5 Reasons To Stay Away From People That Act Like Victim

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5 Reasons To Stay Away From People That Act Like Victim

The victim is that person that complains about all the wrong things that they have encountered in life. They are not interested in solving their problems, and if you try to push them into solving their problems, they turn it against you and begin to blame you for their problems. When you encounter these kinds of people, the best thing to do is be wary of them. Here are five reasons to stay away from people with a victim mentality.

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"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :



5 Dominant Traits of Psychopath

The Narcissists' Biggest Fear

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They also don’t understand cause and effect. Meaning, how their bad behaviors have caused the other person to not want to be around them, why someone doesn’t trust them, etc.


Have you ever tried giving them advice??? Forget about it they make you the target 🎯 of their frustration. It’s like they can see that there is a solution, and they don’t like you once you start realizing it’s them that’s causing their own misery. It’s almost like they fully and completely embraced the victim hood and it’s now their identity


I had a friend like this. It was insanely draining. I felt for her in the beginning of the friendship but I started to see a pattern of self sabotage, and it seemed like everyone was “out to get her” in almost any slightly negative interaction she had. I tried my best to be empathetic, but then I realized I was just an emotional dumping ground for her to expel her trauma literally every time we hung out.


When they only apologise because your upset not because they have seen what they have done wrong. Just so they can feel better about themselves and tell themselves they tried.


My mom is like this. She gets frustrated with me with I try to offer solutions. I'm like her emotional garbage can. Now that I'm aware of this, I do my best to be distant but still respectful.


Totally toxic and they really play it very well, they get your empathic side and when u wake up and realized what they are doing then you became a target for their smear campaign. Stay away or at least mininum conversations related to anything but themselves. The moment they find their way to their life (cause they will), have an excuse and move on. Is sickening!


Totally give absolutely no emotional response into a victim’s conversation with you. They end up hearing only themselves & don’t know what to do. They finally shut up, change the subject, walk away or hang up.


My Sister she will always be blocked because she is a narccissist


anytime i say something that can be considered as “disagreeing” they say im treating them like shit and start yelling at me, and trauma dumps on me about how everyone is against them and how everyone has always talked shit to them. And anytime i point out how yelling at me isn’t a solution or something positive they just say “well don’t make me mad” or something that always directed towards me being at fault. Its astounding at how clueless they can be in these types of situations and it’s like there’s no end or fix to it. its either they’re right or i’m wrong, and there is no discussing it either, it’s either shut the fuck up or get out of here. I tell them nobody is going against them and im trying to solve the problem but after that it’s just a repetition of the same problem. Anytime i do try something else i just get yelled at again and it’s just a constant cycle of Disagreement, Yelling, Saying “sorry” or “i just can’t help it” then always “Just don’t make me like that”. im so tired of it, i know it doesn’t seem like a lot and i might just be rambling but for years it’s constant, Not once have they been at fault or in the wrong for anything.


I used to be like that. Still working on it, though. I've had a phone friend during COVID lockdowns. I think her victim mentality is what woke me up! IDK how to deal with her mentally since I'm moving out of my own.


Was married to a woman like this. It’s a nightmare.


This video just described my mother and her crazy ass family


This is true. (insensitive, but true) Tough tough when it’s family or someone close BUT… It’s about changing your perspective if you truly are a victim. once a victim and people know they’ll keep coming which is why it’s hard to keep positive, there’s always the “why me ? “. Instead of the TRY ME. I believe there’s all types of ways to look at this narcs can use it as cover ups, victims tend to avoid due to rumination and fear & the lack of awareness around them cause they’re so consumed with what’s going on inside there heads, like they have no aggression at all & most likely is a people pleaser. Either way no need to carry all that baggage, let it go and be inspired and grateful for a new day, fresh air & money.


I think I am the type that plays the victim ever since my relationship with an actual psychopath, my father when I met him for the first time when I turn 15. He manipulated every last pennies out of my bank and my sister saving for college, use my name to trick more money out of my mom, later sue him and he pretended to care or very angry at me even punched me in court like I'm a horrible son etc, in taiwan court. Since then I have trust issues, mentally ill and wanted to seek revenge. Just I don't make excuses, never blame other, but I do have senses of helplessness. I reject help, full of negativeity, I avoid people. Just still have a hard time restarting my life, still bitterness.


This just happened to me today. My friend was constantly playing the victim even for the tiniest problems (like mom scolding her or advicing sth like that) and there was me with even bigger problems, always consoling her. She lashes out at me often but I couldn't say a word against that as I was told by other people that I should know she's a victim and has anger issues (literally I was struggling with my own temperamental issues at the time). And then today, she was again doing the same thing just bc of a tiny quarrel with her mom. She was angry at me for no reason but this time I was really drained by all her drama that I didn't really pay much attention. This just made her drama more intense and now my whole class including teachers are telling me I should be more WHAT?!?!? She really played her victim card so well and now I became the perpetrator🙂


The more I listened to this the more I could relate and that’s a bad thing


There is alot of power and attention from being a victim
Ignore them
Don't reward their self pity


Very informative. Thank you for sharing.


Omg love this... This is so true.. Thank you so much 🙏🏻💙


This didn't have to be personal...
