Why are so many against reformed theology?

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When I began seminary, I decided to figure out Reformed theology, so that I could understand why it was so different from my views and more importantly, why it was wrong. I ended up turning away from Pentecostalism and becoming a Reformed Baptist. Everything made sense from that point on. It was the second time my blinders were removed. The first time was when God removed them to reveal the reality that He is real, and the second time was reading the Scripture through the Reformed view. It was like being a new person all over again, but without so much understanding now.


So glad we can still hear RC Sproul and his sermons and teachings. I Can’t even come up with a word that expresses how much he gave to this world because of his love for Jesus.


“Once you understand grace, It’s like your breathing heavens air”


Though I agree with match that has been said, I believe there is a particular danger in falling into the trap of pride. 'we hold to be reformed faith' and we, without realising it, belittle other of God's blood bought children who the Lord is also sanctifying in His way. We can also get our doctine 100% correct, yet not be walking close to the Lord and all it is is an empty shell. It happens and we need to be continually aware of the Devil's trap.


I am not saved by my sinless position I am saved by Jesus Sinless position .


People who lean toward the Armenian side of things will have a problem with reformed theology because they are focusing on man's responsibilities and want to contribute something to their salavation, but reformed folks can take God's sovereignty to extremes, which produces apathy and fatalism.
If we don't hold the Biblical truths of God's sovereignty and man's responsibility in equal tension as they are presented in Scripture, then we're going to eventually slide toward the side we like better. Why can't it be both? Because we don't like the tension. It's a mystery we can't fully understand that these things can be equally true. So the problem really is, we've gotten really good at elevating one doctrine at the expense of the other. We do the same thing with the attributes of God too. God is love! Yes, but He is also just. Those seem to be contradictions to us, but they aren't for God.


AMEN ... 3 times through the bible this year many thing new each time ... !!! The Grace of GOD is overwhelming ... no one is worthy but through CHRIST and his righteousness !!! Why have I found this way and others much smarter, righteous, and more deserving hear this SAVING message and cannot or will not grasp it ... Humbling in the nth degree ...


So please explain why, from Genesis to Revelation, God says choose if He has created those who can't possibly "choose" Him because they aren't one of the elect? Furthermore, where is the joy that's supposed to be found in knowing one is saved, as John clearly described in 1 John 5:13, when, as reformed theology must teach in order to be true to its own doctrine, there's no possible way to KNOW one is really "elected" by God? For example, I'm assuming all of these very smart, Bible-knowing men above believe they are part of the elect... how do they know if it's truly only known by God?

I realize the argument over God's Sovereignty vs man's free will has been argued since the Bible's completion, and I don't expect to find the answers in the YouTube comment section. I'm simply someone who loves Jesus with all my heart and truly wants to serve Him here, and also spend eternity with Him in Heaven. I'm obviously also someone who either doesn't understand rightly reformed theology, or someone who disagrees with it while also rejecting a lot of the theology of Arminianism... God calls and initiates a saving relationship with and through Jesus, but is it not man's choice and responsibility to respond to that call?

What am I missing here?


I have learnt so much from these great Men of God - and I feel so privileged to have access to their sermons ... Praise the Lord ! as RC just said: "Reformed theology is just a nickname for Biblical Theology" (C H Spurgeon)


Interesting. I guess A.W. Tozer and John and Charles Wesley didn't know enough of their bible's... I have even heard Paul Washer recommend reading Tozer on the attributes of God.


I'm so blessed by hearing this discussion. Thank you!


Lawson straight up described how I felt about a year ago when I first was led to Reformed theology. Almost exactly word for word.


It is so true this glorious truth when God opens your eyes you finally see . What a awesome sovereign God.


I don’t identify as a “Calvinist” but rather a student of God’s word, and a new creation in Christ Jesus. But, I agree with most of what these men are saying: I see extreme grace displayed in God’s sovereign election. I believe because of our actions we are condemned to hell due to God’s holiness and His perfection, yet He is infinitely loving, as displayed on Golgotha where He crushed His Only Begotten Son. And He is most glorified this way, because He receives ALL credit for every good thing, including the salvation of wicked men!!! ❤️✌️


I was a serious believer from age 19, having been converted while in Arminian circles. I’m now a reformed believer (Baptist x Presbyterian). It was a gradual process, but definitely came naturally as I studied the Scriptures for what they are and attended sermons which were more expository (and Genesis through Revelation) rather than the lighter theology of my younger years.


Reformed theology is not fatalism. We believe Jesus when he says, ”Ask and it shall be given to you, seek, and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open.”


Love JMac and Lawson too. Praise God for these men .


Amen~ why me Lord?
It’s all about the sovereign grace of God


It's staggering—how God is able to use these little conversations to further inculcate the glorious truths proffered in His word to hungry hearts and minds who are desiring to know our Lord and the glories of His grace more fully. Oftentimes for me, clips like this afford new verbiage with which to communicate these truths to many I work alongside in ministry.


I love and have learned a ton from all of these great biblical teachers but Steve Lawson is my absolute favorite . His passion for what and why he believes what he does is as palpable as it comes ....✌🏼
