The Damage of Lordship Salvation w/ John MacArthur | This Should Make You Angry!

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In this video, I examine John MacArthur's method of determining if an individual is saved. How do I know I'm saved? Lordship salvation places focus on the sinner NOT the Savior. Too many people are resting in their performance rather than His promise. Beware of @gracetoyou.

#salvation #freegrace #christianity
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We are saved by believing the promise. God cannot lie.

I’m so thankful that it’s not based on me but on Christ’s finished work:

Not on my strength (he died for me when I was without strength) not my sincerity (my heart is desperately wicked above all things who can know it) not my works (they are like filthy rags).

Faith alone in Christ alone.


Did you hear the tremendous fear and anxiety in her? Let's pray that the eyes of her understanding be opened and enlightened to the truth of God's word, rightly divided. John's response to her is putrid.


I was Catholic for over 40 years and all I learned was guilt and fear and shame and condemnation. And dear Father I often still go thru those emotions. I know I'm saved but feel otherwise. I hate feelings. I want to feel approved and authentic. I DO believe in Jesus Christ. I don't understand my emotions


I learned from Dr Hovind that since I was not saved by works or my performance that would be illogical to think that I could keep salvation through works or performance. God saved me through Grace by Jesus the Christ, and He keeps me by Grace through His Holy Spirit. Praise be to God.


I was under this heresy for years. How miserable I was and I always struggled with making sense of the Bible bc I knew something wasn't right. Thanks be to God for men like you freeing the people like me that were in bondage to this with the truth.💯


I have peace and assurance of my salvation because of Jesus.
Romans 5:1 KJV


I remember watching this video of John MacArthur and Joy asking this question a while back. My thoughts then were that she is obviously saved because of how she is worried about being saved. I can’t believe I watched it without realizing that MacArthur didn’t even ask her if she believed in Christ and his work. Wow


Thank you so much brother. When I look to self I am depressed, (oh wretched man that I am) when I look to others I am distressed, (measuring myself and comparing myself with them) but when I look to Christ I find rest ( realizing I am justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus)


MacArthur is correct. If someone is born again if they have been regenerated by the Spirit of God then that will entail new desires, new impulses, new life, as the old has gone the new has come. That's Christianity 101. And the Bible is also clear that we are to not just trust Christ as Savior but submit to Him as Lord. Salvation is free, but following Jesus isn't cheap. We deny ourselves take up our Cross and follow Him. MacArthur wasn't speaking of emotional experience he was speaking of new desires that are wrought in a new heart. Only someone born again actually desires to truely please God.


That poor woman, hope she finds this video, Lord have mercy on our souls ❤️🙏🏼


I saw that young lady when it happened, I was watching Macarthur at that time everyday, that's when I started going down hill quickly. PRAISE God for His Mercy in getting me out of this horrible false doctrine. I remember answering yes to those questions as if it were me. Thank you JESUS for opening my eyes so so quickly to understand the real truth of salvation. 1st Corinthians 15 1-4. I also left my church as well because of this. I'm finally free PRAISE GOD. Notice he never gave her the gospel, its because he is either deceived or a deceiver. I hope people come to understand what these heretical pastors teach before it's to late. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY


I am so happy I found your Chanel i was a new believer, I listened to many different people teaching all different things. I was very confused and frightened until I read what the gospel says and it is in line with your teaching. Praise the lord thank you 🙏


You can’t desire those desires without being born again. That’s the evidence JMac is referring.


Thank you so much for doing this video! I have recently had such awful intrusive blasphemous thoughts. I hate them and pray to God that they'd stop! I needed to hear this message today brother. Thanking the Lord for your obedience to share the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ our LORD 🙏🏻❤️


Lordship salvation is SO HARD TO GET OVER !! I still struggle with self condemnation ❤️ and ✝️🛐 s


I grew up like that! It is a living hell! Thank God I finally gave up on all that and was saved by God's promises! Do not be engaged in morbid introspection! John 11:25&26


My heart goes out to that woman. I was under MacArthur's heresy for years and it almost destroyed me. Praise be to the Lord, He led me out of there.


Should really post full clip before refuting. Many new believers suffer with a lack of assurance. Maybe they should not, but they do. MacArthur explained it to her the way most can understand, and feel comforted by in that her changed actions should show her that her faith is genuine. Should he have began with if you have believed in Christ you are saved? Yes, but I’m sure he knows this woman very much does believe in Jesus Christ, and is still suffering. He nowhere says her actions are what have saved her, but seems to merely be saying that her actions are evidence of her coming to Jesus. I’ve heard John preach by grace alone many many times.

From the GTY website- Church membership, baptism, confirmation, giving to charity, and being a good neighbor have no power to bring salvation. Nor does taking
Communion, keeping the Ten Commandments, or living by the Sermon on the Mount. The only thing a person can do that will have any part in salvation is to exercise faith in what Jesus Christ has done
for him.

You are a gifted, and knowledgeable preacher who can help guide many to Christ. I just think we should be as fair as possible to brothers preaching the Gospel. Of course mistakes will be made. The Bible has been studied by millions upon millions for thousands of years now, and well there is a reason for endless denominations. God bless you, your work, and continue ministry.


So grateful for this truth being revealed.


My heart is so sad for this young soul and many like her (Catholics) are the most effected as I was in that system since birth but the word of God set me free, thank you Jesus!
