John MacArthur's inconsistency with Calvinism

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Is Dr. John MacArthur's teaching on man's responsibility in light of Divine Revelation consistent with the claims of Calvinism? Dr. Leighton Flowers explores this question by playing two sermon clips by Dr. MacArthur and contrasting them with the claims of Calvinistic doctrine. JOIN US FOR A LIVE CONVERSATION!

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You honestly may never see or read this message brother, but I just want you to know that you have honestly been an answer to prayer for me in my walk with Christ.

One day I became quite literally angry and visibly upset while reading Romans 9. To the point of tears. I searched and searched, listening to teachers from all over, and none could answer my questions fully. In fact, they actually pushed me to more questions. One happened to be John Macarthur whom I have trusted as a very thorough and sincere expositor of God’s Word for a long time. I still think some of his teachings are sound, however some are not. This was one of them.

As most of us sometimes do, I finally resorted to the one thing that I should’ve done first. I prayed and waited. I eventually was lead to a video debate between you and James White. As I watched the entire debate with no bias or presuppositions, I not only gained the understanding that I was trying to find from you, but I saw a man who fancied himself to be wise in his own eyes that could honestly do nothing more than try to debase and insult another, revealing his true heart and only making your teaching clearly accurate. The verse that kept coming to mind was “he who exalts himself shall be abased, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.”

I truly believe that the Lord can often bring us wisdom through our brothers and sisters in Christ, and He has done just that through you. Between your teaching, oddly enough a study of Matthew 22 guided by the Holy Spirit, and the use of hermeneutics, I have been able to finally come to a true understanding of some of the most challenging pieces of scripture.

I run a small ministry in a small town in Pennsylvania and I have since been able to help several finally understand things that were previously unclear. Thank you so much for all that you do for the Lord and truly God Bless you dear brother. I thank God for brothers like you.

(No, I’m not a Calvinist. I was an Arminian, but have now become a Provisionist/Traditionalist if I had to put a name on it. Basically, now I follow and teach a clear and accurate understanding of true Biblical doctrine regardless of what goes on around me and I will continue to guide others to that same truth to the best of my ability with the help of The Lord.)


My question is this, if calvisnists believe that the fallen man lost his free will, why did God institute a "free will" offering in leviticus?


The inconsistencies are abundantly clear, great find Dr Leighton! I suspect if confronted directly on this John MacArthur's answer would be "It's a mystery, the Bible teaches both and I'm called to preach the whole counsel of God".
But if you drop the Calvinist notion of Total Inability the "mystery", the inconsistencies, immediately go away.
Why keep clinging to Calvinism?? Do you want to be a Calvinist? 🤔


One of the main things that Calvinists have going for them is their inconsistency. Praise the Lord!


I listen to Calvinist preachers so little that every time I hear them, , , , I sense anger, resentment and self righteousness in their voice. I’m unimpressed with JMac 🤷‍♂️


Thank you Leighton, your ministry and gifted insight is a blessing, I thank the Lord for brothers like you! May the Lord continue to bless your life and teaching!


Calvinism gives sinners the perfect excuse to remain in sin. I figured it out when I was 14 years old.


Thank you so much. You have been a blessing to me and my spiritual journey. God has great treasures for you in heaven brother, continue the good fight until the end.


When I ask my Calvinist friends about this problem, they say "I don't use logic, it is just what the bible says".


A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. There will never be enough evidence of a truth you don't want to see. So I can't see this make any difference to James White unless he allows God's Grace to reach his heart, but I think it can help those who are honestly seeking answers to the many questions Calvinism brings up.


You made such an excellent point around 17:00. I never realized how much Calvinism adds the scriptures things which are not there! Pre-faith regenerative works which are not mentioned but which are read into the text because of a systematic theology. Wow


What a great God we serve. And, what a great video and testimony this is. 1st Timothy 2:3-4; 2nd Peter 3:9.


In general, I love your stuff and certainly watch every episode that comes out. I am a total theology geek, but I also happen to be Pentecostal, or at least, I have been for most of my Christian life (some 40 years). I suppose that means I have multiple problems with John MacArthur - let's say, Cessationism, as well as Calvinism and Dispensationalism. I guess this episode made it clear, that besides misrepresenting Arminians, and non-Calvinists in general, he also misrepresents Pentecostals. Multiple reasons not to take him seriously on any level. Please keep up the good work.


John macauthor mixes a certain amount of truth with the lies of calvinism and therefore confuses many people. You can hear a clear gospel message from macauthor but the meaning behind it is always some are doomed from the womb while a few have been selected for salvation and God’s purpose in this is to bring glory to himself by saving some and damning others. This in not the God of the Bible as revealed through Jesus it is the god of the Greeks as revealed through st Augustine and the Augustinian monk John Calvin both Catholics. John MacArthur teaches a calvinized version of catholicism


Wow I spoke way too soon about MacArthur, and that's because I rarely if ever listen to a whole hour long video on youtube (just being honest). I totally agree with what John MacArthur said in that short clip given here. Everything else I've heard him say (which is precious little) puts me in line with this thought by Oswarld chambers: you can have the right doctrine and still not know Jesus. This is what we now know about Ravi Zacharias. He had the right doctrine, but it didn't change him all the way down to the core of his being. I might be wrong, but I think of Ravi as THE example given in Hebrews 6:4-6.  It was impossible to renew him to repentance.

The bottom line is I think all of us agree to a point, yet how we explain what we believe differs. I still believe it's dangerous to preach calvinism and must be eradicated, because it shuts the door to many people who don't know much about the bible and so they don't even try. They give up. They hear a snippet of calvinism and are immediately offended because they want nothing to do with a God who damns most people from the womb.


"...Only one person is going to heaven!"--John MacArthur


I personally think Calvinistic teachers can sometimes be very confusing and sound super intellectual to the point that not a basic person can understand their lingo and I don’t think that’s good. Some Paul Washer sermons in the earlier days were so harsh he’d yell and it just turned me off. I can sense anger and maybe pride? I sensed that in RC Sproul too and Steve Lawson. They’re right on things but not all


Very well said Dr. flowers around 21.25!!! And this just came to me in my heart while you were saying all of that.. Jesus said, to those on judgment day, whenever you did this to the least of my brothers you did it to me! The saved believers in Jesus said, when did we do this! when did we see you thirsty? and give you drink etc etc..


Great video! Thank you for your work, I can always learn something or be reinforced in my belief! God Bless you Brother!


If God is Good Enough to send His Son to be Crucified for the sins of the world, have faith that He is Good Enough to judge those who have not heard the Gospel.
