I realized something was terribly "off". I did research. After 6 more months of trying to make it work, nothing boundaries and dignity were never respected nor considered, and there was no civility in working out conflicts. As humans who don't have 200 year lifespans, we just don't have the luxury of time to waste on people who care nothing for others. We cannot continue to make excuses for their behavior or ours. The truth is out there...Grab on to it, be guided by it...and LEAVE. Save yourselves.


We definitely become stronger jill and we no longer people please. It changes us in soooo many ways. We now know that not everyone is like we are. We don't defend, we don't explain. We cut off all flying monkeys and narc family members. We no longer place others above ourselves


I feel like a psychologist the way I analyze what people say anymore. They really mess with our heads.


Some of us are blessed to be alive to day to watch these videos. Many died with out understanding what they were going through. It took me years to get this knowledge. I held on to The Lord Jesus Christ and He kept me alive and He made sure that I got this knowledge. All I can say is thank You Lord. I knew something was wrong but I had no words to explain what was happening to me. Abuse was normal. I didn’t know anything about healthy relationships, had never even heard of it. The worse thing that could have happened to me was dying without understanding what happened to me. You know something is not right but you just can’t put your finger on it. I never knew that something like this existed and it had a name and it could be explained and yet I was experiencing it. I didn’t have the education but I do now.


Btw, Out of all the talking heads on this narcissistic abuse subject, you’re the best. You’ve been through it.
